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PayPal Honey steals affiliate links and lies about finding the best coupons

🖕 Fuck PayPal

And fuck Linus Tech Tips for intentionally keeping quiet about this after they found out.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to MP3Martin

But I imagine they have been doing this even before they got bought by them

in reply to Amoxtli


Although I was getting the impression that the free market was already in the process of solving this problem

in reply to 🏴 hamid the villain [he/him] 🏴

"Angry mayonnaise noises" brings to mind an image of someone finger blasting a jar of mayonnaise while screaming.

Honda and Nissan announce merger to form world's third largest car company

cross-posted from:

Japanese automakers Honda and Nissan have announced plans to join forces and form the world’s third-largest automaker by sales as the industry undergoes dramatic changes in its transition away from fossil fuels.

in reply to realcaseyrollins

A slight uptick in violent crime today compared to the numbers we had in the 70s (19th or 20th Century, take your pick) is drastically lower still.

As to the point of deportations, no, it isn't an "easy way" to reduce crime. The logistical strain of such an action and disruption to our economy is staggering to even think about. In a morbid way, the handful of crimes committed by illegal immigrants are acceptable casualties on the altar of economic stability: if people won't stand for expensive eggs (thanks bird flu), they sure as shit won't stand for EVERYTHING that uses migrant labor going up dramatically either.

in reply to boywar3

Firstly, it's a bit odd that you're comparing our crime stats to the 70s, as that's completely irrelevant. Nobody on the right is comparing current crime rates to the crime rates of the 70s.

Secondly, you're completely right that mass deportations aren't "easy", I should I have said simple. It's like, "oh, a bunch of these people are causing crimes, let's get rid of them and we'll have less crime". Even if you pull that off, you'll still have crime from the citizens that's not being dealt with, which I believe is something we agree on.

Thirdly, I don't think depriving workers of rights is worth cheaper eggs. On that front, you sound pretty hyper-capitalistic, to an absurd degree.

in reply to ollieparanoid

The article mentions that the cameras work on the Fairphone 5. Sadly its still a no go while there is still no audio which is a big shame.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)