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Announcing RBlind custom dark and light themes for Lemmy

in reply to Blaze (he/him)

These should probably be added as extra default themes to the Lemmy software as a whole, that way they'll be in all instances for accessibility purposes, not just a single instance.

Что такое freemium модель бизнеса

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

FUTO just made a 14hrs long video introduction to Selfhosting! (plus a written version) 💾

Futo (Louis Rossman) at it again with great content, this time a Guide to Self Managed life. This 14hrs long guide comes in two video parts, aswell as a written guide for those who prefer. Both video and written quide comes with complete chapters and timestamps. This should be a great starting point for those who have the time and want to start learning from the very beginning.

Video Link to Part 1: Youtube - Invidious

Video Link to Part 2: Youtube - Invidious

Happy selfhosting in 2025 everyone ✨

in reply to Sips'

@Sips' sadly in an ironic twist, they no longer seem to be maintaining their #selfhosted #peertube instance @futo_tech :(

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

in reply to LPS

So they do have a PeerTube instance, just chose not to upload anything to it?
in reply to Jeena

@Jeena they had been up until 1 mth ago, I assume it was mirrored until YouTube broken the auto syncing🤷‍♂️
in reply to LPS

Thankfully I just spotted a recent upload by #louisrossman on their instance, though it seems it only includes some short videos that he put up, it's not entirely synced with their YT channel. Regarding #immich photo #peertube…


PeerTube V7.0.1

Sprängningen av Restaurang Fontainebleau. Den 31 december 1982 drabbades Restaurang Fontainebleau av en kraftig explosion. Restaurangen var belägen i de översta våningarna på Byggnadsföreningens hus på Norrlandsgatan 11 i Stockholm, vid korsningen Norrlandsgatan och Mäster Samuelsgatan.…

Captation video des JdLL 2024.

Are there any programs to take handwritten material and import it into programs like Memos or Trilium?

I found some that do the opposite, take digital writing and format into a printed list.

Are there any programs to take handwritten material and import it into programs like Memos or Trilium?

I found some that do the opposite, take digital writing and format into a printed list.

in reply to JohnnyCanuck

Our hardware failed this morning and we're stuck waiting on OVH to investigate the support ticket I filed. They claim their support is 24/7 but live chat / phone is just business hours, so worst case we might be down until tomorrow =( has an update, but not much to say really except "It's down until it's not"

Edit: I'm assuming we're down until I can call / chat with them first thing in the morning, so expect to be back up early tomorrow (depending on how long the parts replacement takes).

Edit 2: I called them when I woke up at 6:30 PST and hopefully they'll fix it soon now....

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Shadow

Just changed all my maintenance messages to

It's down until it's not

in reply to Shadow

They claim their support is 24/7 but live chat / phone is just business hours

It's increasingly common for "24x7 support" to mean access to their KB/FAQ and the ability to raise a ticket, while the actual support is a skeleton crew working regular hours.

Not unlike "your call is very important to us..." 😅

in reply to JohnnyCanuck

Weird to think what happens when you lose a site you visit on a regular basis. I can understand the whole instance going down but us users just get lost when things get turned off. There's no way to know what happened, why or when or if anything will return.

I had to resurrect my old account to figure out what happened. I guess we have to hang on to two or more unique instance accounts in case our main instance goes down.

Stay well guys and I totally appreciate the admins of and all the work they do. I'll patiently wait and look forward to seeing it online again.

in reply to ininewcrow

I keep trying to open the lemmy app on my phone out of habit.
in reply to Shadow

It feels shitty and I was doing the same thing all day. I had to resurrect my account just to get back online. It's made me realize that I should maintain both accounts for shut downs like this. And now I'm also having to do more in maintaining my Mastodon account too.
in reply to Shadow

I did that five times before remembering I had an old account on this instance that I could switch to to post the question and see what communities I used to be subscribed to.
in reply to ininewcrow

At least it’s not like Reddit when the website goes down you can’t use it at all.

Google Maps is over! The tech giant complies with EU orders to remove navigation services from search results

For years, Google Maps has been a go-to tool for millions worldwide, seamlessly integrated into search results for instant access to directions, locations, and more. But if you’ve noticed something missing recently, you’re not imagining things. Due to European Union regulations, Google has been forced to remove its Maps functionality from its search results, marking a significant shift in how we interact with the tech giant’s ecosystem.

in reply to MelonYellow

I’ll bet 90% of people commenting on the internet immediately thought: “octopi!”

Twelve ponderous paragraphs into the article, this brilliant scientists finally says: “octopi.”

in reply to MelonYellow


Multiple different species have evolved into crabs. Apparently it's kind of a mystery.

I think they're the perfect organism.

I'm only 1/4 joking.

Brita Broström och dråpet på Sten Ekdahl. Brita Broström föddes 1909 och dog 1972. Hon var en äldre syster till Dan-Axel Broström. Som ung vuxen tycks hon ha varit deprimerad då hon våren 1929 hade en sjuksköterska boende i hemmet 37 dygn samt tillbringade 23 dygn på Carlanderska sjukhemmet.…

How can we help FSF with their "Upgrade From Windows" campaign?

Right now their page just redirects to which has a wall of text and an infographic. Even I, who doesn't have windows and will never reinstall it unless forced, clicked away from the page within 5 seconds. The FSF desperately needs help with marketing and design, plus it would be great to have tooling for brain-dead linux installation (no, find distribution, backup, put linux on a USB-stick, reboot, hit some button to get into the BIOS, select "USB stick", reboot, click through installation, find alternative software, is not brain-dead).

How I host Authentik/Matrix/Headscale to power my network - Part 1

Happy new years!

One of my personal goals is to secure the data of me and my community from data scraping as much as I can. I've also learned a ton from blog posts on how to host software, and it's time I contribute back.

So, welcome to my series on how I host my services with as little dependency on US-based services as I can.

I'd love feedback on my writing so I can learn and improve as well!

FSF Urges Moving Off Microsoft's GitHub to Protest Windows 11's Requiring TPM 2.0

TPM is a dedicated chip or firmware enabling hardware-level security, housing encryption keys, certificates, passwords, and sensitive data, "and shielding them from unauthorized access," Microsoft senior product manager Steven Hosking wrote last month, declaring TPM 2.0 to be "a non-negotiable standard for the future of Windows."

Github's fake stars, Nvidia's $700M open source bet, KDE looks healthy: Linux & Open Source News

Allt fler nya klientprogram för fediversum. Då majoriteten av programvarorna för Fediversum har fir och öppen kod innebär det att i princip vem som helst kan skriva en serverprogramvara eller en klientprogramvara (en app).…

Ur askan i elden. Skjutningarna har minskat i antal. Detsamma gäller sprängningarna. Ska vi döma efter utvecklingen i Göteborg där skjutningarna minskade redan för nästan 10 år sen (2015-2016) eller i Malmö dä minskningen började 2018 kommer minskningen att stå sig.…