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Ukrainian tank commander takes a selfie looking out the hatch of the driving tank. Siversk region, September 2024. Happy Tank Troops Day! #Ukraine #UkraineWarVideoReport #UkraineWarVideos #UkraineWarVideoReport

in reply to Chris Hallbeck

Well. They should have known better than to let anyone get near their glasses.

in reply to Low Quality Facts

Shouldn't they have an electricians' license too, you know, in case of electric boats? 😱

Glide of the Frigate

Here is a magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) that I saw last year.

"Beachgoers delight in this large, black pterodactyl-like bird that soars effortlessly on tropical breezes with hardly a flap, using its deeply forked tail to steer. Watching a Magnificent Frigatebird float in the air truly is, as the name implies, magnificent. These master aerialists are also pirates of the sky, stealing food from other birds in midair. Males have a bright red pouch on the throat, which they inflate like a balloon to attract females. Females unlike most other seabirds look different than males with their white chest." -

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Tonight we fight the technology and the technology fights back! That's been the case for the past 12 years, and it hasn't stopped us yet!

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Come with me, and you’ll be, in a world of OSHA violations…

#Russia Covering #Aircraft With Tires Is About Confusing Image-Matching #Missile Seekers U.S. #Military Confirms


A “sort of classic unclassified example that exists is like a picture of a plane from the top, and you’re looking for a plane, and then if you put tires on top of the wings, all of a sudden, a lot of #computer vision models have difficulty identifying that that’s a plane,” Moore said as part of a larger discussion about #AI models and data sets.

#war #warfare #classification #technology #Problem #defense #news

Unusual Whales is raising its prices.

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I set environment variables in Python:

bear_shits_in_the_woods = True
pope_is_catholic = True

Makes for more entertaining While True loops and If something is True conditionals.


3 part plan for destroying the far right, legally, outside of winning elections:

1. Crack down on MLMs.
2. Regulation of dietary supplements.
3. Allow direct to consumer car sales. (Car dealers way outspend on right wing causes)…

#Antifa #AntifaAF #MLM #Podcast

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mastodon - Link to source
Ian Langham

The radicalizing of yoga and other alternative spaces really bummed me out. I wasn't surprised, but it is disappointing...

I've been saying for years that the universe is not color coded. The brightest aruras often hide the most judgement and cruelty.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Ian Langham


I worked in the health food industry for a while, it's not hard to get them to follow a rotten carrot...

Herbalife comes to mind immediately...

"“A second Trump administration could detain hundreds of thousands of people, but it does not have the ability or the capacity to move them out of the country as fast as ICE, the National Guard and local law enforcement can bring them in. Expect to see families behind barbed wire in overcrowded camps, desperate U.S.-citizen children looking for missing immigrant parents, and U.S. citizens swept up in immigration raids.”"…

The weapons block continues, and I like the layout so far. I need to add the rest of the details for the calculation like *potency* and other runes along with modifiers. However, I really like how clean it is and I'm debating on how I want to add that information. #pathfinder2e #python #tui #ttrpg

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

Complimenti alla caccola umana che stasera nel giro di pochi minuti ha tentato di rubarmi la PEC, l'account Mastodon e l’account X, fallendo miseramente.

La pochezza delle tue ambizioni, mio piccolo hater, è seconda solo alla solitudine del tuo neurone.

In-person tickets to our nonpartisan candidate forum for San Francisco Mayor are SOLD OUT!

You don't have to miss hearing from the candidates. Just register for a virtual ticket, and we'll email you the link to watch online on September 30… 💻

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