As @martin_kirch pointed out, the #uv project is working on adding its own #PEP517 builder.
This is just terrifying! Please consider joining me in raising concerns about it.
uv is a great tool! I do love it as a #Python package manager. But it is not very portable (even less portable than #RustLang in general, e.g. I'm still working on getting it fixed for PPC), and it is very heavy. And its popularity means that a lot of pure Python packages will now have a dependency on this non-pure, non-portable, heavy build backend that they don't really need.
This is going to be a true nightmare for downstreams. Just imagine me filing bugs, repeatedly asking people "please don't use this build backend, we can't build your package anymore because uv is non-portable!" And this will surely result in a lot of frustration, negativity, knee-jerk reactions and downstream patching just to keep things installable.
Una valutazione dei bisogni, condotta da una ONG con sede a Gaza sponsorizzata dall’ente benefico War Child Alliance, ha inoltre rilevato che il 92% dei bambini intervistati “non accettava la realtà”, il 79% soffriva di incubi e il 73% mostrava sintomi di aggressività. Gaza è uno dei posti più orribili.
Diario di un professore esausto
Sono esausto. Stanco e ammalato. Sarà burnout, non saprei. Sono talmente stanco che non mi va di leggere. Allucinante. A scuola tutti bene?Ni. A fine ottobre uno dei miei alunni ha pensato bene di tagliare le gomme della mia automobile, in rappresaglia alle prime due note che ho messo nella mia carriera da docente. Note disciplinari arrivate dopo due anni di pazienza, rimproveri, incitamenti, consigli.
reshared this
Srsly tho, the thought that you have to know the length of an array before you can create it. What.....the fuck? How are you supposed to do.....anything?
(I know there are ways around that, but each of those seem to come with their own "fun" challenges, too)
Macron plaisante en privé des premiers pas désastreux de Bayrou, lui qui penchait pour nommer Roland Lescure ou Lecornu à Matignon: "Le président avait le choix entre quelqu'un qui était prêt et quelqu'un qui n'était pas prêt, il a choisi celui qui n'était pas prêt", ironise un familier de l'Elysée.
#Politique #Off #Macron #Bayrou #Lecornu #Lescure #Matignon #Mayotte #SOS
Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Italie... Elon Musk déploie sa propagande au service des extrêmes droites européennes
L’homme d'affaires, qui donne régulièrement son avis sur les affaires intérieures de pays étrangers, envisage de soutenir financièrement le parti britannique Reform UK.
Article rédigé par Chloé Ferreux
France Télévisions
Un concurrent, ou allié de Poutine en terme de désinfo et complotisme financier ou non
Kees van der Leun
in reply to Kees van der Leun • • •To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle. The biggest wallet pays for the most blinding lights.
Kees van der Leun
in reply to Kees van der Leun • • •Post-truth is pre-fascism,
writes Timothy Snyder, building on observations by Victor Klemperer, George Orwell, Eugène Ionesco, and others.
mr brown
in reply to Kees van der Leun • • •Jan Vlug
in reply to mr brown • • •Chumchum Tumtum
in reply to Jan Vlug • • •Sensitive content
mr brown
in reply to Chumchum Tumtum • • •ciao 😂
Chumchum Tumtum
in reply to mr brown • • •Sensitive content
mr brown
in reply to Chumchum Tumtum • • •definetely. because you didn't catch that of three citations above, the first one mocked you awoken people. merry Christmas, master
(the second one is a scientist and a mathematician, a data scientist, if you like. the third one is an anti-fascist)
Chumchum Tumtum
in reply to mr brown • • •Sensitive content
Kees van der Leun
in reply to Kees van der Leun • • •"When the terrorist attack comes, remember that authoritarians exploit such events in order to consolidate power."
Recalling what happened after the Reichstag fire in 1933.
Blender Dumbass ( J.Y.Amihud )
in reply to Kees van der Leun • • •Kees van der Leun
in reply to Kees van der Leun • • •Germany, 1933*:
27 February: Fire in the Reichstag (parliament building)
5 March: Nazi party wins elections. Police and para militaries round up left-wing party members and put them in camps.
23 March: Parliament allows Hitler to rule by decree
*) Just 27 years before I was born