Mike Johnson re-elected House speaker as GOP mutiny threat dissolves
cross-posted from: thelemmy.club/post/20982639
Speaker-designate Mike Johnson won a majority of voting members in the House of Representatives.
Mike Johnson re-elected House speaker as GOP mutiny threat dissolves
Speaker-designate Mike Johnson won a majority of voting members in the House of Representatives.
Not a single original film broke the box office top 15 in 2024
Not a single original film broke the box office top 15 in 2024
Franchises and sequels dominated the 2024 box office. The only movie in the top 15 not based on an existing film was "Wicked," which was based on a Broadway musical.Kelsey Vlamis (Business Insider)
A simple bash script that allows the user to visually explore their file system.
Hey everyone. I thought someone might enjoy my simple bash script that I use to go through my fs.
It requires eza, fzf, and zoxide. I use eza and zoxide as my main to-go vanilla replacements, but I'm sure vanilla ls and cd will work too!
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I've tried a good handful of TUI file managers but most of doesn't feel right, so I made my own little script in attempt to scratch that itch. Not completely satisfied with it but it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I use nnn for file management.
It doens't have a preview pane by default, but I don't need it most of the time, so I just use the plugin for it when I need it.
Also supports quite a few other kinds of plugins and features like bookmarking.
How are you dealing with the UK's Online Safety Act, that comes into effect this March?
This is already impacting futurology.today - one of the Mods is British, and because of this law doesn't feel comfortable continuing. As they have back-end expertise with hosting, if they go, we may have to shut down the whole site.
How easy is it to block British IP addresses? Would that be enough to circumvent any legal issues, if no one else involved in running the site is British and it is hosted somewhere else in the world?
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Fitik likes this.
If you're using cloudflare you can block counties via that.
I'm also in the UK and run an instance - the problem is that the guidance is too large and overbearing. The stuff that actually mattered hadn't even been released by OFCOM last time I bothered looking, such as the risk assessment.
I guess we'll know more when they release the guidance on age verification - that will be what kills most sites off if they insist its required for all social media
the problem is that the guidance is too large and overbearing.
Who gets to decide what "self-harm" is? There'll be some busybodies who'll say that any remotely positive messaging for LGBTQ youth is 'self-harm' for them.
Exactly. Don't get me wrong, meta and X are a cesspool without moderation or a thought for the users wellbeing, and deserve tidying up.
But it's going to kill spaces where people can express themselves, and drive UK users underground.
Now would be a good time to start a VPN business targeted to UK users. Actually..
anything teenagers actually want to do and enjoy doing is self-harm, haven't you gotten the memo that adults know in 100% of all cases what's good for them a lot better than they themselves do
(To any reader unironically agreeing with the above paragraph, I suggest reading this webcomic.)
I'm not a Brit (but worried similar stuff is coming here to America), but it sounds like you have to enforce those rules. Theoretically, from my high level understanding, would it be enough to have those rules in place, and when reported actively remove the content as a mod?
I can't tell exactly, but it sounds like the biggest thing is that there needs to be a way to remove the content quickly, which we have. Facebook is obviously an offender, where they have a "process" but it takes days and as we all know, 99% of the time they don't actually do anything.
As a higher more automated level, I'm guessing our automod stuff that most of us admins are using would probably be enough, or if not that some basic AI models.
It doesn't sound like they expect it to be perfect, here in the states they don't expect me to be perfect, but they damn well expect me to follow correct process if I do become aware of something. It's essentially A) I need to take reasonable preventative measures, like actively moderating, doing what I can automatically, banning bad users and removing content when needed and then B) Immediately taking action if I do become aware of anything, keeping evidence for the feds.
would it be enough to have those rules in place, and when reported actively remove the content as a mod?
We're pretty good with daily moderating of content on futurology.today, so I'd be confident we could cover that aspect.
However I'm wondering about federation issues. Are we liable for UK users who use their futurology.today account to access other instances we don't mod?
Does it really, practically, impact things?
If people had to obey the law of "every country that has any internet presence", site operators worldwide would have to do such silly things as ban women from using the internet while not sitting right next to their husbands, or who knows what other silly things as per the Sharia. So I don't really see how any such thing is to be taken at anything but grandposturing from boomer political parties, at face value.
