Europe's economic engine is stalling: The deindustrialization of Germany – POLITICO
Europe’s economic engine is stalling: Germany deindustrializes
The decline of the Continent’s largest economy will send shudders across the EU’s already polarized political landscape.Matthew Karnitschnig (POLITICO)
The quantum reason behind the solidity of matter
The quantum reason behind the solidity of matter
If atoms are mostly empty space, then why can't two objects made of atoms simply pass through each other? Quantum physics explains why.Ethan Siegel (Big Think)
“Nothing like before” — China is out-competing the West on EVs
“Nothing like before” — China is out-competing the West on EVs - Friends of Socialist China
The following article, written by Paweł Wargan for Progressive International, examines the neverending accusations by Western media and politicians regarding China’s putative ‘overcapacity’ in electric vehicles (EVs).Friends of Socialist China
Yearlong supply-chain attack targeting security pros steals 390K credentials
Yearlong supply-chain attack targeting security pros steals 390K credentials
Multifaceted, high-precision campaign targets malicious and benevolent hackers alike.Dan Goodin (Ars Technica)
U.S. occupation airman in Japan is sentenced to 5 years in prison for sexually assaulting a minor
U.S. airman in Japan is sentenced to 5 years in prison for sexually assaulting a minor
A U.S. airman stationed in Japan was sentenced to five years in prison Friday after being convicted of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a minor.Arata Yamamoto (NBC News)
China’s hypersonic jet shatters Mach 6.5 speed in Gobi desert test
China’s hypersonic jet shatters Mach 6.5 speed in Gobi desert test
The scientists claim that the hypersonic aircraft prototype with a rather bulky body reached the speed of Mach 6.56 in flight test.Abhishek Bhardwaj (Interesting Engineering)
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It probably is, the whole reason supersonic passenger flight looked feasible for a bit was that turbine technology hadn't caught up so slower jets weren't that much less efficient than supersonic jets.
But fuel concerns aside, it's kinda silly to compare a billion dollar fighter jet built with 60s technology to a 747-sized aircraft built for passenger flight with modern technology. Just wildly different environments, purposes, and resources.
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The rendering in interestingengineering article is a stock image. An older SCMP article gives a much weirder rendering which matches the whitepaper the lead researcher published on I-shaped hypersonic configurations.
So I have no idea what the blurry ass rocket pic is supposed to be, maybe it was a test vehicle for just the engine, maybe SCMP misattributed it, maybe the team dumped the whole "I-shaped configuration" thing.
Presumably any ram or scram-jet engine will require a rocket engine or other assist, assuming it's not a hybrid like the SR-71.
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Nice, thanks for this extra background! My first thought was scramjet too, but it would be nice of them to mention how it takes off and lands.
The original rendering looks awesome, in a bonkers sci-fi kind of way.
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@☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ No, just someone who can smell obvious bullshit. SCRAMjets basically don't work for any real world application, and can't. They inherently have utterly useless power to weight performance.
None of this shit works on anything that's not a scale model.
@☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ Oh, their rail network is impressive and I wish it was being copied elsewhere.
But this ... is not credible.
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Well since you obviously must be an aeronautics engineering expert, perhaps you can explain what aspects of the paper aren't credible for a dumdum like me
@☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ plenty of published stuff on why scramjets aren’t practical and air breathing hypersonic transport is basically a white elephant even if you’re able to do it.
I’m not your butler
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@☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ the tl;dr is that you basically have super high energy air coming in at Mach 5. You then have to take all that energy away to get your fuel to burn in it, which barely gets you past break even. They create massive amounts of drag too and in order to function need to stay in the part of the atmosphere that’s thick enough to breathe, thus prolonging the drag and problematic heat generation.
Given the point of a scramjet is to get you into a suborbital trajectory for a rapid glide to your destination, the fact that they have inherently terrible thrust performance and only work when you’re in the bit of the atmosphere you desperately don’t want to be in, they’re uniquely terrible at it.
