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British doctor shares 'science-driven' hangover cure – and it's a sandwich…
Celebrations. Parties. Booze-heavy meals. Christmas is often a time of over-indulgence... But you don’t need to worry, as the ideal, lifesaving, and science based hangover cure is only five ingredients away.
in reply to kim_harding ✅

Why would you share an advert masquerading as science, as reported by the Mail?

It'd be so terribly unfortunate if the first year of Trump's second presidential term was marked by the implosion of the biggest tech industry bubble since cryptocurrencies leading to a stock mrket crash, the collapse of the commercial property market leading to a bank run, Musk-led deregulation of cryptocurrencies leading only to rampant fraud a la Sam Bankman-Fried, and simultaneous trade wars with Europe AND China destabilizing the US dollar, wouldn't it.

Is this too much to ask for, 2025?

in reply to Charlie Stross

As an American, I hope most of that does not happen, but as a person with a brain, that does all sound plausible to me, so you may get a dark X-mas gift in the form of a rough economy over here.

in reply to Andrew Millar

@A_J_Millar wow, that’s amazing! I guess they could do it by some process that builds up over a period of time rather than measuring a single day-to-day change, but that’s still incredibly impressive time resolution.
in reply to Andrew Steele

Yep, any way you slice it, it seems quite a feat. There's an equally mind-blowing proposal that tropical #trees on the equator synchronise flowering by measuring minutes of difference in sunset time.


We were collectively pretty happy to figure out the molecular mechanisms that allow the lab model plant Arabidopsis to distinguish (coughs) 8h days from 16h days. Well, it's a start!

Geen nieuws dat Geert Wilders meteen begint te schreeuwen na zo'n verschrikkelijke aanslag als van gisteren. Nu blijkt dat de dader eerder een aanhanger van Wilders en consorten was dan van Mohammed. Dat valt Wilders niet aan te rekenen, de man was kennelijk gestoord. Maar hij is na Breivik al de tweede moordenaar die openlijk fan is van Wilders. Tijd voor enige zelfreflectie, meneer W.! En niet alleen maar verontwaardigd zeggen dat je hier natuurlijk niks mee te maken hebt. Dit is gevaarlijk.

A big Thank you to all who have supported the VerneMQ project in the past year. Have a great weekend and Happy Holidays, friends! :)
:vernemq: #MQTT #VerneMQ #OpenSource :vernemq:
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Si te gusto mi juego #Hallomatch, prepárate para X-masmatch, su hermano navideño, y que espero tenerlo terminado para el día de hoy o mañana.

12 nuevas cartas navideñas, con varios guiños a la #Navidad en España.

Estará en Itch, y el día de Reyes el código y las imágenes creadas por mí serán liberadas (aunque es el mismo que el de Hallomatch con una corrección que publicaré en breves)

Para #Linux, Windows, Web y consolas emuladoras como las #RS36S

#juegoslibres #xmas

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⏰ Aprenda a Agendar Tarefas no Linux🐧

Automatizar tarefas no Linux é essencial para ganhar tempo e otimizar processos. Descubra como usar ferramentas como o cron e o at para programar comandos e tarefas com eficiência!

👉 Leia no blog:…

#Linux #Automação #Produtividade #OpenSource #Tecnologia

Kommt uns im #Teckids-Jugendzimmer besuchen!

📍 Dieses Jahr laden wir mit @digitalcourage in unsere Assembly-Nachbarschaft ein. Dort gibt es Programm für #Kinder, #Jugendliche und alle, die mit ihnen arbeiten.



🙏 Du möchtest selber was anbieten? Wir haben einen (kleinen) Platz für Workshops, Mini-Vorträge & Co. Schreibt uns!

#38c3 #InformationelleSelbstbestimnung #DigitaleMuendigkeit #Tinkering #Coding #Bildung #FOSS #Schule

Hab grad festgestellt das Linux voll langweilig ist.Vor ewigkeiten hab ich mir MX Linux installiert.
Das hat die kleine SSD Platte immer noch nicht mit Datenmüll von irgendwelchen Updates zugemüllt, auch nicht mit irgendwelchen anderen Datenmüll.
Die Datein sind immer noch nicht Fragmentierung und der Rechner ist immer noch so schnell wie am Tag der Installation.
Was noch schlimmer ist, Updates gibt's zeitnah und die haben mir noch nicht einmal das System zerlegt.
Wo bleibt das Abenteuer?

I'm opting to delegate management of the Loops project after v1.0, if things go according to plan.

While retaining veto power, I'll be stepping back to let our team leaders drive the vision forward.

My goal: build a solid foundation, then become a contributor who follows their lead – decisions shaped by our community's voice.

Building platforms for the people, with the people. That's the future.

No ego required. ❤️

#loops #peoplePowered #peoplePoweredPlatforms

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in reply to Daniel Supernault

Love, what you are doing; unfortunately my tech-stack is quite different to yours... will remain in solely financial support. :BlobhajSadReach:
in reply to Daniel Supernault

what's this bs with iOS test flight or something? And I can't see or explore without signing up n logging in? Bogus AF.....

Artificial Intelligence Infiltrating Healthcare in Illinois and its Effects on Insurers | Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP #AI #ArtificialIntelligence

Our Big Global Problems Are Connected, so Tackle Them Together, Scientists say – Mother Jones #Climate #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming

Emmanuel Florac reshared this.