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Interview: "Obey the Law”: Palestinians Sue State Dept over US Arms to Israel

"There is a mountain of evidence of Israel carrying out torture, extrajudicial killings, rape, enforced disappearances & other abuses.

"Despite all that, the State Department has never once held any Israeli unit ineligible for assistance under the Leahy Law."

~Fmr State Department official Charles Blaha…

#LeahyLaw #IsraeliCrimesAgainstHumanity #USEnablement #USPol #BDS .

DrALJONES reshared this.

Interview: Alex Gibney on “The Bibi Files,” Netanyahu’s Corruption Cases

Netanyahu is the country’s first sitting leader to face criminal charges, in these three cases: fraud, breach of trust & accepting bribes.

Netanyahu has tried to evade his trials by wrapping himself in the mantle of prime minister & waging endless war.

Alex Gibney's documentary is banned in Israel, but Netanyahu couldn't stop its screening at Toronto.…

#BibiFiles #AlexGibney #censorship .

DrALJONES reshared this.

I can't look at the Mastodon logo without seeing Hungry Horace.

Don't get me wrong, that makes me happy!

3 things I know about Indiana.

I already knew one of their sportsball teams is called Pacers.

I think... One of their archeologists is called Jones?

And now this:

#retrocompuing #retrocomputer #commodore #c64…

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Good morning. 🌿🌿🌿

21 December 2024

I got up early this morning, thanks once again to Ben; so, I made coffee and let the dogs out - in case you were wondering who. Now I'm up struggling while Ben and Charlie are fast asleep.

It is bundle up weather where I live in Louisiana (34° F or 1° C) which translates to shirt sleeve weather in Minnesota. Do you know what is weird? It is not surprising that the United States adopted the Imperial System of measurement along with the British Empire (British Weights and Measures Act of 1824), what is surprising is that after the rest of the world moved on to the metric system, the United States did not - change is difficult in the United States of America.

'Thus, the metric system did not really catch on in the States, unless you count the increasing popularity of the nine-millimeter bullet.' - Dave Barry

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #morning #imperialsystem #metric_system #foliage

One of my peeves is when an API does something useful but with obfuscated names so you don't know it is there.

I just read through the entire (big!) API for #Golang's new slices package and it has exactly what I wanted:

slices.Values(slice) // slice -> iter.Seq

slices.Collect(seq) // iter.Seq -> slice

Why not slices.AsSeq() and iter.AsSlice()? Or even slices.Seq() and iter.Slice() since they are namespaced?

No, Values and Collect it is.

Days to completely forgetting this in three.. two..

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

friendica - Link to source

Taleb Al Abdulmohsen und sein Verbrechen scheint mir so geeignet, von allen möglichen politischen Bewegungen vereinnahmt zu werden, wie lange nichts. Und gleichzeitig ist es damit so ungeeignet, wie nichts. Ist das die #Postmoderne?

“In 1969 Bob Gore set his mind to making PTFE more usable in a sheet form. The best way to do that was by stretching it. With thick oven mitts, he would slowly and carefully pull thin white rods of PTFE night after night. But the cords kept breaking. One evening he got so fed up that he just yanked a cord out of frustration. When he pulled quickly, he was surprised to find the PTFE cord stretched as wide as his arms. Bob had discovered the material that would become Gore-Tex almost by accident.”…

És inconcebible que encara no el tinguem. Quan viatges arreu d'Europa veus aquest sistema que quan retornés l'embàs, et retornem els diners.
"Canvi històric: tornarà el sistema de retorn d'envasos als supermercats"
#residus #rrr #reutilizar #envasos…
in reply to Oriol Piera

El que és inconcebible és la influència que té sobre ECOEMBES.

Injured green sea turtle relearns how to swim thanks to 3D-printed harness
Boat collision left Charlotte stranded at the surface and in danger of predation.…

in reply to Mark B Tomlinson

Intriguing as always, and your renderings are getting better and better! 👍

is anyone able to point me to any #linux distros that support armv5 processors?

The Importance of Pipelines in Complex UNIX Data Interpretations

Pipelines are a foundational feature of UNIX systems, enabling the seamless flow of data between programs. This capability lies at the heart of UNIX philosophy, emphasizing modularity, simplicity, and the use of small, reusable programs that perform specific tasks well.

Read More:…

#Linux #UNIX #Computer #Science #Command #Line #OpenSource #pipeline

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My 2025 project is to work on my new Linux computer with more open source softwares, and reduce my addiction to Photoshop. Which is gonna be tough let's be honest 😅

#linux #opensource

👨‍💻🐍Автоматизація завдань з #Python: найкращі практики та приклади…