Turborockets solve these problems. Get up to Mach 5 on air, close the intakes, run on liquid oxygen, and CLIMB.
They’re lighter, more efficient, and faster than hypersonic air breathers. You wanna go that fast, use a rocket, and get away from the nasty draggy burny stuff. As enticing as the idea of “free oxidiser” is, it’s a sucker bet.
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Again, go ahead and explain what the paper about this specific jet gets wrong. Also, nobody is asking your to be anybody's butler. You made a claim, so now it's up to you to substantiate it.
I find it absolutely hilarious how arm chair aeronautics engineers such as yourself just assume that people building this stuff aren't aware of obvious arguments that even a layman such as yourself understands. Like it took your galaxy brain to figure this out, but the people actually making the jet aren't aware of this.
@☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ I did.
Scramjets are fundamentally fighting Newton’s 3rd law. Slow air down by Mach 5 only to speed if back up to Mach 5 again. You’re burning tonnes of fuel to accomplish almost nothing.
If they have a practical scramjet vehicle (they don’t), then they should feel free to show the world, rather than posting vacuous bullshit on the Internet.
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☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ doesn't like this.
Nowhere in the paper does it say that this is a scramjet. Meanwhile, obvious solution for a hypersonic vehicle would be to go to upper atmosphere at a lower speed, and then achieve speeds over Mach 5 where there is low atmospheric density. You really think that you're smarter than literally everybody working on this project, and it's absolutely hilarious.
Maybe take your own advice and stop posting vacuous bullshit on the internet pretending that you're an expert on things you have little understanding of.
@☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ “The paper”.
This isn’t a paper. It’s a blog post.
It’s no more a “paper” that is subject to any kind of scientific debate than some rando who said they made cold fusion in their microwave.
“Jumbo jet prototype”. Bless.
The "paper" that OP is referring to is the one they posted a few levels up. It links to a researchgate paper that I believe is associated with the article. Just from a quick look at the paper, which is only 3 pages, they are talking about the design the aircraft uses to mitigate the negative effects that occur at hypersonic speeds. They refer to the Waverider design and modified it by including a High-Pressure Capturing Wing to improve lift. Waveriders are designed to conform to the shockwaves the vehicle produces at hypersonic speeds to reduce the drag from those shockwaves. When designing high speed aircraft you have to design around the shockwaves it will produce. This enhancement seems to improve the lift the vehicle creates at those speeds.
Also you aren't getting everything right in your arguments. Earlier you stated that scramjets are fighting Newton's 3rd law which states, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". You do understand that all air-breathing engines slows the air down before it gets to the engine. This is usually done during a compression cycle to increase the pressure and density of the air. Turbojet and Turbofan engines do this using compression fans, Ramjets uses a normal shockwave, and scramjets uses a series of oblique shockwaves called a "shock train". The difference between a scramjet and the other engines is the airflow is subsonic in Turbojet, Turbofan, Ramjet, etc while the air enters the engine at supersonic speeds for scramjets. That's why its called a SCRamjet, Supersonic Combustion Ramjet. But like OP said the paper doesn't mention what type of engine was used, only that it was a hypersonic vehicle so it could be a rocket.
How do I understand this? I actually have a degree in aerospace engineering, I've worked on scramjets (X-51) for the USAF, and I designed engines for GE Aviation. Your arguments are all wrong.
Their high speed train network is impressive, but none of it was new technology when they built it. The first train sets they bought were Siemens Velaro D, a mature high speed train system that has been around in Europe for almost a decade prior.
It ISN'T cost effective, but in China that doesn't matter: what the state wants the state gets. No matter the cost. And I'm willing to bet that in 10 years time a lot of the stuff just doesn't work anymore, line speeds get reduced and stops cancelled due to infrastructure not being maintained.
We have seen chinese prestige projects fall into disrepair time and again, and their extensive transport network will see the same fate.
