Threads och Fediversum - Svenssons Nyheter
Threads och Fediversum, Mikrobloggar är sociala mediesajter där det bara går att skriva korta meddelanden. Den mest kända mikrobloggen är X eller Twitter som den hette tidigare. Threads och Bluesky är två nyare alternativ.
Kraftig minskning av lax i Östersjön. Laxbeståndet i Östersjön har minskat kraftigt de senaste åren. Därmed har fisket också minskat kraftigt. Det är overdersägligt. Det har fått Stiftelsen för Östersjölaxen att kräva ett totalt fiskestopp. Det är rimligt vad det gäller laxen men de vill också ha ett fiskestopp på sill (strömming). Vilket är helt orimligt.
New Linux Patches Enhance AMD Radeon Video Encode/Decode For Older GPUs
New Linux Patches Enhance AMD Radeon Video Encode/Decode For Older GPUs
Since Raven/Picasso APUs and Navi GPUs there is Video Core Next (VCN) as the modern unified video encode/decode block for Radeon
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I tidningen Parabol ägnar sig Catrin Lundström åt en intellektuell övning vars syfte verkar vara att utmåla vita män på vänsterkanten som tar ställning som egoister som bara agerar i eget intresse, Dvs deras engagemang för Palestina beror helt på deras intresse av att göra karriär. Artikeln är en obegriplig intellektuell övning utan vettigt syfte.
LLVM Had Another Exciting Year With More Than 37k Commits, 35.5 Million Lines
LLVM Had Another Exciting Year With More Than 37k Commits, 35.5 Million Lines
LLVM development has peaked in recent years at around 37k commits per year for this huge, innovative open-source compiler
Development Release: Porteus 5.1 Alpha
Development Release: Porteus 5.1 Alpha ( News)
News and feature lists of Linux and BSD
Fossify File Manager: Open Source Replacement to Files by Google on Android
Fossify File Manager: Open Source Replacement to Files by Google on Android
Ready to simplify file management on Android without using Google's app or your manufacturer? Try this!Sourav Rudra (It's FOSS News)
Solving Problems in your sleep
Based on an article from…
Comparison of Objects
After a sleep session, participants were more likely to obtain information about items in a certain order, before sleep they mostly only compared the first in row…
Unconsciousness solving
If a task was connected to a sound and the sound got played while the participants sleeped, they solved it way faster then others after waking up…
Discovery of hidden connections
After a nights sleep, people in the study were able to find indirect links between objects more likely then those who didnt sleeped…
Recognition of underlying structures
Given a math problem, people who had a short episode of light sleep before, were able to find the hidden rule more likely…
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I watched LTT for years, since we were the same age, and NCIX was my local computer shop.
I noticed a steep decline in quality as LMG got bigger, and a greater focus on personalities and entertainment rather than substance. There's a market for that, and it appeals to the less knowledgeable or as an entry to tech as a hobby, or even people who just want tech-adjacent entertainment. I can't deny the reach and impact this team has, but the content isn't for me anymore.
Jeff Baena Dead: Director and Husband of Aubrey Plaza Was 47
Jeff Baena, Director and Husband of Aubrey Plaza, Dies at 47
Jeff Baena, an indie filmmaker whose credits include 'The Little Hours' and 'Life After Beth,' and who was the husband of Aubrey Plaza, died at 47.Brent Lang (Variety)
Tidningen Parabol har publicerat en märklig artikel om da Costa-mordet. Den handlar om att TV-serien om da Costa-mordet bortser från att framförallt den så kallade obducenten är en mycket underlig man som gjort en massa konstigheter under sitt liv. Artikeln är skriven av Lars Borgnäs.
Demersala kustkvoter i Västerhavet. Havs- och vattenmyndigheten beslutar årligen hur de för svenskt fiske tillgängliga demersala fiskemöjligheterna ska fördelas mellan olika kategorier av fiskelicensinnehavare. De beslutar då också hur stor del av kvoterna som tilldelas kustkvoterna.
Effingham County judge takes own life in courtroom
Effingham County judge takes own life in courtroom
An Effingham County state court judge has died by suicide.YouTube
in reply to Karna • • •"Older GPUs" means between the Radeon HD 2000 Series (2007) and Vega 20 (2018) for the decode part, and between the Radeon HD 7000 series (2012) and Vega 20 (2018) for the encode part.
I've still got a R7 260X (2013) in my Proxmox server; I wonder if this will make it more useful for Jellyfin transcoding?
in reply to Karna • • •magikmw
in reply to Karna • • •