Announcing RBlind custom dark and light themes for Lemmy
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As part of OurBlind's continued efforts to provide accessible online spaces for the blind and visually impaired community, we've developed custom themes for Lemmy, to use on our Lemmy instance on Rblind, and to make available for others, in keeping with the themes' license terms and the spirit of free and open source software.If you're reading this on and are not signed in, you're using RBlind-Dark. We hope you're enjoying it! If you log in, you can switch to RBlind-Light. Once logged in, go to your username, then Settings and, use the Themes dropdown to make your selection: we suggest RBlind-Dark or RBlind-Light at the end of the list.
Why these themes matter to us
We started this Lemmy instance back in 2023, prompted by the Reddit API protests. Reddit Inc., the company that controls the website our community r/Blind is on, had announced policy changes that made the apps most of us used to participate in the Reddit community impossible to maintain. During this time it became clear to us and many other online communities that a corporate-owned platform would always be subject to pressures that are contrary to our needs. We launched this site as our blind-friendly home base in the fediverse, a decentralized and often self-hosted social media platform.The goal of having our own home server was always to be able to make our own decisions about the software we run on it. One of those decisions is that the visual styling should always be comfortable for low-vision users and other disabled people, as part of our core audience. That meant designing and providing themes that, within our technical limitations, conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
How we designed our Lemmy themes
OurBlind admins contracted Travis, a talented graphic designer from within the community, for this project. Check out his website here. Together we went over specific requirenments within WCAG and the site's usage, colors, layout, preliminary testing, and communication, to develop both the themes themselves and the framework for future work and sharing.
How these themes meet our goals
In short, the new themes ensure high contrast, colorblind friendly colors, readable fonts, and appropriately-sized and readable buttons and links.Following are examples of the home feed using the new themes.
RBlind-Dark example
RBlind-Light example
Time for testing and feedback
These have been audited by OurBlind admins, but that's only part of the validation process. If you're using this site and have low vision, colorblindness, a cognitive or a motor disability, consider providing feedback. Do they work well given your needs and use case? Do you like them? Does something not work quite right? Comment below or fill out the anonymous survey. Don't hesitate to comment if you're not a member of this instance or not disabled - we want these to be helpful to as many people as possible. Thank you!We'll be collecting feedback and open to revisions until February 1st 2025. Even after that, we'll still be interested in your experience, but will take longer to respond and adjust.
How to use these themes on your own instance
As mentioned, this project is all about the value of free and open source software in ensuring control and autonomy. We're making this our home in the fediverse and we want to be good neighbors. We already offer the broader community a place for discussions around blindness, but we also want to contribute back.These themes are licensed under GNU AFFERO General Public License and available at the Codeberg repo to be used or modified. Updates to the themes that come as a result of user feedback will be available there. Definitely give Travis a star and consider hiring for your own design needs, he's been a delight to work with.
The repo is also mirrored on GitHub for accessibility reasons.
Thanks, from RBlind
This community's journey has been long and thrilling, across three platforms and over a decade. Everybody on the admin and moderation team has deeply benefitted from and grown with the community. These themes are a humble gift to our members and our neighbors on the fediverse. May they make all our lives that bit more comfortable.
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Что такое freemium модель бизнеса
Сегодня разберём, что такое freemium-модель бизнеса, как она работает, и почему она может оказаться не лучшим выбором для твоего продукта.
Freemium – это популярная бизнес-модель, при которой базовая версия продукта или услуги предоставляется бесплатно, а за доступ к премиум-функциям, расширенному функционалу или дополнительным возможностям пользователи платят.
Как работает freemium?
Простой пример – Gmail. Мы пользуемся бесплатной почтой Google, пока не сталкиваемся с ограничением: стандартные 15 ГБ заканчиваются, и возникает необходимость докупить место.