China absolutely has done a lot of innovation in HSR tech. Building stuff is how we develop and improve technology. It's absolutely incredible that you think China hasn't innovated in this area.
It ISN’T cost effective, but in China that doesn’t matter: what the state wants the state gets. No matter the cost. And I’m willing to bet that in 10 years time a lot of the stuff just doesn’t work anymore, line speeds get reduced and stops cancelled due to infrastructure not being maintained.
That shows just how utterly clueless you are. The reason China wants to have the whole country connected by rail is because it stimulates the economy. It makes it easy to transport goods across the country, and for people to move around. To suggest that China would abandon its rail network is sheer idiocy.
We have seen chinese prestige projects fall into disrepair time and again, and their extensive transport network will see the same fate.
It's not a prestige project, it's critical infrastructure. You're gonna be doing a lot seething and coping in your future.
High speed rail can be cost effective. High speed planes however cannot.
The amount of air resistance at higher speeds is insane. Instead of relying on wing lift for efficiency the entire aircraft has to remove all wings and it literally becomes a missile.
Efficient planes have long wings to create lift and cruise at lower speeds. This is the opposite where all lift is generated from the fuel.
That's going to cost a lot of fuel, maintenance and spare parts. Rebranding an ICBM as a passenger plane is not that big an invention.
The high spees rail is much more impressive as it can be used by the general population. Whereas these top speed planes will only be for the elites.
It's not really an ICBM, it's likely a hypersonic glide vehicle. I imagine people building this stuff have thought of obvious things like cost of fuel and parts before trying to build it. Maybe it will work or maybe it won't, I think we'll learn something interesting one way or another.
I also don't think it'll just be for elites. All successful technology becomes cheaper over time, and it sounds like they're explicitly building a large capacity vehicle here. I imagine it's going to be a long haul vehicle that could go anywhere in the world in about an hour.
I am willing to believe that this may have actually been developed...
But a better source sure would be neat.
Interesting/Wonderful Engineering both claim this was posted on 'Social Media' by the Chinese Academy of Sciences... with no link.
South China Morning Post also claims a video posted by CAS on social media... with no link, no video.
The english version of the CAS website is updated every couple of days, but this isn't on it.
Granted, they could be taking their time doing a proper translation.
Does anybody know where to see this video?
I mean sure, thats a related research paper, but that isn't the same thing as an official press announcement or video saying 'Hey we actually built this thing, it works, take a look.'
I know that the CAS has specifically been researching/developing a hypersonic, passenger liner sized craft for around a decade... and the US has been doing the same with the SR 72, both attempting to develop ... something like turbo ramjet that transitions to scramjet at high speeds/altitudes.
But a link to a research paper from 6 years ago is not actually a primary source to what your original link claims, but does not actually source.
Ok so 24+ hours later and I now see a few different websites I've never heard of before that basically have the same article as this:…
Still no actual link to the apparently original source somewhere on some social media site.
Now whats being said is that this was a flight test that actually occured 3 years ago, and was classified until now.
And they do provide an image, and credit it to CAS (without an actual link, I still can't find this on CAS' english site, but again maybe they are still writing a proper English post?)
This is a test article, that doesn't appear to have any intakes for scramjet. I think I can make out two small rocket bells inside the thing, but the image quality is very low.
It's just a test article, launched by a rocket, that Inwould guesstimate to have a wingspan of about... 4 meters, ish?
This new article also mentions that Cui, the team lead, did not mention anything about the current status of the hypersonic passenger jet which this was a test article for.
So... this test article got up to mach 6.5, 3 years ago.
Absolutely nothing about whether or not a successful test flight of a passenger jet sized craft achieved hypersonic speeds with an air breathing turbo ramjet / scram jet or something like that.
Completely different than the originally report.
... This is why I wanted an actual source.
If this very poorly sourced article from this random, clickbait style website is more accurate than the OP article (another poorly sourced article from another clickbait style website) is more accurate, that would mean SCMP, and everyone in this thread saying China has built an air breathing hypersonic jet liner is wrong, and everyone saying that this is basically comparable to the X15 is correct.
