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in reply to NightOwl

Speaking to legislators at the National Assembly, Shin said the incident took place in a bathroom. When a corrections officer opened the bathroom door, Kim gave up on the attempt, Shin added.

Did he try to hang himself on the toilet?

Best TUI mail client?

Hi all,

I really, really like Mozilla Thunderbird; but what I have come to like even more is not leaving my terminal.
Any recommendations on email clients in the terminal?

I've been thinking about aerc, but I'm curious what's working (or not) for all of you.
mutt seems like it's crazy difficult to set up (which I'd rather avoid).

I need something that can handle all the account types I use with Thunderbird---namely, gmail and Microsoft exchange.


in reply to gramgan

Heard about this the other day. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks promising.
in reply to zer0

Primary issue I found with that software is there is no way to bypass certificate and old issues.

in reply to robocall

It's the board of directors and the shareholders that push enshittification. CEOs are just the ones listening to their orders.
in reply to dance_ninja

That didn’t work at Nuremberg, either, and it’s not so uncommon for the CEO to be on the board.

It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to davel

My point is CEOs aren't the only ones deserving of criticism. The shareholders are the bigger issue because they create the environment that pushes awful business practices in the name of a quarterly return.
in reply to dance_ninja

Shareholders is the general public. If your neighbor owns one share, how much of a fair game are they?
in reply to molave

Yeah that theory doesn't hold in practice. These are the folks that pressure Fortune 500 companies with hostile takeovers if they don't do stock buy backs. The general public doesn't pull that crap.
in reply to dance_ninja

Hey, let's not discredit the amazing work that Brian Thompson accomplished as CEO! Before his joining UnitedHealthCare in 2022, their denial rate was 8%. Then, only one short year later, he managed to successfully drive that denial rate up to almost 28%! As the UnitedHealthCare conglomerate served some 122 million Americans that year, you can easily discern that Brian Thompson was directly responsible for ensuring that ~24 million Americans had their claims denied. Imagine how much less UHC would have made for their investors if they had to pay an addition 24 million American's health care claims!

So before giving all the credit to the board members and share holders, let's take a moment to understand exactly how hard Brian Thompson worked to ensure some ~24 million Americans went without doctor-approved medical support that they previously were entitled to.

All this data is publically available on Wikipedia, by the way.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to robocall

Just billionaires/millionaires?

If it's a matter of culling parasites, everyone down to about middle-manager level should be included IMHO.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to Peter Link

Gleefully killing Americans with no actual repercussions is one of Israel's favorite pastimes. They consider it like a bonus stage.

Researchers Discover New Third Class of Magnetism that Could Transform Digital Devices

A new class of magnetism called altermagnetism has been imaged for the first time in a new study. The findings could lead to the development of new magnetic memory devices with the potential to increase operation speeds of up to a thousand times.

Altermagnetism is a distinct form of magnetic order where the tiny constituent magnetic building blocks align antiparallel to their neighbours but the structure hosting each one is rotated compared to its neighbours.

in reply to Em Adespoton

The image at the top of the page is from one of the figures provided in the research paper this article discusses. But the reason it's difficult to imagine is because the concept isn't as straightforward as it sounds. Here's one of the helpful figures:

This does a great job showing how they're both antiparallel and rotating in different directions, as well as how it looks when scaled up.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to robocall

just move here, here healthcare is public, you prepay it with your taxes so its free (you dont pay it twice: youre already paying for the public things whenever you buy something)

oh so is education (mostly (also here public schools tend to be better quality than private schools))

and this is the situation in most of the eu (in fact in most of the (non-english speaking) europe even if not in the eu iirc)

oh btw did you know the us technically meets all requirements to be considered a failed state? it isnt because bruh. currently its literally a superpower...yeah at least here you dont have to worry about being shooted (plus you can actually move around on foot here)

edit: if you ask how i know all this even though im only 14...i had to research this for a school project

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to robocall

Ah fuck it, someone's gotta keep em on their toes and what do I got to live for

in reply to no_nothing

I popped on the SNES with my Super Gameboy cartage for a visiting kid that's like 7 and he was amazed playing Super Mario World 2. It was a whole new game for him. I wish I could get a cheap working gameboy for kids today, the used market is scam now with the prices people are doing.

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

This article was about 20 times longer than it needed to be. Here’s the ultimate point:

no amount of data can sufficiently determine spacetime’s global properties. It is likely that there are no theorems strong enough to determine whether our Universe began in a past cataclysm. The Malament-Manchak theorem shows that we can’t know how time began – or even if it began.
in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

For most of us it began with a bang, for a few the test tube.

in reply to Ginny [they/she]

It would have been better if I left out the "why"

Hindsight, she is a fickle mistress 🤷

AntennaPod creates yearly summary on my device

How cool is that?! AntennaPod creates a summary and stats of my year listening to podcasts directly on my device without sending it to the cloud!

My year 2024 in podcasts.

in reply to Jeena

I think my ADHD shines through with podcasts, I start listening to the first 10 mins then drown out whatever they are talking about and then just give up listening. It's a shame because there are many podcasts out there id like to listen to.
in reply to 1985MustangCobra

I don't have ADHD, but I have the same with reading books. I can read articles in a newspaper, but once I take a book into my hands I fall asleep.
in reply to Jeena

Here's my results from PocketCasts. Niche AF I'm guessing

PeerTube mobile app: discover videos while caring for your attention | JoinPeerTube

in reply to bdonvr

I new-tab basically anything. Faster than having to reload the search page 20 times looking for a solution.