Но бесплатность здесь обманчива. Gmail – это лишь часть огромной экосистемы Google, которая зарабатывает на данных пользователей. Рекламные объявления в почтовом ящике и таргетинг – часть их стратегии монетизации. Пользователь как бы "платит" своими данными.
Freemium широко используется в мире онлайн-сервисов и мобильных приложений. Такие компании, как Google, Notion или мессенджеры вроде Telegram, активно применяют эту модель. Однако, если ты планируешь запустить свой стартап, стоит задуматься, подходит ли она именно тебе.
Почему зачастую freemium – это "карго-культ"?
Копирование модели freemium без глубокого понимания её сути напоминает явление карго-культа. Когда жители Меланезии имитировали действия европейцев в надежде привлечь «волшебные» грузы. Они строили муляжи самолётов и аэродромов, но, конечно, это не давало никаких реальных результатов.
Точно так же работает и с freemium. Если бездумно копировать эту модель, руководствуясь лишь примером крупных компаний, можно зря потратить время и ресурсы.
Это как пытаться подражать жизненным привычкам Илонa Маска в надежде, что это приведет к созданию SpaceX и запуску ракет на Марс. Модели и привычки — важны, но без соответствующих ресурсов и контекста это не приведет к успеху.
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FUTO just made a 14hrs long video introduction to Selfhosting! (plus a written version) 💾
Futo (Louis Rossman) at it again with great content, this time a Guide to Self Managed life. This 14hrs long guide comes in two video parts, aswell as a written guide for those who prefer. Both video and written quide comes with complete chapters and timestamps. This should be a great starting point for those who have the time and want to start learning from the very beginning.
Video Link to Part 1: Youtube - Invidious
Video Link to Part 2: Youtube - Invidious
Happy selfhosting in 2025 everyone ✨
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Our hardware failed this morning and we're stuck waiting on OVH to investigate the support ticket I filed. They claim their support is 24/7 but live chat / phone is just business hours, so worst case we might be down until tomorrow =( has an update, but not much to say really except "It's down until it's not"
Edit: I'm assuming we're down until I can call / chat with them first thing in the morning, so expect to be back up early tomorrow (depending on how long the parts replacement takes).
Edit 2: I called them when I woke up at 6:30 PST and hopefully they'll fix it soon now....
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Chozo likes this.
They claim their support is 24/7 but live chat / phone is just business hours
It's increasingly common for "24x7 support" to mean access to their KB/FAQ and the ability to raise a ticket, while the actual support is a skeleton crew working regular hours.
Not unlike "your call is very important to us..." 😅
Weird to think what happens when you lose a site you visit on a regular basis. I can understand the whole instance going down but us users just get lost when things get turned off. There's no way to know what happened, why or when or if anything will return.
I had to resurrect my old account to figure out what happened. I guess we have to hang on to two or more unique instance accounts in case our main instance goes down.
Stay well guys and I totally appreciate the admins of and all the work they do. I'll patiently wait and look forward to seeing it online again.
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Which animal will replace humans as Earth's dominant species? This scientist has an idea
Which animal will replace humans as Earth's dominant species? -
Human beings have been at the center of ecological change on Earth for thousands of years. But as history shows, no species lasts forever.Eric Ralls (
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Cousin Mose, hereforthepopcorn, RedditRefugee69, kratoz29, Canis_76, jpreston2005, UprisingVoltage, xmanmonk, h1ghfly3r, Binette, Odo, njm1314, Batmancer, Yugure4, corsicanguppy, flemtone and Ac5000 like this.
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Humans most certainly would be it by almost any intellectual qualifier
That's not a biological definition of "dominant species", that's what you want to define it as because surprise, intellect is our most important trait. By that logic, an owl could define "dominant species" in terms of flying ability and they'd find you utterly incompetent.
Grading every species we have encountered with regards to intelligence and ability to control its environment humanity is a wildly insane outlier.
We don't do that, at least not outside of pop science blogs.
to the point where we do not fit to such an extent that some agency other than organic evolution might be suspected.
