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The Pitt | Official Trailer | Max

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The Pitt | Official Trailer | Max

Notion, post-capitalism and the dictatorship of the App

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Former Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger calls for prayer and fasting for employees

in reply to misk

Serious question, what's going on with Intel? The last major news I heard from them is that they were subsidized to build a massive microchip plant in Ohio.

NBC News Does Entire Piece Trying To Link CEO Shooting To ‘Violent Video Game’

in reply to schnurrito

Jesus Christ NBC is so out of touch. National Boomer Corporation 🦚
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to DogPeePoo

You're surprised? Being out of touch is kind of the job of the mainstream media.

Ta tillbaka kontrollen över elnäten, Vänsterpartiet har lagt fram ett förslag för att återta kontrollen över Sveriges elnät och stoppa de orimliga prishöjningarna som drabbar hushåll och företag.…

Pandoc 3.6 released

If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife

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OBS Studio 31.0.0 released

* NVIDIA Kepler (600 and 700 series) GPUs are no longer supported for NVENC.
* NVIDIA users may need to update their GPU drivers to 551.76 (Windows) / 550.54.14 (Linux) or newer.


  • The code signing certificate for OBS has been updated. This may impact game capture compatibility with some anti-cheat solutions with this OBS update. If you are a game or anti-cheat developer please see… for more information.

New Features

  • Added NVIDIA Blur Filter and Background Blur [pkviet]
  • Added preview scrollbars and zoom/scale indicator [cg2121/Warchamp7]
  • Added v210 format support for AJA device capture [paulh-aja]
  • Added Amazon IVS service integration [palana]
  • Added QSV AV1 Screen Content Coding [thyintel]
  • Enabled first-party YouTube Chat features [msuman-google]

Other Changes

see link

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How do you feel about MS-DOS inspired UI for a Lemmy Client?

Personally, it would be my favourite even if it were just a RSS feeder app where colours would only pour from media or link embeds but I can’t stop the idea of even having the messenger conform to this style where we replace emojis with Kaomojis even.

If it were me, I would also go as far as hiding a mini snake game as an easter egg ✌︎

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Avieshek

Beautiful demonstration. I want my whole phone to be like that

KDE ⚙️ Gear 24.12

Today KDE community are releasing KDE ⚙️ Gear 24.12 with new versions of classics such as Dolphin, our feature-rich file manager and explorer; Kate, the developer-friendly text editor; Itinerary, a travel assistant that will get you safely to your destination. …and much, much more!

These apps exist thanks to KDE's volunteers and donors. You too can contribute and express support for your favorite apps by adopting them!

Let's take a look at just a few of the applications — some updated and some brand new — which will be landing on your desktop in just a few days.

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KDE ⚙️ Gear 24.12

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Today KDE community are releasing KDE ⚙️ Gear 24.12 with new versions of classics such as Dolphin, our feature-rich file manager and explorer; Kate, the developer-friendly text editor; Itinerary, a travel assistant that will get you safely to your destination. …and much, much more!

These apps exist thanks to KDE's volunteers and donors. You too can contribute and express support for your favorite apps by adopting them!

Let's take a look at just a few of the applications — some updated and some brand new — which will be landing on your desktop in just a few days.

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Bomb utanför butik på Kungsgatan i Göteborg saknar gängkoppling. Natten till den 9 november 2024 exploderade en bomb utanför en klädaffär på Kungsgatan i Göteborg. Bara några timmar efter explosionen greps en man i 20-årsåldern som misstänkt men han släpptes efter två dagar. Nu har två tonåringar gripits för sprängningen som tycks sakna kopplingar till gängbrottslighet.…

OpenMandriva ROME 24.12 Released – OpenMandriva

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Problemet med höga elpriser i södra Sverige. Det är just nu höga elpriser i södra Sverige. Men det beror inte på exporten till Tyskland, inte på en ny prismodell, inte på att det finns brist på produktionskapacitet och inte heller på att vi har mycket vindkraft.…

As an average OG ex-redditor, Lemmy needs to move away from it's base barebones UI to something like Photon by default, here's why.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
I don't have a reddit account so I can't verify, but IIRC it doesn't ignore single return commands

I do, and can verify that it does ignore a single return character.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Frys heltidspolitikernas löner. Vänsterpartiet i Göteborg ser det som självklart att politiker inte ska ha skyhöga löner. Därför har det rödgröna styret i Göteborg lagt ett förslag om att fortsätta frysa heltidspolitikernas arvoden i Göteborg.…