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PeerTube v7 : offer a complete makeover to your video platform !

Kriminella nätverk kopplas till anlagda bränder. Unga personer åker taxi till bensinstationer, fyller på bensin i petflaskor, dunkar eller liknande. De betalar dessutom många gånger med kontanter. De tar ofta taxi eller elsparkcykel därifrån till den plats där de sedan tänder eld på en bostad eller fastighet.…

Mystiskt dödsfall i Fjärås. Den 12 december påträffades en död man i en vattensamling på en åker invid en väg vid Fjärås söder om Kungsbacka. Mannen hittades av en förbipasserande person och låg då vid sidan av vägen.…

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Kali Linux 2024.4 released

Kali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security Research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering.
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Hyprland v0.46.0 released

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in reply to Samsy

Sway, from what I understand, hasn't really made a ton of improvements that would entice the X11 holdouts to switch. Not that it's bad, but if it's virtually the same as X11—and that's what someone knows best—why would they bother switching (I would, but I also try to use Wayland whenever possible).
in reply to petsoi

Just 2 things are pushing me away from it
- Toxic community
- C++ (I prefer Rust compositors like Niri)

in reply to Jay🚩

Pentium II and 160MB RAM are plentiful, and it is no surprise that NetBSD is a breeze to use on it.

I got NetBSD running on a ThinkPad 760XD (Pentium MMX, 32MB RAM) which I revived around last summer, and it works just fine. Though running emacs on it is not a smooth experience with my configuration loaded, but it runs well vanilla. With enough tweaking, it can be a capable writing machine, especially with its flip-up keyboard.

The blog post is really good and insightful. I have never considered connecting aforementioned machine to the internet, but I think I might do it after reading this post just to try out Dillo.

Bolivia's Evo Morales charged with human trafficking - BNO News

in reply to davel

we need a reply bot to link this article any time somebody uses wikipedia as source on anything remotely related to politics

in reply to TheImpressiveX

Just stop calling them "Part One" if you're not gonna call the sequel "Part Two" lol

My custom Sofle RGB, my DD and my love

I designed the case and the custom NASA glyphs for POS caps, so it has a completely flat console-like feel. It's Stocked with ChosFox Arctic Fox clickies (box whites on crack). I rewrote the firmware (didn't like the stock one) and added VIAL support as well as some different color modes. Also handmade the interconnect.

I loved the formfactor of the Sofle RBG, so I basically polished it up. I have 3 sets of these and a few spare boards just in case.

My case design is published here, for free, for anyone who wants it :)…

More pics/deets here:…

in reply to WoodScientist

Can't we do this another way? That's a waste of a perfectly good rock.
in reply to Billegh

There's no shortage of rocks at our disposal. If it's the labor costs you're worried about, I suppose we could force the CEOs to quarry and carry their own rock.
in reply to Billegh

Tie them all together with a floating rope at the wrists to waists. They will eventually tire out, when they do they will sink themselves, once they have provided value to the fishes and other sea life then the rope will float back to the top and you can start all over with another group of valuable market leaders.
in reply to Billegh

Unfortunately the rock must be sacrificed for the good of us all. 😞
in reply to WoodScientist

so does this mean y'all guys are finally coming around on utilitarianism?

Netanyahu's court testimony canceled in corruption trial

The Tuesday session of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's corruption trial was canceled due to "extraordinary circumstances," judges said on Monday.

Last week Netanyahu promised defiantly to knock down corruption allegations against him in his long-running trial, where he became the first sitting Israeli leader to take the stand as a criminal defendant.

The Times of Israel, citing Judge Rivka Friedman-Feldman, said that the cancellation came after Netanyahu's team had made "closed-door arguments" in favor of delaying the session, at which Netanyahu was expected to testify for the third time in the ongoing corruption trial.

in reply to UltraGiGaGigantic

He’s already in the middle of a genocide to delay his corruption proceedings, and invaded Syria as he was due to give testimony.

So. You're all having a great time running Linux... Why on earth is it always so god dang buggy every time I try it?

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in reply to shapis

First of all, Arch has very few use cases imo for the average person, Debian is extremely stable but most of its problems come from outdated packages, maybe try fedora or something similar? just a suggestion.

Also, buggy is the wrong word, i'm being pedantic, but the problems you're experiencing are very real, but most likely not from bugs.

I will say its interesting how a lot of tech people (myself included) tend to gaslight ourselves into believing stuff is easy, like the fediverse and linux, sure it makes sense to _you_ but it likely doesn't make sense to the average tiktok/bluesky user.

in reply to shapis

involuntary learning

I'm sorry but you can't call it 'involuntary' if you chose to install Arch. Arch comes with a reading list. Some Linux distributions are not made for people who don't want to know a ton about how they work. It's like if you want to drive a car without knowing how an engine works you shouldn't start with a kit car.

Use Linux Mint if you just want it to work.