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Palästina-Demonstranten greifen Berliner Senator an… Am Donnerstagabend ist der CDU-Politiker Joe Chialo bei einer Veranstaltung in Berlin-Moabit von einer Menschenmenge bedrängt und beleidigt worden. Er ...
The post Palästina-Demonstranten greifen Berliner Senator an appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

US Recognizes Russian Media Play Important Role in Reporting Truth - Experts… On September 4, the United States imposed sanctions against the Rossiya Segodnya media group, RIA Novosti, RT, Sputnik, and Ruptly. The new measures also affected Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of Rossiya Segodnya, Sputnik's parent media group. #news #press

📬 We’re teaming up with Vote Forward for a nationwide letter-writing campaign! Our goal is 10 million letters to boost voter turnout in key races across the country. Whether you’re just starting out or a letter-writing veteran, this event is for you!…

Tim Chambers reshared this.


My name is Tagalong.

I am a neutered male, black Pit Bull Terrier mix.

I weigh approximately 104.20 lbs.

The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.

I have been at the shelter since Jul 11, 2024 and am ready to go home today!…

#Dogs #Tucson #PACC #Adopt #FostersSaveLives #AdoptDontShop

Sucht die Ampel auch noch den letzten Kulturkampf?… Die Ampel ist eine Regierung des Kulturkampfs, des zerstörerischen noch dazu. Sie ist ein Bündnis, das die jahrtausendealte Zweigeschlechtigkeit infrage stellt, das im Namen des Klimas die deutsche Wirtschaft transformiert, das missliebige Meinungen erst ausgrenzt, dann unter Beobachtung stellt, das die Sprache schleift. Nun könnte diese Koalition auch

Hey #BerlinFediDay, mal abgesehen von dem ARD / NDR Talk, was lohnt sich noch zum anschauen, im re-live? Danke schon mal

in reply to Jörgi

der Talk von @millerntorpirat is ab 3:48h zu sehen.

Aber @millerntorpirat - das "es keinen interessiert wenn ihr was zum HSV postet" liegt evtl nicht an Mastodon, sondern einfach nur am HSV :-D

Concern about Arizona political violence as election nears…
The Arizona Democracy Resilience Network, including former U.S. Rep. Ron Barber, is working to combat misinformation about elections and reduce the likelihood of political violence
#Tucson #Arizona

in reply to Deniz Opal

Careless Whispers (Chinese Whispers version)

♫ I'll never wear these pants again,
Cos they're too loose and got no drawstring.
Though it's easy to pretend,
They come off in the pool.

I shoulda known better than to eat a pen,
And waste the Sheaffer I had been given.
So I'll never wear these pants again,
And now my mouth is blue
ooo ooo oo oo ooo
whoa oh oooh oh ♫

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Deniz Opal reshared this.

Nextcloud has launched Hub 9 with enhanced decentralization, advanced federation, and a new UI design. It introduces powerful new features, including automation with Windmill, a collaborative Whiteboard, an upgraded AI Assistant, and improved Files, Office, Talk, and Groupware functionalities, along with strengthened security and expanded integrations…

The great @lpolgreen today on the real dangers that Trump presents. He's not "weird"--he's a dangerous demagogue who is promoting vile, racist ideas and policies. He makes George Wallace look like Shirley Temple.…

Added initial Python support to Function-Graph-Overview's online demo.

This includes experimental visualization of context-managers and exception-handling.…

#python #visualization