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Kurerade flöden i Fediversum - Svenssons Nyheter

Kurerade flöden i Fediversum. Förutom startpaket så är kurerade flöden nåt som Blueskyanvändare framhäver som nåt bra. Och visst är det användbart när en vill hitta konton att följa.

Kurerade flöden i Fediversum. Förutom startpaket så är kurerade flöden nåt som Blueskyanvändare framhäver som nåt bra. Och visst är det användbart när en vill hitta konton att följa.…

Tag 2 mit dem #38c3 #SeedExchange. Lücken mit Saatgut von @opensourcegardens aufgefüllt, neue Sticker verteilt. Es ist schwer, ein Foto ohne Leute zu machen. Hier ist immer was los. Wenn ich mit normalen Menschen quatschen will, stelle ich mich einfach hier hin.

Fediversum vars mest kända programvara är Mastodon är ett decentraliserat socialt medium med 100-tals olika programvaror och 10 000-tals servrar som brukar kallas instanser. För den som ska delta i diskussionen på Fediversum och skaffa ett konto krävs det därför att personen väljer en server (instans) först.…

Att fascister blir publicerade i ETC är oansvarigt, ETC har låtit publicera en debattartikel av fascister med ett fascistisk budskap. Det är extremt oansvarigt och ett sätt att bidra till att göra fascistiska och rasitiska åsikter rumsrena.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I oktober 2023 började gängskjutningarna i Sverige minska dramatiskt. Eller rättare sagt, gängskjutningar i Stockholmsområdet började minska dramatiskt. I Göteborg började de minska redan 2015-2016 och i Malmö 2018.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Newspipe 11.2.0

A cup of tea, some chocolate (as always), the warm glow of a fire in the stove, and my laptop. The magic of a cozy winter evening, with Christmas lights twinkling behind me, set the perfect mood to release version 11.2.0 of Newspipe. 🎉

If your New Year's resolution is to self-host your news reading tool, why not give Newspipe a try?


You can check out the changelog for the latest release here:


What Is The Most 80s Movie Ever?

The top 10 contenders, in alphabetical order.

  • Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo 1984
  • Flashdance 1983
  • Invasion 1985 Chuck Norrissssss
  • Purple Rain 1984
  • Rocky IV 1985
  • Scarface 1983
  • The Secret of My Success 1987
  • Staying Alive 1983
  • Thrashin' 1986
  • Top Gun 1986

::: spoiler Winner
Rocky 4

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to someguy3

I freaking love this video. It felt like a movie, I think I watched it twice since it came out.

Casual Viewing: Why Netflix looks like that

A decade before Airbnb persuaded homeowners to transform their homes into hotels, Netflix convinced its users to turn theirs into mini Netflix warehouses. Customers who held onto their DVDs for longer meant fewer shipping costs for Netflix, and fewer DVDs for the company to manage and store. Netflix tracked heavy users of its service — labeling them internally as “pigs” — and secretly throttled their deliveries. It didn’t matter if Netflix rented fewer DVDs than Blockbuster, because the company would keep collecting its monthly fee. The difference between Blockbuster and Netflix was this: Blockbuster punished customers for being forgetful; Netflix rewarded them for being mindless.

The Night Agent: Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix

cross-posted from:

The fate of the nation relies on one man. The Night Agent Season 2 returns January 23, only on Netflix.

Free Luigi Rally - Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan [20:13]

Retraction Note: Origin and cross-species transmission of bat coronaviruses in China - Nature Communications [Dec 19th,2024] [News]

Retraction to: Nature Communications… published online 25 August 2020

i didn't hear it anywhere, so thought it to be news-worthy

[edit] As noted below by Neuromancer49, there's a new published version with corrections. Published: 19 December 2024

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to sushimi

They took some non-Chinese bats, and some duplicate data out of the article, but I’m not clear on if it changed the conclusion.
in reply to sushimi

Nope, not significant. The paper was retracted because a few extra sequences were included, but the conclusion remained the same when they redid the analysis.

ETA: Link to the new paper…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

in reply to simple

I'm ok with that. 5 years is long enough that it becomes completely new. I don't want marvel fatigue to ruin this new Batman.
in reply to Blue_Morpho

Yeah I wonder if they just don't want The Batman to clash with the DCU movies tonally, or have its reputation ruined by them if they turn out to be bad.

However it could also be that now that they have the script they know it'll take longer to shoot and edit than they originally thought.

Flames shoot from booth at Bryant Park holiday market