Now, if you want to ban Bri'ish IP addresses, your hosting can take care of that. For the most capable ones it's just a flip of a switch. But do consider that in some cases that makes your site worse for everyone else worldwide as such rules are sometimes implemented via privacy-invading systems (eg.: yet another control that makes your site depend on Cloudflare).
This is already impacting futurology.today - one of the Mods is British, and because of this law doesn’t feel comfortable continuing. As they have back-end expertise with hosting, if they go, we may have to shut down the whole site.
Its good news that they are merely a mod and not an admin / op, then! That's why documenting and transfer of knowledge is important! If they don't feel capable of dealing with a stupid law, they should make themselves unnecessary to your community ASAP! Have them prepare to step down from the role by documenting everything that a replacement needs to be able to do, then as soon as another mod can test that the documentation works, derole them if that's what they want.
I have no idea about how people in the UK should react and I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding of it is that if no one involved in running your site is British, it's not hosted in the UK, and you don't have any kind of business relationships with people in the UK, you absolutely should not worry about it or take any action at all beyond making sure you don't sign any deals or offer any products for sale in that country.
They cannot legally or practically do anything to you beyond perhaps blocking access to your site somehow I suppose, and in the extremely unlikely event that they tried something crazy you'd be an international cause celebre with plenty of legal support available. Doing their dirty work for them by trying to block British IP addresses seems inadvisable.
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that's the thing. You don't have to be a company or resident of the UK.
If you have a community (classic forum, lemmy, masto etc) that caters to a "significant part" to UK users, you are target of the act.
And depending on where you live, extraditions to the UK for criminal charges exist.
Will anyone bother doing that? We'll see
Edit: In case people want to read the law themselves: legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2023/…
intended target and possible target are different things.
The law, as it exists, targets any and all communities with "a significant number of United Kingdom users". There is no minimum size requirement.
It might be possible that the law turns a blind eye on smaller communities. But it might not. They are in their right to go against a 20 user fediverse instance the same way as they are against facebook
The admins are hopeful at the moment that we will be able to comply without too much trouble
ShredOS - A small Linux distribution to erase your traces
GitHub - PartialVolume/shredos.x86_64: Shredos Disk Eraser 64 bit for all Intel 64 bit processors as well as processors from AMD and other vendors which make compatible 64 bit chips. ShredOS - Secure disk erasure/wipe
Shredos Disk Eraser 64 bit for all Intel 64 bit processors as well as processors from AMD and other vendors which make compatible 64 bit chips. ShredOS - Secure disk erasure/wipe - PartialVolume/sh...GitHub
Solar powered server rack
Has anyone gotten their server rack to run off solar power.
I got the idea after seeing the Anker solix systems on sale at costco and thought what if I could get one of those to power my server rack and have a few rigid solar panels on the roof to charge the battery up during the day and run the server partially during the night off the battery, but switch over to grid power when it runs dry?
Curious if anyone has any experience with that, I'm not looking to do my whole house just my server rack for now, from my limited tracking of my rack it looks like it uses 8kwh a day so it seems possible.
Searching online it looks like there are much cheaper battery options than anker
FBI declines to say whether it will fire, discipline agent who said attack was 'not a terrorist event'
cross-posted from: thelemmy.club/post/20975006
The FBI has not responded to Fox Digital's request for comment on whether Agent Alethea Duncan will be fired for initially saying the New Orleans attack was not terrorism.
FBI declines to say whether it will fire, discipline agent who said attack was 'not a terrorist event'
The FBI has not responded to Fox Digital's request for comment on whether Agent Alethea Duncan will be fired for initially saying the New Orleans attack was not terrorism.
