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in reply to harc

US had the clearest motive of all since destroying the pipelines meant not only that they could increase their control of the gas market and as you said, secure transshipment through Ukraine and Poland, but by doing so they also eliminated any possibility or pretense of Germany and Russia resuming their economic collaboration. The US had motives and plans to blow up Nordstream well before it happened. Biden said as such in Feb 2022 before Russia's SMO/invasion even began.

The bombing also forced Germany and the EU to deepen their dependency on the US and severely damaged German industry. Any benefits that accrued to Poland and Ukraine also accrued to the US. Also, US naval vessels were operating in the immediate area of the bombing, and were conducting underwater "training" exercises in the week leading up to the bombing. The US had the motive, means, and expertise to pull off the bombing. It should be obvious the USA did it.

in reply to T34_69 [none/use name]

Kulturrådet faller till föga för extremhögern. Extremhögerpartiet SD krävde att Tidningen Brand skulle bli av med kulturtidskriftsstödet. Nu har Kulturrådet bifallit deras önskan. Ett otroligt fegt agerande av kulturrådet för deras skäl att inte ge kulturtidskriftsstöd til Brand är mycket svaga och faktiskt inte hållbara som jag ser det.…

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

It's not a double standard though. Killing one person who was objectively profiting off of the lives and suffering of millions of people is very different than killing/imprisoning anyone who disagrees with you.

don't like this

in reply to this

  • Declassified CIA report: Even in Stalin's time there was collective leadership. The western idea of a dictator within the communist setup is exaggerated. Misunderstandings on that subject are caused by lack of comprehension of the real nature and organization of the Communist power structure. Stalin, although holding wide powers, was merely the captain of a team and it seems obvious that Khrushchev will be the new captain.
  • Debunking: “Communism killed more people than naziism!”
  • Second Thought:
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to davel

He still banned being gay. He signed a law that made homosexuality punishable by five years imprisonment. Stalin is cancelled for being homophobic.

Dessalines doesn't like this.

in reply to geneva_convenience

No, not literally everyone. 10% of the population was gay back then, same as now. The institute of sexology in Germany was performing bottom surgery for trans women.

Homophobes want you to think gay acceptance is new, but it's not. There have always been people who could tell right from wrong. Stalin wasn't one of them.

in reply to random

The argument isn't to say its better or good. Rather, it is arguing that all likely alternatives to said politician would show the same homophobia policy. So given a frame of reference of politicians of that time, their LGBT policy doesn't make them worse than realistic alternatives.
in reply to Dragon Rider (drag)

Stalin didn’t ban being gay, because again, the USSR wasn’t a dictatorship. If the USSR did, that obviously sucks, but ostensibly democratic US and Britain have done worse.
in reply to davel

He signed the law when it arrived on his desk. If he had been an ally, he wouldn't have signed it. Drag can't imagine Joe Biden signing a law like that, even if the house and senate approved it. Joe Stalin is held to the same standard by history.
in reply to Dragon Rider (drag)

If he had been an ally, he wouldn’t have signed it.

can’t imagine Joe Biden signing a law like that

Bringing up 2024’s Biden is a non sequitur. We already went over this: no mid-20th century Western state was a gay ally.

in reply to davel

Hold up a minute, you are putting words in my mouth. I'm not even making any claims in my comment about how many Stalin killed or that he acted alone. Only the historically accurate fact that he is responsible for a significant amount of death and suffering, and that statistically it is impossible that everyone persecuted by the (Stalin lead) soviet government was innocent. You can argue numbers and western perception all you want but it is a historical fact that Stalin had the blood of innocent people on his hands, as many world leaders throughout history have had (including most if not all us presidents). Even if your claims are true it still doesn't invalidate my point.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to this