(Differences being the X15 was carried up to 45 thousand feet by a B52 instead of a rocket, and the X15 was manned, and this test article is presumably unmanned.)
So... then... you agree that this entire Interesting Engineering article you posted is wrong?
Are you going to apologize to Sarah Brown for calling her a 'sad racist' when she expressed doubt as to the veracity of the dubious article you posted?
So, you just assumed a unsourced, unverified story is true because you have a bias in favor of China, and put the burden of proof onto the other person to disprove it, and are completely fine with calling the other person a 'sad racist', despite now admitting that the veracity of the claim they are skeptical of is in fact not well established.
This is the argument/personality style of a fanatic, a religious fundamentalist, a QAnon adherent, an Elon Musk simp.
This is how we got 'the Trump assasination attempt was staged!'
Please stop posting trash tier misinformation as 'technology news', please stop jumping to 'everyone who disagrees with me is rascist', this level of unjustified vitriol only makes you appear manic.
Neither of the two articles are well sourced.
But you acted like yours was credible, until I presented another one, whereupon you admitted they are both equally valid.
That's assuming that the random article you found is correct, the veracity of which I can't verify any more than the interesting engineering article...
That is to say, you cannot verify either of these articles at all, ie, they are both of dubious legitimacy.
You accused someone of being racist based of an article you admit you cannot verify, posted a bunch of related research papers that indicate, sure, they're trying to develop the thing your article claimed they did... but doesn't indicate that they actually developed it.
I can link you a patent for a triangular shaped aircraft, listed as filed by a US Navy Scientist that claims to outline how to create an electromagnetic, gravity negating field around the craft.
That would not be evidence that the US Navy officially announced that they basically built a UFO, that it works, and there's a video of it, all officially documented and released.
But to you, it would be, if China had done all those things.
I am not saying China certainly has or has not developed a hypersonic passenger liner.
I am saying your source for this claim is dubious.
I am saying that you believe(d?) it credulously, without any skepticism, got very hostile with people who doubted its claim less tactfully than I did, and now you admit you got hostile based on a claim that you now admit is dubious, and shifted the burden of proof from the article making the claim to the skeptic questioning it.
Again, this is the logic of a fanatic.
If we just pick which dubiously sourced claims we believe based on vibes, truth stops existing.
But you acted like yours was credible, until I presented another one, whereupon you admitted they are both equally valid.
Every article I've seen aside from the one you found says the same thing. These articles come from fairly mainstream sources, so if somebody is arguing that this is impossible then they can at least provide some evidence for the claim.
You went through the effort of finding something that makes different claims, but it's in no way authoritative. I was just giving you the benefit of the doubt saying that it's plausible.
You accused someone of being racist based of an article you admit you cannot verify, posted a bunch of related research papers that indicate, sure, they’re trying to develop the thing your article claimed they did… but doesn’t indicate that they actually developed it.
I accused someone of being a racist based on their vacuous comment that dismissed the claim without substantiating their position in any way. My reaction would've been quite different had Sarah said something along the lines of I don't find the source convincing, here's another source claiming something different.
But to you, it would be, if China had done all those things.
No it wouldn't, but if a mainstream US publication came out and said that the US built an aircraft like that my first reaction wouldn't be to just dismiss it as impossible as Sarah did.
I am saying that you believe(d?) it credulously, without any skepticism, got very hostile with people who doubted its claim less tactfully than I did, and now you admit you got hostile based on a claim that you now admit is dubious, and shifted the burden of proof from the article making the claim to the skeptic questioning it.
Again, I had a hostile reaction to the style of argument. The same way you're having a hostile reaction to my style of argument.
Again, this is the logic of a fanatic.
Certainly would be, but that's not my actual position. My whole point from the start is that it is plausible that China may have developed what they say they developed. You're seemingly intentionally misrepresenting what I actually said to make me sound like a deranged lunatic.
