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Tre göteborgskvinnor skjutna på två dagar år 1980. I maj 1980 mördades tre kvinnor från Göteborg utomlands. Två kvinnor mördades i Belgien den 8 maj och en kvinna i Århus den 9 maj. Morden verkar vara olösta och det är mycket oklart varför de mördades…

La statua a forma di arachide in onore di Jimmy Carter

La "Jimmy Carter Peanut Statue" è un monumento situato a Plains, Georgia, Stati Uniti città natale proprio dell'ex presidente Jimmy Carter.
Costruita nel 1976, l'attrazione stradale raffigura una arachide con un grande sorriso, ed è stato costruita per sostenere Jimmy Carter durante le elezioni presidenziali degli Stati Uniti del 1976.
La statua alta 4 metri, fa riferimento alla precedente carriera di Carter come coltivatore di arachidi.…

in reply to cm0002

Aha! Drug resistant bacteria are weak against bullets! All we have to do is shoot each cell with this 22 rifle and you'll be cured!

Shout out to Linux/FOSS maintainers

Many thanks to all those that maintain FOSS. i had setup a pi4 running 32 bit Debian Buster years ago (pandemic days) with OpenMediaVault 5. With the OMV docker and portainer plugin I had various dockers running, but found some dockerhub images weren't supporting 32bit. I had thought ubout updating to 64 bit install but thought I might have headaches, so just blocked the pi from accessing the internet and sidelined the update. Since it is the holidays I figured I would tackle an update.

- update to 64 bit
- move from Buster to Bullseye
- move from OMV5 to OMV6
- fix everything that failed including docker.

Step 1 add "arm_64bit=1" in the config.txt file of /boot and reboot. Took a while to boot with lots of drive activity but 64 kernel worked perfectly.

Step 2: run sudo omv-release-upgrade

That is it. Two commands and everything updated perfectly. Nothing to fix.

To me that is an amazing testement to the work put in by everyone for Linux kernel, the OS, OMV devs and applications maintainers. Amazing.

Configuring Transmission and OpenVPN on Linux

This seems like something that would be simple, but I spent a long time trying to figure it out. I figured I'd write a blog post about it in case anyone else has a similar desire.
in reply to sonus

On BSD you use FIBs to declare process specific routing tables, on Linux you use firewall marks to do the same, then just route all trafik through the vpn uplink and deny any other.
in reply to lambda_notation

What are the pros and cons of that approach vs the one laid out in the blog post?

179 dead, 2 rescued after plane crashes while landing in South Korea

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179 people are dead after an airplane veered off a runway upon landing at an airport in South Korea on Sunday morning, according to local media.

179 dead, 2 rescued after plane crashes while landing in South Korea

179 people are dead after an airplane veered off a runway upon landing at an airport in South Korea on Sunday morning, according to local media.

Former President Jimmy Carter, celebrated champion of human rights, dies at 100

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Former President Jimmy Carter, best known as a champion of international human rights both during and after his tenure as the 39th president, has died at 100.

Former President Jimmy Carter, celebrated champion of human rights, dies at 100

Former President Jimmy Carter, best known as a champion of international human rights both during and after his tenure as the 39th president, has died at 100.

Rymningen från Hall 1979. Lars-Inge Svartenbrandt fick i oktober 1979 permission från Hallanstalten för att besöka en läkare i Uppsala. Men han avvek och försvann. En vecka senare, den 2 november, fritog han istället sin kamrat Benny Lilja som tillsammans med andra fångar åkt till badhuset i Södertälje…

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Marvel Animation’s Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man | Official Trailer | Disney+

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How Gen Z Is Reviving U.S. Shopping Malls