Tankies see in monochrome, either he's genocidal or he's a socialist icon I guess

don't like this

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

  1. It's a big difference whether you live in an unjust system and individual terrorism is the only recourse you feel you have left, or whether you are the leader of a massive bureaucratic state that has other options.
  2. There are numerous reasons to be mad at Stalin, and offing capitalists is not one of the top ones.
    • Betraying everything Lenin and Marx stood for by bolstering the bureaucracy instead of abolishing it (admittedly partly also the fault of the German social democrats).
    • Abandoning the idea of world revolution in favor of his brain dead socialism in one (technologically and culturally backward) state that didn't have the material conditions for socialism in any way, shape, or form.
    • Collaborating with the Nazis at the beginning of WW2.
    • Smothering nascent revolutions like the Chinese one, sending many of them on a one-way track back to capitalism, and constructing undemocratic bureaucracies like itself.
    • Killing soviet democracy.
    • Rolling back on the social accomplishments of the October Revolution (e.g. abortion).

This is by no means an exhaustive list.

Can I crosspost on Piefed? [Solved : No, you can't]

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to curious

The post you mentioned ('melting is tough') isn't picked up as a cross-post on PieFed instances because the dates are too far apart. A restriction that Rimu wanted was that they should only be detected if they were within 7 days of one another.

However, if you take that URL (…), and make a new post with it, then the post you mentioned now shows that it has a cross-post.

in reply to Andrew

Interesting. Let me try again with posts with closer dates.
Do I need to use the URL of the picture or of the post itself to crosspost it successfully on Piefed?
in reply to curious

The picture (or whatever external resource a post is pointing to, like
in reply to Andrew

Here is a 4-days old post that I just crosspost from and to Lemmy
It is not pickup as crosspost either.
in reply to curious

Then I tried to crosspost it from Lemmy to Piefed using the link of the image and got an error. But many parameter could be the cause. I'll try again.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to curious

It's doesn't seem like is aware of the other community (, so it doesn't have a copy of both posts, so it doesn't know that they are cross-posts.

If you bring that community into, then create a post with the same URL as a recent post (e.g., then they'll show up.

in reply to Andrew

Beginner mistake. Always make sure to follow a remote community before using it in test 🤦 Thanks!
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Andrew

So... I made sure to federate ! to I joined it then done the same test : A crosspost from Lemmy to Lemmy with no external reference but a text body and still no crosspost is picked up by Piefed
in reply to curious

Hey, it's me.

How can Piefed know it's a crosspost if there's no common link between the two posts (usually the link to the article in most posts, or the picture for some others) ?

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Camus (il, lui)

If I remember correctly, Lemmy matches two posts with the exact same title. I think I don't it by mistake once. Maybe Piefed do the same, maybe it is implemented differently.
Let me check.
in reply to curious

As pointed out in another comment

A cross-post is just a post that links to the same URL as another post.

That's how Lemmy works too. Trust me, I crosspost quite a lot, as you know

in reply to Camus (il, lui)

Maybe that's how Lemmy detects crossposting but there is a visual mark of the crosspost in the interface and I have access to a link to the post in the other community that opens in my instance rather than in another instance. That is something very practical that make Lemmy crossposts more than posts with similar content. And that is something I didn't find in Piefed.
in reply to curious

Yes, as mentioned in the other comment with the GitHub ticket, it's not implemented yet
in reply to curious

I was mistaken. Lemmy only detected automatically the link when title, body and external reference where the same. It did not do it when the title and body was the same on posts without external references.

First case

Second case

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to curious

Indeed, that makes sense as the title can be edited, while the URL to the external resource can't
in reply to Andrew

Here is another 4-days old post, this time with an external ressource crossposted from Lemmy to Piefed.
It gets picked up as crosspost by Lemmy but unfortunatly not by Piefed

Watching it from Piefed, I have no way to see that it match a post in another community as it doesn't even refer to the original post using hyperlink.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

A ‘Second Tree of Life’ Could Wreak Havoc, Scientists Warn…
in reply to cyrano

How many times do we have to tell them to stop trying to clone Yggdrasil. Is pando not enough?!
in reply to cyrano

That's fear on the basis of "it's different", nothing more. If it's justified; i don't think so.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Developing a Lemmy client to have a Facebook-like experience? (Personal profile, groups, pages, etc)

starting out with an unpopular opinion: of all the centralized social media platforms, Facebook was always my favorite.