The Linux Kernel Hit A Decade Low In 2024 For The Number Of New Commits Per Year
The Linux Kernel Hit A Decade Low In 2024 For The Number Of New Commits Per Year
With New Year's Eve at Phoronix it means combing through Git statistics for the past year of various open-source projects among other end of year coverage..www.phoronix.com
Can science be both open and secure? Nations grapple with tightening research security as China’s dominance grows
Can science be both open and secure? Nations grapple with tightening research security as China’s dominance grows
Scientific R&D drives economic competitiveness, military technology and national security. Governments are trying to balance research security with protecting the openness that makes science work.The Conversation
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misk, Lag, hPkEud74N6DJ, brendansimms, Tang, trimexanthine, Gingerlegs, Cousin Mose, pencil_nerd, Breve, raoul, Steve, Limcon, AbouBenAdhem, hakase, VeganPizza69 Ⓥ, Regna, phdepressed, meyotch, sandayle, satansbartender, PM_Me_Ur_Naval_Power, mox, Arcanum, Winter8593, FundMECFS, GoosLife, PennyRoyal, copymyjalopy, Frost-752, , RangerAndTheCat, ClanOfTheOcho, Nemeski, linucs, TheMetaleek, Tramort, cymbal_king, Artyom, Justin, slazer2au, finley, Fredselfish and Miles_Endsly like this.
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Värtanmordet 1985. På eftermiddagen torsdag den 10 januari 1985 träffades två grupper av män vid Siljaterminalen i Värtahamnen i Stockholm. Den ena gruppen bestod av tre män från Stockholm. Den andra gruppen på fyra affärsmän var inresta från landsorten.
OpenPilot è un sistema di assistenza alla guida avanzato e open source che funziona su oltre 275 modelli di auto
Attualmente, openpilot svolge le funzioni di Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) e Automated Lane Centering (ALC). openpilot è in grado di accelerare, frenare automaticamente per gli altri veicoli e sterzare per seguire la strada/la corsia.
Quando openpilot è abilitato, un sistema di monitoraggio del conducente lo sorveglia e si assicura che sia sempre attento e pronto a prendere il controllo.
Se utilizzate correttamente, queste funzioni riducono il carico di lavoro del conducente e possono rendere i lunghi viaggi rilassanti anziché noiosi.
LibreOffice 25.2 RC1 is available for testing
LibreOffice 25.2 RC1 is available for testing - LibreOffice QA Blog
LibreOffice 25.2 will be released as final at the beginning of February, 2025 ( Check the Release Plan ) being LibreOffice 25.2 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) the third pre-release since the development of version 25.2 started in mid Juny, 2024.x1sc0 (LibreOffice QA Blog)
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Linux reshared this.
Which Linux tool or command is surprisingly simple, powerful, and yet underrated?"
Which Linux command or utility is simple, powerful, and surprisingly unknown to many people or used less often?
This could be a command or a piece of software or an application.
For example I'm surprised to find that many people are unaware of Caddy, a very simple web server that can make setting up a reverse proxy incredibly easy.
Another example is fzf. Many people overlook this, a fast command-line fuzzy finder. It’s versatile for searching files, directories, or even shell history with minimal effort.
Wow, who hurt you? Vim is fun, and just because you can make things work without it doesn't mean it has no practical benefit. It's nice to have an editor as powerful as an IDE that doesn't require a graphical environment.
Hundreds of shortcuts is emacs, by the way. A major perk of modal editing and the vi editing language is that you can compose relatively few operations to accomplish many tasks rather than memorizing lots of more complex and specific shortcuts.
into the input of the command:yes | command-that-asks-a-lot-of-questions
and yq
are both things I install on pretty much every machine I have.
return anything:yes no
-g, --chgexit Exit when the output of command changes
on aix before reading the man page!
to using pv
to write disk images to removable media.
Because it's so simple, a good default config can be a one-liner. For similar functionality to default sudo:
permit persist setenv {PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin} :wheel
Allows members of
to run commands as any user (if you just run doas <cmd>
it will default to root), and "persists" for 5 minutes, ie if you run doas then for the next 5 minutes in the same session you won't have to enter your password to run doas again, similar to default sudo settings.What problems were you having where you couldn't get it to work?
column -t
aligns columns in all lines. EG$ echo {a,bb,ccc}{5,10,9999,888} | xargs -n3
a5 a10 a9999
a888 bb5 bb10
bb9999 bb888 ccc5
ccc10 ccc9999 ccc888
$ echo {a,bb,ccc}{5,10,9999,888} | xargs -n3 | column -t
a5 a10 a9999
a888 bb5 bb10
bb9999 bb888 ccc5
ccc10 ccc9999 ccc888
i just cat grep .bash_history lol
but this does sound more convenient xD
It's like cat but better. Great for when you just want to look at the contents of a file, without loading a whole text editor.
