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in reply to Cowbee [he/they]

Definitely, but the big industrialized stuff that was a focus originally is much more automated now. It's much less glamorous to seize a t shirt or rubber band making plant than a car or tractor factory.
in reply to JohnDClay

It isn't about prestige, it'a about working class liberation.

Vänsterns poddar. Det bästa stället för att ha koll på vilka vänsterpoddar det finns och deras senaste sändningar är Mediakollen . Efter Mediakollen är Nyhetskartan också ett bra ställe.. Poddar kan följas via så kallade poddplattformar där de stora är Sveriges Radio, Acast, Podspace, Podplay, Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Libsyn, Podbean och Poddtoppen.…

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Just realized the moniker ‘Late stage capitalism’ is unusually optimistic and hopeful by leftist standards. It assumes we’re nearing the end of capitalism or that we’ll get something better or the sweet release of death.

Doubt this is capitalism’s final form

in reply to Lussy [any, hy/hym]

I mean it's certainly possible that we get good old fascism as the next stage.

Mizkif Goes to Emily's Alt Stream to Comfort Her after Noticing That she's Feeling Sad...

Commercial real estate maturity wall $950B in 2024, peaks in 2027

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Commercial real estate maturity wall $950B in 2024, peaks in 2027

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

According to S&P more than $2 trillion of commercial real estate mortgages will mature over the next two years. The average interest rate on maturing loans is only 4.3%. The rate today has doubled, making refinancing challenging. Also, roughly $200 billion of these mortgages are on office properties where the underlying value has collapsed. The size of the pool of distressed capital is much larger than the subprime mortgage market at its peak in 2005 at around $625 billion. The "extend and pretend" game that's being played with the big banks only makes these problems worse because nobody knows where the toxic waste is buried.

in reply to Apytele

this comm is not just about memes Btw. Check the sidebar

in reply to owiseedoubleyou

Xfce 4.20 just rolled out and i'm already smoking out 🍁 😎 🚬💨
in reply to corpoVirtual

probably the best way to celebrate; i think i'll do the same thing rn. lol

Polismordet i Göteborg 1923 ägde rum inne på Göteborgs detektivstation på Spannmålsgatan den 16 maj 1923 när detektivkonstapel Carl Olander sköts till döds i tjänsten.…

Call for feedback on plan & proposed questions for Instance Census 2024

in reply to Dave

That makes sense to me :) The people maintaining it can add in the Lemmy comments as needed

We have a GitHub organization for our instance, I'll see if I can make a public repo and copy in the comments of this post

in reply to Otter

Sounds good!

Perhaps take on board the comments on this post, draft up a proposed template on the repo, and then perhaps do a new post asking for feedback? Is it worth creating a community for those interested to follow if they want to discuss, ask questions, propose ideas, etc, or is that better done on the repo?

De kriminellas handel med HVB-hem. Kriminella driver många HVB-hem. Det är en lämplig miljö för rekrytering av unga som torpeder, dvs mördare. Det är också ett sätt att tjäna pengar och lura till sig pengar från det allmänna.…

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in reply to kopper [they/them]

ok this is the type of FOSS software I live for

Huge list of engineering FOSS

With links for each, and sorted into categories. Largest category being finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation solvers which are used for things like stress, thermal, electromagnetic simulation etc. Also some CAD and general tools
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in reply to HootinNHollerin

Anyone have shortcuts for modeling complex over center, compliance mechanisms, and bistable auxetic materials? I'm using FreeCAD and trying to just use rough sketches and trial and error to create a bending tube structure that 3d prints vertically but then bends into place like a pop-tube kid's toy, but only on one side of an otherwise vase mode print design. I'm really pushing the limits of what FreeCAD can loft before edges go wonky and the Part Design workflow is no longer sufficient. I can make a compliant spring easily, but a bistable bend in a tube is at the edge of my learning curve.
in reply to j4k3

There’s a professor and his research group at university of Michigan that does compliant mechanisms that u could check out if they’ve got something. It was a while ago that I applied there so possible he moved but still worth a check.

I’ve never used freecad as I’ve always had access to a cad program thru either school or work. One option that’s not free is to join a maker space that has better cad programs or just torrent. But you’re definitely in need of FEA for the bistable part

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in reply to HootinNHollerin

The open toolchain foundation also has a similar list I think
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How One Syrian Fought to the Death for a Free Internet

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