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Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

in reply to vsis

Currently supported countries include:\
Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands – with many more regions coming soon!

Bro. Harsh.

in reply to vsis

That’s a really cool use for snac! It’s perfect for something so straightforward and uses so little resources that I would imagine if you eventually have the entire planets weather forecasts being published it would still only use a tiny amount of bandwidth and power!
in reply to Jonathan

I though the same. This is a cool example of "public service" via snac.
in reply to vsis

Indeed! Kinda makes me want to come up with some sort of “snac-service” idea.
in reply to Jonathan

Yes, snac is perfect for this purpose. The choice was quite straightforward. The load average is ridiculously low — all the instances, Nginx, etc., are using only 154 MB of RAM (including the FreeBSD kernel and tasks). snac is an amazing tool.

Florida’s manatees are actually relative newcomers, historical research suggests


New research reveals that Florida’s manatees are not native to the state, arriving only after the Little Ice Age ended in the late 1700s, when warmer waters became available.

Historical and archaeological records show manatees were rare in Florida prior to this period, challenging assumptions about their long-standing presence.

As climate change threatens manatee habitats, researchers suggest using historical baselines to guide conservation efforts.

Advocacy groups are urging stronger protections, including restoring the manatee’s “endangered” status, as warm-water refuges diminish due to the closure of fossil fuel plants.

Höga krav för att få vittna anonymt. Den första januari trädde en ny lag i kraft som gör det möjligt att vittna anonymt i brottmål. Reglerna om anonyma vittnen påverkar inte den vanliga vittnesplikten. Den är oförändrad. Men det riskerar att öka antalet friande domar i rättegångar om grova brott.…

ZFS new disk

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Hi there,

I'm not an expert in ZFS (I know enough to be a dangerous fanboy, haha), but I have an unraid server with two ZFS pools: one with HDDs and one with SSDs.

I recently bought a new 4TB Samsung 990 Pro SSD and want to add it to the SSD pool.

My initial thought was to add the 990 to the pool as a new VDEV. However, I'm also considering recreating the SSD pool with two drives in a strip configuration. I don't mind disk failures because I regularly snapshot and back up the SSD pool to the HDD pool.

The main goal is to have access to all 5TB of storage.

I'm wondering if it's a good idea to combine these drives into one pool or if it would be better to create three separate pools.

Steam On Linux Ends 2024 With A Nice Boost To Its Marketshare, AMD Linux CPU Use At 74%

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in reply to Karna

Last month, I switched from an all-AMD system to a 2+ times better all-AMD system and I couldn't be happier! (okay, 32GB RAM and a bigger than 59W battery could've made me happier but I digress).

I've been on AMD throughout my entire Linux journey and I've never had any issues related to that hardware.

in reply to N.E.P.T.R

Old one was an Acer Aspire 5 with Ryzen 4500U, 8GB RAM and 512GB SSD.

New one is Thinkpad T14 with Ryzen 7840U, 16GB RAM and 1TB SSD.

in reply to Karna

It's nice to see that Linux is doing well on Steam.
But with Steam deck being pretty successful, and showing that gaming on Linux is viable now, I kind of hoped for more.
But as the AMD numbers showed for years after Ryzen came out, the inertia in the market is huge. And change takes time.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Buffalox

My hope is that there will be an uptick at the end of support for Windows 10.

I know I will really try to completely ditch windows at this time.

in reply to Tetsuo

There was clearly an increased popularity of Linux when Windows Vista and Windows 8 came out.
IDK if Windows 11 is bad enough to make much difference. People were really pissed about Vista and 8 which helped Linux some.
in reply to Buffalox

Win11 has arbitrary hardware reqs

Good Linux marketing IMHO

in reply to sunzu2

Even given that, I'd still think there would be an uptick in Linux market share, but only a small one. Certainly no "year of the Linux desktop" levels.
in reply to sunzu2

Yeah well, you can say anything and I wouldn't know. I haven't used Windows for 15 years, and Linux became my main OS in 2015.
I just ordered a new CPU and SSD, and I'm quite looking forward to making a new install, because my current system is running on a 6 year old installation. Although it's a rolling release distro, I can see there are desktop improvements I haven't got. Also I'll be going back to KDE, since they've fixed the hotkeys on numeric keypad issue. I'm almost giddy about it. 😀 😜
in reply to Buffalox

Vista was what pushed me to Linux originally, and I still haven’t gone back!
in reply to socphoenix

That's a pretty decent amount of time ago. I switched a bit earlier, when XP was still going strong. In 2005 when Ubuntu Breezy Badger came out. Goddam it was a good distro for the time, and it became my main OS. For years it was like free gifts when a new Ubuntu came out. In the early Ubuntu days, Ubuntu was way ahead of all the rest, and the forum was amazing.
in reply to Buffalox

I really miss Ubuntu from around that era, was by far the easiest thing to get up and running!
in reply to Tetsuo

It's better to try sooner. Dual booting as you figure things out like software replacement and what distro
in reply to NeatoBuilds

Yes, i already installed a PoP OS in dual boot and tried things out.

I will test games on it in the next months to prepare for Windows deletion. I just hope a game I really like won't go out not working decently on Linux or I'm afraid I will lose my momentum/motivation.

At the very least I intend to only boot windows for those game that really don't work on Linux.

in reply to Tetsuo

Yeah i went down the same path about a year ago and ended up forgetting i even had a dual boot of windows. I ended up just wiping the windows drive and reinstalled popos as a raid0 across both drives for that little extra speed bump for loading.

I don't really play multi-player games but I haven't come across anything not working from steam. The only issue I had was openRGB was detected by the insurgency sand storm anti cheat so I disabled it from launching on boot so my PC leds are just on default most of the time

in reply to Buffalox

It would be unrealistic to expect a faster growth. The userbase already used windows and the global linux userbase is small. People don't change habits so easily, and most still don't see a reason to.
in reply to nossaquesapao

Linux is almost twice as big outside of gaming tho. In the Steam survey it sits at ~2%, whereas Statcounter has it at ~4%, based on browser data. Gaming actually lacks behind mainstream Linux adoption
in reply to nossaquesapao

IDK, Steam Deck is kind of a game changer, with SteamOS also getting a lot better. Kinda easy to say it is what it is in hind sight IMO.

Det korrupta brottsförebyggande arbetet i Malmö. Flera nyckelpersoner i Malmö som arbetar med att hjälpa kriminella ungdomar anklagas i en kommunal rapport för omfattande korruption.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Åsa Linderborgs okunnighet om Göteborg visar sig tydligt i en kolumn som hon skrivit i Aftonbladet. Den har den märkliga titeln Metoo-domstolens straff tar aldrig slut fast den i huvudsak handlar om en bok med Göteborgsvitsar.…

Chimera Linux Entering beta

The most popular Linux gaming articles of 2024

Piperska smällen eller Flyborgska smällen kallas mordet på direktör Sixten Flyborg (1892–1926) som ägde rum natten till fredagen den 12 mars 1926. Klockan 03:13 exloderade en bomb i hans bil på framför Pipersgatan 14 på Kungsholmen i Stockholm.…

Why is Blender in Financial Trouble?

Donation page for blender

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in reply to Parculis Marcilus

Blender is a amazing tool. Been using it for years and donated. No regrets.

OFFICIAL TRAILER #2: Common Side Effects | February 2 | adult swim

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OFFICIAL TRAILER #2: Common Side Effects | February 2 | adult swim

What's New In January 2025 | Max