Oh also, tldr
My procedure for learning how to use a cli command goes tldr page -> --help if the tldr fails to help me -> THEN the full manpage
I like batcat aka bat, but nominate the humble ‘cat’ instead.
Want to copy a disk image to a device? You can use cat for that: cat file.iso>/dev/sdf
What to copy local stdout over ssh? Use cat.
ls -l | ssh myhost 'cat >out.txt'
That’s simple and surprisingly powerful.
After spending years dealing with shady freeware and junk software on windows, I was floored by how easy and nonchalantly I was able to set up a simple security camera on my PC
For some cases I use “|| true”.
The idiom accepts that the preceding command might fail, and that’s OK.
For example, a script where mkdir creates a directory that might already exist.
Nope, I'm glad to share.
I personalized it from the "Gruvbox Rainbow" preset from here: starship.rs/presets/
So, you might prefer that, if you're not, well, me.
You will need to set up a NerdFont, like the Starship installation guide says.
Here's my configuration:
::: spoiler Spoiler
"$schema" = 'https://starship.rs/config-schema.json'
format = """
[$status](bg:color_red fg:color_fg0)\
[](fg:color_red bg:color_orange)\
[$cmd_duration](bg:color_orange fg:color_fg0)\
[](fg:color_orange bg:color_yellow)\
[$time](bg:color_yellow fg:color_fg0)\
[$directory](bg:color_aqua fg:color_fg0)\
[](fg:color_aqua bg:color_blue)\
$git_status](bg:color_blue fg:color_fg0)\
[](fg:color_blue bg:color_bg3)\
$docker_context](bg:color_bg3 fg:color_fg0)\
palette = 'gruvbox_dark'
color_fg0 = '#ffffff'
color_bg1 = '#3c3836'
color_bg3 = '#665c54'
color_blue = '#458588'
color_aqua = '#689d6a'
color_green = '#98971a'
color_orange = '#d65d0e'
color_purple = '#b16286'
color_red = '#cc241d'
color_yellow = '#d79921'
disabled = false
symbol = ""
format = ' $symbol $status '
format = ' $user '
format = " $path "
truncation_length = 3
truncation_symbol = "…/"
"Documents" = " "
"Downloads" = " "
"Music" = " "
"Pictures" = " "
"Projects" = " "
symbol = ""
format = ' $symbol $branch '
style = "bg:color_aqua"
format = '$all_status$ahead_behind '
symbol = ""
format = ' $symbol $version '
symbol = " "
format = ' $symbol $version '
symbol = ""
format = ' $symbol $version '
symbol = ""
format = ' $symbol $version '
symbol = ""
format = ' $symbol $version '
symbol = " "
format = ' $symbol $version '
symbol = ""
format = ' $symbol $version '
symbol = ""
format = ' $symbol $version '
symbol = ""
format = ' $symbol $version '
format = ' $duration '
disabled = false
time_format = "%R"
format = ' $time '
disabled = false
: better version of du
. There's also diskonaut
which is an interactive tool.
ip eg:
# ip a
# ip a a dev enp160
The first incantation - ip address (you can abbreviate whilst it is unambiguous) gets you a quick report of interfaces, MAC, IPs and so on. The second command assigns another IP address to an interface. Handy for setting up devices which don't do DHCP out of the box or already have an IP and need a good talking to.
Oh and you can completely set up your IP stack, interfaces and routing etc with it. Throw in nft or iptables (old school these days - sigh!) for filtering and other network packet mangling shenanigans.
netstat -tunl
shows all open ports on the machine to help diagnose any firewall issues.
is more modern (from the iproute2 package) and uses very similar parameters.
but have to use ffmpeg
how is that better than
cat /dev/zero > /dev/null
while true; do :; done
it's useful for dealing with virtual disk images. like a real physical hard disk, but it's a file on the computer. you can mount it, format it, and write it to a real physical disk.
it's sometimes used with virtual machines, with iso images, or when preparing a bootable disk.
nmap *your_local_ip_address*
for example
will show you what devices are connected to the local network, and what ports are open there. really useful, for example, when you forgot the address of your printer or raspi yet again.
you can also use it to understand what ports on your computer are open from an attacker's perspective, or simply to figure out what services are running (ssh service).
