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in reply to Garibaldee

Why do you always say: dictator, murderer, enslaver, etc. What can you theorists know about this?
Do you even know how people lived under Saddam Hussein, the most developed medicine, complete tolerance of religion, there were no Islamic states, Houthis, etc., one of the highest standards of living and its quality in the region, the same thing happened in Libya during the time of Gaddafi, Muammar's state flourished and what is happening now in both states? Islamist's, states torn to shreds, complete lawlessness... Should I continue...
China?! How is this not a dictatorship? And that your computers are made in China, iPhones, cars... nothing?!

Were you in Syria in 1995? Of course not and you don't know or wouldn't want to know how they lived, and they lived very well, better than now, for example, the Baltic countries, etc.
Dictator, dictator... You have to think sometimes!

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Andrei

If anyone wants to know how to spot when someone has a clear and extreme bias, one can spot it very clearly in the comment above.

When someone lists a group's (religion, race, ethnicity) existence as a negative along with things like "lawlessness, state torn to shreds", you now have a firm understanding of who they're willing to dehumanize to make their points.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Andrei

Before Gadaffi, the largest portion of the Libyan economy came from scrapping abandoned WWII era tanks. It was absolutely miserably poor and underdeveloped.
in reply to Bartsbigbugbag

Was there? Have you seen all this yourself?! Don't talk nonsense.
Еverything was fine with them, they lived as they could and as they wanted... What now? You are the judge who gave you the right to judge.
in reply to Andrei

Yeah Gadaffi did a lot for the nation, he was genuinely a revolutionary change in Libyan conditions.
in reply to Garibaldee

Seeing this move should've immediately sent Hezbollah to break the ceasefire, at least if they're interested in not letting Israeli forces flank their metaphorical Maginot line by going through a neutral-but-defenseless country.
in reply to merthyr1831

Hezbollah is an ambusher fighter, not an offensive fighter, though

Besides, don't wanna get in another Syrian quagmire

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]

I mean they should've started their attacks on Tel Aviv and northern settlements again to draw the IDF into a fight on their southern flank. though with said flank under defended by Israelis ATM they could probably kick them out of the remaining occupied towns in S. Lebanon.

They wouldn't need to engage in Syria beyond maybe cross border attacks on IDF troops and convoys if they were taking this threat seriously. Either way it's clear Israel intends to bypass the southern fortresses and break the ceasefire deal very soon

in reply to HSR🏴‍☠️

Lol, like anyone here is going to do anything other than protect their own comforts

New information discovered in search for American missing in Syria

cross-posted from:

Austin Tice appeared to be in “somewhat good” condition in 2022, said an activist and citizen journalist who said he had been jailed with Tice.

New information discovered in search for American missing in Syria

Austin Tice appeared to be in “somewhat good” condition in 2022, said an activist and citizen journalist who said he had been jailed with Tice.

in reply to n0x0n

Haha kinda scary !! XD

Yeah I tried readeck and while it does better than the others it still doesn't use single file (or I missed some configuration?)

I do like it because it even transcribes YouTube videos and that's very neat ! However, I work lot on superuser, stack,ask pages which aren't properly scraped and render with their comments.

The only perfect working solution I found was singlefile + Zotero.

in reply to N0x0n

OMG, are you me? I’m also a heavy stack* and ask* user, that’s so funny!

I’m not sure if it really uses single file, I’m a relatively new user and while linking around the system, saw that it saves its stuff in a single … what was it… gz or zip or tug. But not sure if it just scrapes everything and puts it into an archive file.

If you use the browser extension, it saves the page as rendered (at least it should). If not, open a bug report, the maintainer seems quite helpful.

You can also somehow script extractors I believe, so it should be possible to correct saving ask* and stack* pages.

in reply to EleventhHour

It's not really for me, but I must say, it aged phenomenally and I think is the only example of the MCU nailing the TV genre perfectly. I could definitely see this as something that first aired on Freeform (that's a compliment) and it's the first of all the shows they made that I've rewatched, despite it not quite being my favorite of the bunch.

Are there any actual guides to remuxing?

I know there's this one on Rentry: but besides that there's basically nothing. That rentry guide is okay but it doesn't cover a lot of stuff, like DV or DVDs.
in reply to nullishcat

I feel like there are like a billion guides on how to transcode with Handbrake.
in reply to realcaseyrollins

"Remuxing just means changing format without transcoding."

"...there are like a billion guides on how to transcode"

Getting mixed signals here...

in reply to nullishcat

Ahhhhh my apologies. Then the ffmpeg guide someone else mentioned in the comments section should suffice.
in reply to realcaseyrollins

That's horseshit. Google has gone downhill, for one thing.

For another, the vomit of inaccurate and/or outright wrong "ai" generated drek has taken over every search provider.

For another, there's a lot of benefit in asking other people that have followed a guide about their experiences in using them

And, for the last, it's just a dick move. Don't want to give a real answer, scroll on, scroll on.

in reply to southsamurai

I would have provided a guide if I had followed one, but I learned how to use Handbrake using trial and error.

Google is easy enough to use that, generally speaking, if you know what software you want to use, you can probably find a guide on how to use it.

in reply to realcaseyrollins

And, again, since you had nothing to contribute, maybe scrolling past would have been better than being a dick about it.

Just saying, it's an option. The post didn't do anything to inconvenience you any more than any other random post. OP didn't name you in specific to give a response, no matter what it might be.

That's what it comes down to.

It's Wheaton's law. Don't be a dick.

So, apply it. Be better. We can all use improvement in how we treat people, right? I mean, you're making some kind of reaction to being told your words were dickish. Anyone would. So, don't double down. Don't make excuses. Just use it in the future.

in reply to Xatolos

If the government was wise, they would not tell us that they are buying Bitcoin