If we just pick which dubiously sourced claims we believe based on vibes, truth stops existing.
And nobody is actually doing this.
Swedish Mother Travels to China for Birth After Swedish Doctors Couldn’t Save Her Womb
Swedish Mother Travels to China for Birth After Swedish Doctors Couldn’t Save Her Womb
Swedish mother flew to China for childbirth after doctors in Sweden can't handle her situation.Li Jingyi (China Academy)
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originalucifer likes this.
idiot 58 year old refuses to have standard procedure performed during the birth of her last impregnation with her last frozen frozen embryo, and travels somewhere with less ethics.
she wants her womb despite the serious complications of keeping it, and despite the fact she wont need it ever again.
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I didn't even see that. So they're also at elevated risk of complications and birth defects. Also this:
Anna loves the feeling of being pregnant.
This is messed up and incredibly selfish.
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The funny part about this one unethical instance is that tens of thousands of Chinese mothers flock every year to give birth in other countries because they are afraid of the terrible conditions in China (in addition to trying to get their Child a different nationality than Chinese).
Was it difficult to figure out how to give birth in the U.S.?
No. Hsuan typed in the phrases “going to the U.S.” and “giving birth to babies” into China’s Baidu search engine and millions of results popped up.
Many agencies offer to arrange every aspect of a mother’s trip. Eventually she settled on an agency in Shanghai called Meijiabei, or Good American Baby.
Opposition lawmakers are alleging the full scope of President Yoon’s coup involved a months-long plot to trigger a “limited war” with North Korea
Was South Korea’s coup an attempt to restart the Korean War? : Peoples Dispatch
Opposition lawmakers are alleging the full scope of President Yoon’s coup involved a months-long plot to trigger a “limited war” with North KoreaJu-Hyun Park (Peoples Dispatch)
The FDA Hasn’t Inspected This Drug Factory After 7 Recalls for the Same Flaw, 1 Potentially Deadly
FDA Hasn’t Inspected This Drug Factory After 7 Recalls, 1 Potentially Deadly
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals issued seven recalls for pills that didn’t dissolve properly, records show. All were made at the same factory in India. But the FDA still hasn’t stopped the company from shipping other pills made there to the U.S.ProPublica
The FDA Hasn’t Inspected This Drug Factory After 7 Recalls for the Same Flaw, 1 Potentially Deadly
FDA Hasn’t Inspected This Drug Factory After 7 Recalls, 1 Potentially Deadly
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals issued seven recalls for pills that didn’t dissolve properly, records show. All were made at the same factory in India. But the FDA still hasn’t stopped the company from shipping other pills made there to the U.S.ProPublica
Meta makes $1 million donation to Trump’s inauguration
Meta makes $1 million donation to Trump’s inauguration
CEO Mark Zuckerberg appears to be trying to win over president-elect Donald Trump, who once called for Zuckerberg to be ‘jailed.’Gaby Del Valle (The Verge)
Microsoft Recall screenshots credit cards and Social Security numbers, even with the "sensitive information" filter enabled
Microsoft Recall screenshots credit cards and Social Security numbers, even with the "sensitive information" filter enabled
Despite promising to filter personal data out, Recall still captures it.Avram Piltch (Tom's Hardware)
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Alberta kept fines for 16 oilsands companies secret for 3 years
16 oilsands companies allegedly broke environmental rules. Alberta kept it a secret for 3 years
Get the inside scoop on The Narwhal’s environment and climate reporting by signing up for our free newsletter.Mike De Souza (The Narwhal)
Traffic Camera 'Selfie' Creator Holds Cease and Desist Letter in Front of Traffic Cam
Traffic Camera 'Selfie' Creator Holds Cease and Desist Letter in Front of Traffic Cam
Traffic Cam Photobooth lets you take a capture from NYC surveillance camera. The city's Department of Transportation does not like that.Samantha Cole (404 Media)
Reddit bans posting UnitedHealthcare shooter’s manifesto
Reddit bans posting UnitedHealthcare shooter’s manifesto
Reddit has told the moderators of at least one subreddit that they cannot allow posts including the reported manifesto of Luigi Mangione.Jay Peters (The Verge)
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Rashid Khalidi: ‘Israel’s Nightmare Scenario’ (2 of 2)
cross-posted from:
from #WorldOutlook
By on December 12, 2024
Rashid Khalidi: ‘Israel’s Nightmare Scenario’ (II) - World-Outlook
This is the second of two parts of a wide-ranging interview with renowned Palestinian American scholar Rashid Khalidi. He returns to important themes he has previously discussed in the 14 months since the October 7, 2023, Hamas-led attack on (World-Outlook)
Lenovo might soon announce a SteamOS handheld
Lenovo might soon announce a SteamOS handheld
Leaked images have shown an unannounced Lenovo handheld with a Steam button. The Legion Go S has a Steam button next to its display.Tom Warren (The Verge)
New Go's won't have detachable controllers? That's unfortunate. I use mine like a tablet. There's no other small Linux-capable tablet that I know of.