- connect anything to anything
for example
socat - tcp-connect:remote-server:12345
socat tcp-listen:12345 -
socat tcp-listen:12345 tcp-connect:remote-server:12345
which runs the previous command with sudo
actually you can change your default text editor by putting export EDITOR=nano
in your .bashrc
file. Then files will open with nano instead.
Apart from that ... i still use nano as my main text editor in private, and i've been using that for over a decade now.
Who said it was better? It’s just my favourite.
Like my favourite shirt, it’s no better than the others, but it brings me a little joy :)
- on a serious note though, thank you for sharing your two examples - I didn’t know they existed.
I can't find the docs I followed, but this seems to be more or less the same process: ibm.com/support/pages/node/658…
There are version-specific AIX Toolbox installation scripts, so make sure you've got the right version (oslevel
should help).
for hitting urls when i want to see the headers or body without downloading to a file eg testing an api
environment variables are usually read by command line tools to launch your preferred editor. You could set VISUAL
to nano
before launching visudo and you would be editing the sudoers file in nano.
from math import *
x = sin(12) + pi * 3.2
y = tan(x)
# prints 0.09200389785419612
Most listed in some form elsewhere, but
* Ugrep
* ranger/lf
* tmux (splitting terminal and detatching/reattaching when I'm sshing onto server, etc)
I've also been enjoying Kate. It's a decent text editor, but the ability to Ctrl + / to pipe selected lines through any Linux command (Uniq, shuf, etc) is a bit of a superpower for an editor
GitHub - uutils/coreutils: Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils. Contribute to uutils/coreutils development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
I made a new app: Habit-maker: A reward-based habit tracker for android.
About Habit-Maker
Have you found it difficult to build new habits? Habit-Maker uses rewards and encouragements to help get over initial willpower required to form new habits.
Habit-Maker game-ifies making habits by giving you rewards each time you check a habit. It shows the following progress metrics:
- Streaks - The # of days you've completed your habit in a row.
- Points - points for checking habits, with multipliers for continuing your streak.
- % progress to your 66-day-ingrained habit.
Studies have found that encouragements are vital to building new habits. Habit-Maker takes advantage of this by allowing you to create your own custom encouragements.
Before creating a habit, take a few minutes and think about why you want to build this habit. What benefits will it bring you, and how your life will improve by doing it?
A good encouragement should have:
- An initial congratulations for completing the habit.
- A message tailored to you, about the benefits or reasons why you should continue.
Some examples of good encouragements:
Activity | Encouragement |
Brushing your teeth | Great job! Your friends will like seeing your whiter teeth, and less coffee stains. |
Lifting weights for 10m | Nice job! People will notice your better physique. |
Cardio for 10m | Well done! Studies show you're going to live a lot longer! |
Working out for 10m | Excellent! You'll have more energy, and feel healthier by continuing! |
Meditating for 10m | Nice! You're on your way to bettering the lives of those around you, by developing your awareness. |
Completing a habit
Once a habit has been formed, its relatively easy to continue doing it, almost as if it were on auto-pilot. Research shows that ~40% of our daily activities are habits that don't require much (if any) willpower once they've been formed.
Built With
- Android Jetpack Compose
- kizitonwose Calendar
- iSoron/uhabits (For score calculations)
Installation / Releases
Support / Donate
Habit-Maker will always remain free, open-source software. We've seen many open-source projects go unmaintained after a few years. Recurring donations have proven to be the only way these projects can stay alive.
Your donations directly support full-time development, and help keep this maintained. If you find yourself using habit-maker every day, consider donating:
- bitcoin:
- ethereum:
- monero:
Social / Contact
Habit Resources
- James clear - 3 steps habit change
- I got addicted to a habit app.
- Develop good habits
- James clear - how to build a new habit
- CNN habit tips
GitHub - dessalines/habit-maker: A reward-based habit tracker for android.
A reward-based habit tracker for android. Contribute to dessalines/habit-maker development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
I made a new app: Habit-maker: A reward-based habit tracker for android.
