Mélenchon/Ruffin : analyse d'une colère, l'euphorie de LR et #MeToo entre vagues et débats - Regards
Someone once told me tech is full of people who have never failed in life so when confronted with failure, they actively choose to avoid reality.
It explains a lot of tech bro behavior.
If the debate Trump claims he won was rigged then that means he lost.
The debate was not rigged. Trump got trounced by Kamala Harris. He’s just a sore loser who is scared of going to prison.
Boeing's U.S. factory workers on strike after rejecting pay increases of 25% over 4 years.
The trees and the statue
Near the Forty Foot in Dún Laoghaire is a statue with religious carvings on it. For once, Google Maps wasn’t too helpful about what the statue was called.
Hopefully, someone from the area will see this and let me know what it’s called.
#photo #photography #Ireland #DunLaoghaire #trees #statue #Dublin
Montreal! Come join us at the Festival Defund La Police—a vibrant bilingual pop-education happening in Parc Angrignon on 22-September-2024. This free festival is loaded with activities that celebrate the incredible work of community groups and organizers who are actively fighting back against the criminal (in)justice system and offering transformative alternatives. This is a family friendly event with food & childcare provided!
Emmanuel Florac
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