That's absolutely meaningless.
Yeah but we literally are changing the planet and affecting other species.
Where does the oxygen in the air your breathe come from? How much biomass is moved every single day in the ocean war between bacteria and bacteriophages? How does the nitrogen you need to survive go from inorganic compounds into biological systems?
We are in no way special when it comes to impacting other species or the Earth as a system.
Do you want to enter a discussion about the definition of species in rapid multiplying populations of bacteria? Or even viruses for that matter?
I mean, I could, but given how fantastically naive this conversation has been so far, I doubt it would go how you want it to go.
I think you should chill out bc this was supposed to be a fun discussion, but I'll give you the same energy back. The fact that you brought up viruses, which aren't even living organisms, into a debate regarding species tells me all I need to know about your so-called expertise. We can agree to disagree, that way you can save your arrogance for someone who's impressed. :)
*This is MelonYellow. My server went down with fantastic timing!
I think you should chill out bc this was supposed to be a fun discussion
I have nothing against the post or the discussion. The later comments misinterpreted me. Let me try to put it this way:
While it can be fun and interesting to discuss this topic, this perception of a "dominant species" creates a lot of harm for us working on fields such as environmental evaluation and ecology. People outside of the field can have these faulty notions based on an anthropocentric view of humans and this creates a lot of challenges to very important decisions and work we do. Given how Lemmy is mostly populated from people in the IT field, I wrote a one-liner comment that wanted to point out "there is no dominant species, and any attempt at defining that is flawed" that's about it.
The rest of the discussion was just based on the replies I got, most of which were doubling down on this attempted claim that humans are dominant.
I have no anger or ill intent towards those that want to try and come up with potential evolutionary paths for ants, octopuses and crows in a post-humanity world.
The fact that you brought up viruses, which aren’t even living organisms
You tell that to a zoologist and they'd happily agree. Call your favorite virologist and they'd want you murdered. Call an evolutionary biologist and they'll begin a very long explanation that doesn't fix the definitions but will create peace between both groups. Regardless though, careful with your claims, even if we assume viruses as non-living (like I do) they have well defined species just as a way to facilitate working with them. "Species" is an operational definition, not a natural one.
We are in no way special when it comes to impacting other species or the Earth as a system.
We do it on purpose, with intent. Heck, we do it for multiple reasons! We also massively impact all parts of the ecosystem at the same time.
Because it opens up doing so many different things that impact the world as a whole. Beavers instinctually damn moving water and build homes, but that has been their limited behavior for thousands of years. They don't expand out and change things even more and more over time like humans do, because they don't actively choose to do new things that continuously expand their impact.
That intent and conscious decision making by humans to change the world around them is what makes them special.
That intent and conscious decision making by humans to change the world around them is what makes them special.
Sure, that's what makes us special. I obviously can't disagree, that's in fact what originates sociology as a whole, language, and our entire relationship with the world. Now explain why somehow our most important trait makes us dominant from a biological point of view. "Understanding behavior" and changing it over time is important to humans, not important for beavers, what makes beavers special is a completely different set of traits.
There are no "dominant" species. Downvote me all you want, go call your favorite phylogeny professor from whatever university you prefer and ask him to define "dominant species" in a biological sense, share your multiple definitions of "impacting the world as a whole" and "humans are special" and see how long they'll entertain that phone call.
Now explain why somehow our most important trait makes us dominant from a biological point of view.
It allows us to accomplish far more than would normally occur based on our biological limitations.
Your problem is trying to argue based on an academic definition (that is not universally defined) against the common usage of the word dominant and doing a piss poor job of making that clear. Like when someone uses the lay version of theory and then arguing against it based on the scientific definition of theory without making it clear which one you are using.
Your problem is trying to argue based on an academic definition (that is not universally defined) against the common usage of the word dominant and doing a piss poor job of making that clear.
We are in the "science" community and the post asked which animal will replace humans as Earth's dominance species. I commented that "dominant species" does not exist in biology.