About Habit-Maker
Have you found it difficult to build new habits? Habit-Maker uses rewards and encouragements to help get over initial willpower required to form new habits.
Habit-Maker game-ifies making habits by giving you rewards each time you check a habit. It shows the following progress metrics:
- Streaks - The # of days you've completed your habit in a row.
- Points - points for checking habits, with multipliers for continuing your streak.
- % progress to your 66-day-ingrained habit.
Studies have found that encouragements are vital to building new habits. Habit-Maker takes advantage of this by allowing you to create your own custom encouragements.
Before creating a habit, take a few minutes and think about why you want to build this habit. What benefits will it bring you, and how your life will improve by doing it?
A good encouragement should have:
- An initial congratulations for completing the habit.
- A message tailored to you, about the benefits or reasons why you should continue.
Some examples of good encouragements:
Activity | Encouragement |
Brushing your teeth | Great job! Your friends will like seeing your whiter teeth, and less coffee stains. |
Lifting weights for 10m | Nice job! People will notice your better physique. |
Cardio for 10m | Well done! Studies show you're going to live a lot longer! |
Working out for 10m | Excellent! You'll have more energy, and feel healthier by continuing! |
Meditating for 10m | Nice! You're on your way to bettering the lives of those around you, by developing your awareness. |
Completing a habit
Once a habit has been formed, its relatively easy to continue doing it, almost as if it were on auto-pilot. Research shows that ~40% of our daily activities are habits that don't require much (if any) willpower once they've been formed.
Built With
- Android Jetpack Compose
- kizitonwose Calendar
- iSoron/uhabits (For score calculations)
Installation / Releases
Support / Donate
Habit-Maker will always remain free, open-source software. We've seen many open-source projects go unmaintained after a few years. Recurring donations have proven to be the only way these projects can stay alive.
Your donations directly support full-time development, and help keep this maintained. If you find yourself using habit-maker every day, consider donating:
- bitcoin:
- ethereum:
- monero:
Social / Contact
Habit Resources
- James clear - 3 steps habit change
- I got addicted to a habit app.
- Develop good habits
- James clear - how to build a new habit
- CNN habit tips
GitHub - dessalines/habit-maker: A reward-based habit tracker for android.
A reward-based habit tracker for android. Contribute to dessalines/habit-maker development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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Greendeath13 and Maeve like this.
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Open Source reshared this.
Thx! I did add a way to hide streaks (or any of the other stats) from the home screen.
No web app, as this is written in native android.
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celeste likes this.
That is a really smart choice in your part. I don’t have android but this looks great :)
We aren’t robots, we will always fail streaks
Since you're using uhabits, is it possible to export from Loop Habit Tracker into this app?
That'd be great to make the switch.
I'm not using uhabits, this is a different app I just made. If there's a JSON or CSV standard for habits and their history, I could probably add an import / export.
EDIT: Oh I see. No I just used one function from loop habit to help with streak calculations, and wanted to credit their codebase. Everything else is from scratch.
If there's a JSON or CSV standard for habits and their history, I could probably add an import / export.
Loop does have CSV history export. Looking forward to try if importing from it is possible.
Loop does work well as a tracker but it's a bit boring. Not that it's bad, just sometimes I just subconsciously ignore some habits.
ShredOS is a stripped-down operating system designed to destroy data.
GitHub page here.
ShredOS - Schneier on Security
ShredOS is a stripped-down operating system designed to destroy data. GitHub page here.Bruce Schneier (Schneier on Security)
in reply to TheImpressiveX • • •I'm going through my watch list of original films from 2024. It certainly doesn't look like a quality problem.
The Substance, Cuckoo, A Real Pain, Heretic, The Piano Lesson, The Wild Robot (does being based on a book count?), Conclave, Here, Thelma, Your Monster, Oddity, Strange Darling, Hundreds of Beavers, Blink Twice, Rebel Ridge, Didi, Kinds of Kindness, Wildcat, In a Violent Nature, I Saw the TV Glow, Civil War, Sasquach Sunset, Love Lies Bleeding, Monkey Man, Riddle of Fire, Lisa Frankenstein, Orion and the Dark, and Drugstore June.
in reply to neuracnu • • •