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Just another morning in the lives of climate scientists getting ranting, homophobic, threatening screeds from MAGA supporters afraid of science.

Name: Bonecrusher Bob
Comment: Hello, Thanks for requesting my feedback on your low IQ comments in the Times. You sound like a squealing fukkking hysterical homo. Commander-in-Chief Trump will be coming after pointy-headed assholes who hate America. Enjoy the bloodbath, fukkkhead.
Bonecrusher Bob

in reply to Peter Gleick

I am really sorry that you and your colleagues are targetted like this. Thank you for everything you do to share information and warn us and make us aware.

Protests by fruit pickers and farmers put spotlight on price of cheap food in UK -… post-#brexit exploitation...

Suite de notre plongée dans les profondeurs de la pensée cybernétique. Ca pourrait sembler abstrait, ça irrigue pourtant toutes les facettes de notre quotidien. Ca pourrait sembler prise de tête, c'est même écrit dans le titre.…

The database of my mastodon instance seems to fill up a lot. It’s almost at 40 gigs again, which is the limit at @mastohost


in reply to Eric Dannewitz

It's up to you, if you want to set 'Content cache retention period' and have the consequences of that. I host servers that have it set very aggressively to have the smallest database size and others never set it because they don't want the consequence and prefer to pay to host a larger database. It's something only you can decide.

Regarding the storage after the command. Just after 1pm UTC will you be able to see the impact it had on your database because that's when usage updates.

in reply to

Regarding deleting inactive users. If they are users that have large amounts of posts, then yes you can see a reduction. If it's users with a small amount of posts, then it will not be significant.

What deleting inactive users may have an impact is in future growth of the database. If you have a user that follows many remote accounts, all those accounts are federating to your server, no matter if the user is active or not. So, there may exist unnecessary federation there.

#MastoPrompt #ember
@stevencudahy @poetry
#poem #poetry

Nursing the ember
Within my remembering
Of you
Caressing with sighs
Amber glow
Dismembering memories
Into fantasy kindling
Feed and grow
Through the darkness

poetry group reshared this.

TIL they have Delhaize in the USA: Food Lion #België #Belgien #Belgique #Belgium #KingdomOfBelgium #KönigreichBelgien #KoninkrijkBelgië #RoyaumeDeBelgique

My first smartphone was a #Motorola A1200, which ran a UNIX-like operating system called #MontaVista that utilized a #Linux kernel.
This experience introduced me to modifying UNIX-like systems, ultimately paving the way for my expertise in operating systems in the years that followed.

#linuxmobile #mobilelinux

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in reply to 🍉 دانیال بهزادی

Hi danial, if you are still interested in trying other Unix like mobile OS you can check our association's page:

we try keeping an up-to-date list of the alternatives.

#FastAPI application and service structure for a more maintainable #python codebase…

I'll let the image speak for itself, because I don't even want to rewrite the toot at this point...

#GNOME #GTK #ArchLinux #Arch #Linux

Un framework Java qui semble permettre le développement d'applications Java très simplement (tet sans les histoires pénibles de routes).… #java #web #framework #opensource #functionnal

[ES]¡Hola, MastoAdmins!

Tengo curiosidad: en caso de que gestionéis vosotros mismo una instancia Mastodon, ¿cómo lo hacéis? ¿Ansible? ¿Contenedores? ¿A mano? ¿VPS? ¿Vuestro servidor casero?

#Mastodon #MastoAdmin #SelfHosted #SelfHosting

in reply to Sam

[EN]Hey, MastoAdmins!

I'm curious: In case you manage your own Mastodon instance, howndo you do it? Ansible? Containers? By hand? Do you use a VPS? Your own homelab?

#Mastodon #MastoAdmin #SelfHosted #SelfHosting

in reply to Sam

Yo estoy jugando estos días probando cosas. En un ordenador muy viejo probé #yunohost que es como un intermediario que te regala un dominio y te configura el proxy inverso y los certificados.

También he probado #casaOS que organiza los contenedores de docker.

Supongo que acabaré directamente con docker en un ordenador "de verdad" o en VPS pero me está gustando esto del #selfhosting