edit: actually onexplayer makes similar ones.
Ah ok (:
But they made the bottom chin bigger for some reason? The old go is symmetric.
Also I don't like OLED
Same! I love the steamdeck and think it’s almost perfect. So I’ll just wait for the next one to upgrade. I’d probably just upgrade to show support for the project.
But firstly, I’m happy to see Linux growing.
It's Valve so I'm calling it now. There will be a Steam Deck 2. It wil be awesome.
There will be no Steam Deck 3. The market will take over and Valve will lose interest after the innovation is finished.
Wonderful news!
Linux is the future of gaming and manufacturers are starting to realize.
Are there any highschool subcultures that are cool now? Speaking from a US perspective:
- Jocks are now finance/crypto bros, or clueless managers.
- Nerds are building bombs or AI or spending their days trying to get people to click on ads.
- Theatre kids are imperialist hamilton libs who think the US is "a nation of immigrants", and not a settler-state based on indigenous eviction.
- Hippies are pacifist color-revolution-supporters.
- Goths are probably eco-nihilists.
- My experience with modern day punks, skaters, and stoners is that they're mostly some kind of libertarian who believe in a lot of reactionary conspiracy theories.
- Hipsters are almost always some flavor of western-chauvinist / white supremacist.
'Multiple' drones entered airspace at New Jersey naval station: Official
'Multiple' drones entered airspace at New Jersey naval station: Official
The concern continues to grow over widespread drone sightings.Mark Osborne (ABC News)
A drone allegedly crashed last night in NJ…
Here's a tiktok live from the area
'Multiple' drones entered airspace at New Jersey naval station: Official
'Multiple' drones entered airspace at New Jersey naval station: Official
The concern continues to grow over widespread drone sightings.Mark Osborne (ABC News)
in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ • • •The short version: It's the Pauli Exclusion Principle.
6 paragraphs from the end of the article they actually get to the point.
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in reply to Zotora • • •SurfinBird
in reply to Zotora • • •davel
in reply to Zotora • • •Zotora
in reply to davel • • •To quote the article;
"The Pauli Exclusion Principle doesn’t only explain why matter is solid, but also why it occupies the amount of space that it does. Again: it isn’t just the uncertainty principle and electrostatic repulsion that’s responsible for volume; if matter were made of bosons, it wouldn’t occupy space in the same fashion that it does when it’s made of fermions"
in reply to Zotora • • •Which, in turn, is a consequence of the spin-statistics theorem.
As for why the spin-statistics theorem is true, the answer is that, in a sense, we do not really know. This is because, although we have rigorous mathematical proofs that it is true, they rely on arguments that are very technical in nature, so they provide no real intuitive insight into why the theorem is true. (This theorem is actually really notorious for this; people have been trying for a long time to improve on the situation, but have yet to succeed in coming up with a satisfactory elementary proof of it.)