Why? it is the most full featured. Has threads, reactions, groups, "Pages", polls, and it even has granular privacy controls (for hiding content from other users, not to be confused with Facebook's privacy violations and commercial data use).

This makes me wonder, could we have a Facebook-like experience using Lemmy as a backend? similar to how lemmy has a phpBB experience using lemmyBB.

Lemmy already has threads, and communities can represent groups. Pages and user pages can be simulated with communities.

We would be missing polls and reactions, which I can live with. I am not at all mad that we would be missing content algorithms either.

Although we can't make it identical to Facebook, I think it will get reasonably close and exemplify most of the good parts.

I am thinking to take this project on, but wondering if people have thoughts, if this already exists, or if people would even want to use this.

in reply to matcha_addict

It really wouldn't be a Lemmy client with a Facebook-like personal profile, pages, and more. You'd need your own backend, and then you've got something all its own.

I know you're worried about Friendica's ability to scale, but how big are you expecting to scale your site?

2024-2025 donations

cross-posted from:

Now that 2024 is coming to the end and Christmas around the corner, have you considered any donations to be given? If yes where?

reshared this

in reply to WeAreAllOne

  • Lemmy (developers and home instance)
  • Mastodon
  • OpenWrt
  • Syncthing
  • Immich
  • Lawnchair
  • F-Droid
  • Signal
  • Internet Archive
  • Wikipedia

Switched to monthly to most, especially the ones that have running costs or are in active development, like Lemmy, Mastodon and Internet Archive.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

A Case for Modernizing Lemmy's Default UI with Photon

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to TheArstaInventor

That is highly unlikely to happen.
This was a response from dessalines, one of the lemmy devs:

@erlend-sh We have no association with whoever made photon, and they've never contributed to lemmy-ui or the lemmy backend. I don't see us accepting as "official", a front end that we have no control over.


Skärpt straff för kändispolis, Svea hovrätt har frikänt en man från Sala som hanterat 150 kg hasch då han trodde att narkotikahanteringen varit sanktionerad av polisen. Hovrätten dömde dock spaningsledaren som Salabon haft kontakt med för grovt tjänstefel eftersom denne inte rapporterat misstänkt grov narkotikabrottslighet.…

Do you think the mostly limited range of political views is a *strength* or a *weakness* of Lemmy? (For example, in terms of attracting new users.)

Sure, there are always outliers and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but that's just the overall impression I have.

(I wasn't sure if ! or this community would fit better for this kind of question, but I assume it fits here.)

in reply to petsoi

If it's critical for operation of a device the company makes it's money with.

Edit: free, but i meant open

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to petsoi

Yep FSF's bizarre anti software freedom stance does not make sense. Luckily the more sensible Right to Repair "schematics or die" is much more popular. So in the end it does not really matter what the FSF thinks and the damage done is minimal.

in reply to dino

It is about adding a new desktop environment, named Cosmic, to Fedora as an official supported spin/variant.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to rrastro

I woke up yesterday at 10pm and am still awake 14 hours later. No I don work shifts, I just got high and fell asleep on the couch after work.
in reply to rrastro

When Gothic 3 was released I had taken a two week vacation and bought a new computer to play it. I would stay up ever later each day. Eventually playing into the morning, then playing into midday. And by the time my vacation was over I was back into my normal rythm for work.

Novocaine | Official Trailer (2025 Movie) - Jack Quaid, Amber Midthunder

cross-posted from:

Novocaine | Official Trailer (2025 Movie) - Jack Quaid, Amber Midthunder