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A Razor-Thin House Majority Creates Headaches for Republicans (Xavier Martinez/Wall Street Journal)……

Minecraft in…COBOL?

When you think of languages you might read about on Hackaday, COBOL probably isn’t one of them. The language is often considered mostly for business applications and legacy ones, at …read more
#hacking #projects…

Reims-Gueux F1 Circuit in Gueux, France

A road that ends in the middle of a farmer’s field is one of the only remnants of this once-famous racetrack.#history #cars #motorcycles #races #section-Atlas

Presidential Christmas Ornaments at Hixson's in Lakewood, Ohio

This antique shop features a large collection of ornaments amassed by an Ohio florist who helped decorate the White House for the holidays.#collections #christmas #presidents #section-Atlas

Kinomoto Tsuruya Bakery in Kinomoto, Japan

This bakery in Japan is one of the few places that still sells 'salad bread,' a short-lived staple in the post-World War II years.#section-Atlas #section-GastroPlace

Searching for 'Dark Oxygen' in One of the World's Deepest Mines

A scientist39;s quest for mysterious sources of underground oxygen may offer clues about the origins of life.#elevators #mars #microbes #chemistry #underground #science #mining #mines #scientistsatwork #section-Articles