You people are the ones freaking out over it and trying to come up with a definition. I was speaking about the academic definition from the beginning. But good to hear you finally admit that there is no scientific definition or meaning to this phrase, that was my comment from the beginning. We are done in this discussion then.
Sure, if my goal was to entertain their proposed definition.
My goal was instead commenting that this might be a fun endeavor for some, but remind everybody else that might not be familiar with biological sciences that this isn't actually a formal definition or a scientific claim that one species is or isn't dominant.
If the beavers banded together and tried to exterminate humanity, they wouldn’t get as far as humanity would exterminating beaverkind. That’s domination: exerting your will on those around you to their detriment and not being deterred by their resistance, no?
I don’t think that’s a fun competition or nice thing to consider, but there are few animals that could come close to beating us in that regard. Ants, termites, and bees are the first that come to mind for me, but there are probably other possibilities.
Plants, fungi, and bacteria on the other hand… I don’t think we could really expect to win against the most ubiquitous examples of those.
You are free to think of intelligence as this supreme trait above everything else and you can go nuts ranking life based on that. Won't change the fact that this effort is meaningless from a biological point of view, and completely irrelevant to the way we classify species, record evolution or understand ecological relationships.
But again, go nuts with it if that's how you want to spend your time.
Human beings can, of course, fly. We can fly much faster and further than any owl could even conceive. However we did it through intelligence, knowledge sharing, tool use, rather than physical evolution. Human flying dominates all other flying life, because of intelligence.
For pretty much anything most creatures have adapted to do, you could argue so can humans, but because of intelligence, not just narrow physical adaptation. Intelligence is a supreme trait
1) Have extremely short lifespan so a limited capacity to learn (1-2 years)
2) Don’t raise their offspring, in fact after mating/laying eggs they naturally die, so no knowledge sharing
3) Are extremely solitary and don’t have social bonds or do anything socially, so little communication/passing of knowledge
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I worked as an intern at a lab studying octopus vulgaris.
They are extremely sensitive to all sorts of things in the water. Keeping them well is very difficult. Although I would imagine if there are big but gradual changes in water environment, they would have a chance of adapting faster due to short life cycles and the fact that mating creates hundreds of thousands of eggs.
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If we assume that they somehow survive all the way to the very moment when humans get a permanent ban to the Earth Server, then the changes should be gradual enough after that. The bad news is, humans love to play this game by recklessly exploiting every bug and glitch, so rapid changes (in evolutionary scale) are the norm.
See also: Peppered moth evolution
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I’m not even convinced that intelligence is a requirement to be the dominant species. Intelligence is so expensive that nature rarely ever selects for it.
Trilobytes did pretty damn well for a hell of a lot longer than we have so far. I think we need a stronger working definition of “dominant” in order to judge any candidates.
Issytia likes this.
It's unlikely an aquatic species can achieve technological breakthroughs needed to spread like humans can. It would be very difficult for them to build fires, smelt metal, and create the advances based off of those tools.
While they can be extremely smart and adaptable, it's difficult to imagine how a species like that could develop machines.
Sure, there's possible ways around it, like natural vents and geothermal power, but why would they utilize these resources without a benefit like cooking?
Route to what, though? What aspects of human- like dominance do you think octopuses would want to replicate? It's not like they need buildings or air travel for example, because they can swim in three dimensions. What are the goals of octopus- style planetary dominance?
I've spent some time wondering that myself, and as a narrow- minded human the best I can come up with is consistent safety from predators (metal structures would be useful here but there must be alternatives) and maybe agriculture, although they seem to enjoy hunting their way.
The only thing that humans really can't accomplish much of anything without is organized society, and octopuses don't seem inclined that way. And what's the point of planetary dominance without society anyway?
giedrbac likes this.
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It's totally possible some water-based species would find other crazy useful early techniques
Such as?
