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Vaidas posted:
"To Further Its Mission of Benefitting Everyone, OpenAI Will Become Fully for-Profit"…
#tzm #rbe #zeitgeist #Articles

in reply to memeorandum

he is an insurrectionist as adjudication by Colorado Supreme Court and allowed to stand by the Historically Corrupt Roberts Court. He cannot even serve the next term.

Has Russia's Shadow Fleet, Built to Evade Sanctions, Added Sabotage to Its List? (Michael Schwirtz/New York Times)……

Opt-Out elektronische Patientenakte (#ePA): Falls eure #Krankenkasse fehlt, gebt kurz bescheid. Am besten gleich mit Link zur Widerspruchsmöglichkeit! 👇…

in reply to Mike Kuketz 🛡

Die Zeit:
"Wenn eine Patientin ihre Karte in das Lesegerät einer Praxis steckt, wird eine Kennung ausgelesen, die sogenannte ICCSN-Nummer. Diese wird an eine zentrale Stelle geschickt, den Versichertenstammdatendienst, um sie zu prüfen. [...] Statt diese Nummer verschlüsselt und kryptografisch signiert zu übertragen, wird sie offen verschickt."

"... soll eine "Schließung der Sicherheitslücke durch eine zusätzliche Verschlüsselung der Krankenversichertennummer" erfolgen."

in reply to Mike Kuketz 🛡

BARMER Onlineformular… nur mit Antwort-Code aus Informationsbrief zur #ePA #epawiderspruch
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Thanks for Hippo Women

Publisher: Identical GamesDo you need an female gif... hippo people? Art inspires people. Many players have seen artwork in RPGs and said I want to make that character. I discovered that despite the long existance of hippo people in fantasy space there is…

Tales of Menace & Mystery – Fillable Character Sheet

Publisher: The Yellow HandTALES OF MENACE & MYSTERYFillable Character Sheet The Tales of Menace & Mystery Fillable Character Sheet is a PWYW download for all players of the game, facilitating entering and storing the data for your pulp adventure…

100 Wild West Location Quirks - Vol 4 Brothels

Publisher: D10 DimensionsBrothel. Bordello. Cathouse. Den of Iniquity. Whorehouse, All frontier towns were ripe locations for a place where lonely men could find peace and pleasure with just a few coins. So, why should they all be the same? Make each of…

Abortions are up in the US. It's a complicated picture as women turn to pills, travel (Associated Press)……

in reply to Atheism

was it the day after the creation of cancer or Alzheimers?

Circuit Secrets: Exploring a $5 Emergency Light

Who would’ve thought a cheap AliExpress emergency light could be packed with such crafty design choices? Found for about $5, this unit uses simple components yet achieves surprisingly sophisticated behaviors. …read more
#hacking #projects…