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in reply to House Panther

Billionaires trying to talk a recession into existence, like W did in 2000, so that Trump will win, give them their precious tax cuts, and halt all antitrust enforcement.

Don't be fooled.

Y a un peu de buzz sur les tubes à propos de l'émission (avant inconnue pour moi) "The Breakfast Club". Je suis allé voir pour vous et positionné le clip à un endroit assez révélateur de l'émission: ils avaient invité Jill Stein (Candidate du Green Party aux élection US en novembre) pour la dépecer. Mais c'est tellement gros et Angela Rye (l'animatrice qui mène la charge) est tellement insupportable que ça backfire (une espèce d'effet Streisand): voir les commentaires!

More Two-Party Myths | We have to get over two-party myth that a magical third party is going to rise up from outside the current party system to save us. It won't, and the fantasy is deadly.
#disinformation #misinformation #overtonwindow #politics #propaganda…

This is just a plain awesome idea!
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Wildfire smoke exposure increases the risk of mental illness in youth: each additional day of exposure to wildfire smoke and other severe air pollution slightly raises the risk of mental illness in children aged 9 to 11 #Science

Flowers use adjustable ‘paint by numbers’ petal designs to attract pollinators, researchers discover #EverythingScience #Science

Boom 💥!

Harris now ahead +5 in major post debate poll.

"New Yahoo News/YouGov poll: After debate, Harris surges to 5-point lead over Trump among registered voters in head-to-head matchup"

"Harris’s lead, her biggest yet, is similar among likely voters and when third-party candidates are included"…


#proharris #harris2024 #harrispoll

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Mastodon Migration

And this +5 lead is consistent across two other post debate national polls!!! 🔥

Morning Consult: 50/45
Ipsos: 47/42…

#proharris #harris2024 #harrispolls

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

"Close Donald Trump ally Laura Loomer told a white nationalist conference in 2022 that she considered herself a “white advocate”, according to a recording of the speech obtained by the Guardian."

Reporting from @jasonwilson in the Guardian.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Apple’s Johny Srouji confirms all iPhone 16 models have 8GB RAM, more details #Technology

I know I'm late, but only recently I read gitea-open-letter.coding.socia… and today I finally migrated my gitea instance at (the subdomain name tells you where I'm coming from) to #Forgejo. Luckily my gitea installation was still at v1.21 and thus migrating from gitea to forgejo was as simple as switching out the gitea binary for the forgejo binary. It was literally only that. Thank you @forgejo!
in reply to josch

Welcome to Forgejo, we hope you'll have fun. Let us know if you see something we should consider improving. ~f
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

2500 11th Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119

the seattle city council is bringing back racist "SODA/SOAP" zones that will allow for police to stop and frisk and ban people from various areas in the city because they LOOK LIKE they are commiting a crime. These policies will kill people and have been repealed for their racist and discriminatory outcomes.

Tell Kettle that Seattle says to no segregation, this Sunday!!!…

#Seattle #BobKettle #SOAP #SODA

Watching CBS this am and it’s Robert Caro discussing the 50-year anniversary of his book

“The Power Broker” wherein he outs

Robert Moses , the racist original #CarBrain , who used his power to sidle #nyc and New York with his highway system.

Present day power brokers say they were inspired by this book— and yet, implement no mandate and urgency to correct from car addicted course.…

The New York Historical society has a special exhibit too:…