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#ColinGray is the father of #ApalacheeHighSchool mass-shooting culprit #ColtGray. He named his son after a gun, and bought him an #AR15 #AssaultWeapon for his birthday because students thought he was #weird.

They were both held responsible for the murders and are in prison without bail. The father is in the prison ‘general population’. #karma #USpol #CommonSenseGunLawsNOW…

Another right wing quip against tolerance & inclusivity is revealed as the unsupported lie we pretty much thought it was:

its seems the 'go woke, go broke' warning to brand managers is almost exactly the opposite of what is happening.... consumers actually want to see advertising that is inclusive & tolerant (celebratory) of difference.

Like so much else the right says about society, its prejudice & lies; not that stops the media reporting it as 'news'.


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Finally this journey begins! And with a surprise twist, too: Amsterdam’s number 1 tram.
in reply to Martin Hoffmann

And, little surprise, most of the waterfront area is parking for all those people who decide to come by car.

Sometimes you've just gotta be a bit of a tourist.

So on one day we visited New Quay, taking in the sights and sounds, and enjoyed a beautiful boat trip around New Quay Head, where we saw DOLPHINS. 😍

More photos from this day are available for you right here ->… 👍

#landscape #nature #travel #wildlife #summer #wales #photography #photo #photographie #uk #britain #dolphins

sohkamyung reshared this.

China touts home-grown chip lithography machines amid semiconductor self-sufficiency drive #Technology

Fachkräftemigration aus Afrika… Warum eigentlich macht Israel das anders als Deutschland? Israel is recruiting asylum seekers from Africa to take part in the war on Gaza in exchange for residency rights, reports Israeli media outlet Haaretz. LIVE updates: — Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) September 15, 2024 Mal angenommen, das stimmt: Warum kann dann Israel Afrikaner so […]

Eating less beef is a climate solution. Here's why that's hard for some American men

Climate researchers have long grappled with how to get Americans to eat less beef, a food with a huge global warming impact. Now some are thinking about it through the lens of gender.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Junge Wilde statt alter weißer Männer: Dem “Spiegel” fehlt sein Feindbild… Verdachtsgruppe jung und biodeutsch: Der “Spiegel” ergründet die AfD-Wahlerfolge bei Jüngeren. (Symbolbild:Imago) Erstmals ist die AfD in einem Bundesland stärkste Kraft geworden. Bei der Landtagswahl in Thüringen ging sie in Führung, im Nachbarland Sachsen musste sie sich knapp geschlagen geben. In einer Woche könnte die AfD auch

Konzentration auf den Internetauftritt: Konzentration auf den Internetauftritt Taz stellt gedruckte Ausgabe ein… Die Taz stellt werktags ihre gedruckte Ausgabe ein. Ab Herbst 2025 wird es keine Print-Exemplare mehr geben. Stattdessen will die linke Zeitung die Internetseite, E-Paper und die eigene App ausbauen.
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