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Återigen hittar ETC på om fiske. 95% av världens fiskbestånd är överfiskade påstår Karin Holmberg i en artikel om fisk inför julen ETC. Det är en stor fet lögn. Sanningen är att cirka 60% av världens fiskbestånd är hållbart fiskade (maximalt utnyttjade) och cirka 35% överfiskade. Resterande 5% är underfiskade.…

in reply to Stomata

You think he gets a notification when someone posts about him sitting at the table next to them?

They could very easily track this by geolocation, then the content filtering is almost trivial.

Would be interesting if I could get a notification of what everyone within 20 ft of me was posting.

in reply to Stomata

There entire business model is spying on people, taking their information, and selling it



ForgeFed is a federation protocol for software forges and code collaboration tools for the software development lifecycle and ecosystem.

ForgeFed is an ActivityPub extension. ActivityPub is an actor-model based protocol for federation of web services and applications.

See also:……

in reply to hono4kami

Of all the nerdy things I'm excited about, the prospekt of making bug reports to FOSS git projects through my Mbin or Mastodon accounts is certainly on the list. I have so many accounts I made just for a single bug report. This will be great if/when it takes off.
in reply to aasatru

I'm personally really excited about being able to effectively move control away from central hubs such as GitHub ensure a different model of governance.

GitHub is currently okay, it's a bit slow, the UI ain't that great but it works. However, it is a prime target for enshittification. It's a large platform (and besides that also owned by a large public company) with an extremely large userbase, with a non-trivial cost to leave. People are simply much more likely to contribute to a project if they 1. can easily find it 2. can access it without having to create an additional account 3. have a functional, familiar user interface. Federation solves 2 of those issues and perhaps also point 3 since Forgejo is afaik still one of the only ones to support it.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to OldSoul

God made everything better for the intelligent life that didnt kill His son and just left Earth alone
in reply to OldSoul

Polismordet i Krokom 1971. Polisen Hugo Strömgren sköts till döds i tjänsten den 18/4 1971 i Krokom i Jämtland. En psykiskt sjuk 67-årig man som retat upp sig på grannens hund hade skjutit flera skott mot grannens fastighet med ett mausergevär.

Polis tillkallades. De försökte komma i kontakt med mannen som dock visade sig vara oresonabel och hotande. Han barrikaderade sig i sitt […]…

Ett galet elsystem. För den privata elanvändaren och ibland också elproducenten är Sveriges elsystem helt galet. Och den nuvarande regeringen gör det sämre och sämre, värre och värre.…

Conjuring a Linux distribution out of thin air

reshared this

South Korea ruling party leader steps down after backing impeachment of President Yoon

Han Dong-hoon has resigned as leader of South Korea’s ruling People Power party, saying his position has become untenable after his dramatic decision to support President Yoon Suk Yeol’s impeachment at the weekend.

“Martial law in the advanced nation that is South Korea, in 2024. How angry and disappointed must you have all been?” he said at a press conference on Monday.

in reply to geneva_convenience

This party is really in a serious crisis, but they deserve it. Democracy should prevail.

Serbian authorities using spyware to illegally surveil activists, report finds

Police and intelligence services in Serbia are using advanced mobile forensics products and previously unknown spyware to illegally surveil journalists, environmental campaigners and civil rights activists, according to a report.

The report shows how mobile forensic products from the Israeli firm Cellebrite are used to unlock and extract data from individuals’ mobile devices, which are being infected with a new Android spyware system, NoviSpy.

in reply to Garibaldee

He continued, explaining that there was a period in which CNN journalists “couldn’t call air strikes in Gaza air strikes unless we had confirmation from the Israelis.”


Existing EV batteries may last up to 40% longer than expected

in reply to ChaoticNeutralCzech

So far EV cost of ownership is way lower and they require barely any maintenance so I wouldn't worry about that, it's all fear mongering.

As for your father, you can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink, if he would rather waste money on gas then that's his problem to deal with. He could at least get a PHEV and drive the 30 minutes on battery power alone but still have a gas engine as a backup to reassure him.

in reply to Kecessa

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to thegr8goldfish

아파트, 아파트

“Apateu, apateu”

Korean for “Apartment, apartment”

in reply to TheRealKuni

lol thank you for this i heard it meant apartment and assumed it was a play on APT. this makes so much more sense!

in reply to utopiah

The single exception to this (which is actually buried fairly deep in the feature list) is the audio transcription tool. I didn't take a closer look at what is used to perform this, but at least it's not "just" document conversion like pandoc.
in reply to haverholm

audio transcription tool

Thanks for the clarification but I'm a bit confused here, like audio transcription, STT, done by e.g. Whisper? If so what's the use case? When I think of Office documents audio transcription is not something I have in mind.

in reply to utopiah

I'm not completely clear either on how Microsoft have implemented this previously. As I said, I didn't look very deep into the repository.

If these are indeed other Python projects they piled together, as others suggest, I'd be happy to hear what speech recognition library this might've built on.

in reply to alphanerd4

No, it's not. But there's a general fear that spreading manifestos of terrorists could cause people to believe them. They did the same thing with Bin Laden's manifesto.

For the record, I oppose this, it's just that I can understand why this sort of thing is done.

in reply to realcaseyrollins

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to realcaseyrollins

I don't believe that "You people are next." is a direct threat.

What's the cool-down timer on the free speech special ability ?

Asking for a friend.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to TheReturnOfPEB

I don't believe that "You people are next." is a direct threat.

I'm sure you don't, but it's a reasonable interpretation of what she said.

What's the cool-down timer on the free speech special ability ?

What do you mean by "special ability"?

Teens abandon X and Facebook as TikTok and WhatsApp gain momentum, report

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