Even then, they are still short-lived, non-social animals who don't raise their young. How do individual discoveries compound into robust technologies?
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MutilationWave likes this.
Serious question:
How difficult is it for octopus to change via evolution so it becomes more like a primate?
They can already breathe on land for up to an hour.
I think they just need a few key mutations to live longer and nurture their young.
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Grandwolf319 likes this.
Fun fact: octopuses* respond to MDMA, and become social and cuddly.…
I seem to recall a similar story where drug exposure reversed the octopus's usual behavior of simply waiting for death after mating, but I couldn't find a reference from a quick search so perhaps I am misremembering this story, about the biological mechanisms behind that behavior:…
I would argue it depends on the method humans get removed from the equation. Chances are, humans are going to leave behind such a mess of that it’s going to be pretty hard for most things to survive.
Anything living off hydrothermal vents should be fine, even if the Earth undergoes prolonged nuclear winter or even a snowball earth scenario. Everything else is at great risk of going extinct. Tardigrades should be fine though, since they can survive all sorts of weird extremes.
Crows and ravens. Highly adaptive. At home in a deep forest or the remains of a burnt out city. Social. Predisposed to intelligence.
The whole concept of a "dominant species" is also a bit ridiculous and probably shouldn't be bought into whole cloth. If what we mean by "dominant species" is 'the most radiatively expansive single species before allopatric speciation takes over..", then pick any one of the many many invasive we've spread around the planet. Our intelligence has allowed for a massive and basically instantaneous geologic layer globally, but it's not something that can be handed off in the way that a vasculature did for land plants or the ability to decompose cellulose and lignin did for fungi.. unless we want it to be.
If you really want intelligence to make it's mark on the earth we need a way to move it from our species into other species, because we're not long for this world. Move the genes specific to human nervous tissue and neurons into bees, ants, termites, any formian creature. That'll get this party started.
I think there's a solid argument to be made for ants as the world's dominant species. There are even supercolonies that span multiple continents.…
They will likely continue to thrive in the post-human global environment. Their success does not rely on human development (like, say, rats), nor are they severely threatened by human development (like...well, most things).
The global expansion of a single ant supercolony - PMC
Ants are among the most damaging invasive species, and their success frequently arises from the widespread cooperation displayed by introduced populations, often across hundreds of kilometers. Previous studies of the invasive Argentine ant
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Vandals_handle likes this.
Was talking about this earlier with the s.o., we've both got pretty substantial biology training (phds, ms, bs etc). We both agreed that "dominant species" is a bit of a term looking for a definition, as in, it's not something extending from biology or ecology but rather something being imposed upon them. We were between nostoc and rhizobium, with fungi capable of digesting lignin in third place, for the most "world dominating" species, in the sense that those species, through their biology, have carved the planet into a place much more suited for themselves.
It strikes me that humans aren't even really doing that, but rather, we're selecting for an environment less suitable to our own survival. So I don't know that humans would even rank for dominance over the environment because we really don't have any sense of control over the matter, whereas, some other species clearly do.
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AnAmericanPotato and Flummoxed like this.
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Why would even be a next "dominant single species", like humans?
Out of the billions of alive organisms that had ever been on earth only humans have human intelligence. It doesn't seem like a common trait for any organism.
I think that humans are just some weird anomaly. Once we are gone there will probably not be any other intelligent species for a while, if forever.
I’ll bet 90% of people commenting on the internet immediately thought: “octopi!”
Twelve ponderous paragraphs into the article, this brilliant scientists finally says: “octopi.”
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mediocre_magi, Binette, Electric_Druid, theonlytruescotsman and itslilith like this.
Multiple different species have evolved into crabs. Apparently it's kind of a mystery.
I think they're the perfect organism.
I'm only 1/4 joking.
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Batmancer, Leeks, theonlytruescotsman, Ponygirl42 and Issytia like this.
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Draconic NEO
in reply to Blaze (he/him) • • •