#opensource #documentation
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it was never about Hamas!
They have been planning this for years and October 7 gave them the excuse they were looking for.
It's not about the hostages. It's about seasing the momentum to achiev their long time dream.
#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow
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Wipe out the Palestinian people. Obliterate their homeland. Send those few remaining to wander in a diaspora of sorrow. Let's see. Do we have a term for that?
There are knowledgeable Israelis who assert that the success of the October 7 attack was planned by multiple cooperating factions of the Israeli government.
Lisa Stranger likes this.
The silence and complicity of almost all western nations (and Arabs as well) is just something I could not expect to see when we have access to information, videos, testimonies, recordings by the Israeli soldiers, are so widely and openly available.
This really proved me that people just don't give a fuck about human lives. Specially those of far away places.
He’s completely off his fucking nut. And so are the fucking tRumpanzee dip shits who worship the stupid bastard.
Some of the richest people on the planet are funding Trump's Nazi movement. Trump is their puppet.
I went birding yesterday to a new spot for me. I didn't see any new birds for this year's list. I did see this magnificent mulga ant nest.
#AliceSprings #ant #AustralianWildlife
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Well, well 🧐
#JWST was scheduled to be observing the Orion Nebula & Trapezium Cluster for me right now, obtaining spectroscopy of the candidate planetary-mass objects & Jupiter-Mass Binary Objects (JuMBOs) we discovered in our imaging ✨
But it’s not … because the observations happened earlier today already 🙂
Fingers crossed that all was successful – this is already a revisit of a failed observation & we really need these data to confirm (or deny) our hypothesis 😬🤞
in reply to Michael Marek • • •The only way to guarantee that an election was rigged is if you know for shure. The only way to know or sure is to do it yourself.
How come it takes so long for people to catch up?
in reply to Michael Marek • • •James aka "Baldy"
in reply to Michael Marek • • •