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Estimated russian losses from February 24, 2022 to September 15, 2024 of the russian all-out war against Ukraine, according to the General Staff of the #Ukraine

🔷 1,170 eliminated enemy personnel yesterday

[Soumission Anonyme]

-- De jeunes antiracistes de Lévis et des horizons se sont mobilisés pour retirer la propagande de Nouvelle Alliance, avant même qu’elle arrive sur les réseaux sociaux. Ces derniers prévoyaient glorifier la colonisation de l’Amérique du Nord grâce à une fresque en l’honneur du Marquis de Montcalm. Personnellement nous la préférons arrachée. --
Bravo à ceux qui se mobilisent, le Québec en entier est et restera antifasciste!


Especially every Ohioan - and any other voters in America - should have to watch the speech of this young aggrieved father in the second half of this video.

Real America……

in reply to Andrew Pam

I'm not entirely convinced that this "green hydrogen" is all that "green", or ends-up displacing a significant amount of CO2 usage.
in reply to Andrew Pam

Well, I'm glad they got the final conclusion right but why, broken record me here, why does anyone say "produced by the electrolysis of water using renewable electricity"? Even if you connect your electrolysis setup directly to a wind turbine you are not producing the hydrogen with green energy. The renewable-source power is available and could be directed anywhere so the power in the public grid is dirtier by the same amount that the hydrogen is green. The percentage clean energy being used in the world is the same as if you fed the turbine power into the grid then powered your electrolysis from the grid.

Catch the Jew! by Tuvia Tenenbom, 2015

Catch the Jew! recounts the adventures of gonzo journalist Tuvia Tenenbom, who wanders around Israel and the Palestinian Authority for seven months in search of the untold truths in today's Holy Land. With holy chutzpah, Tenenbom boldly goes where no Jew has gone before, at times risking his life as he assumes the identities of Tobi the German and even Abu Ali.


bookstodon group reshared this.

> Elon Musk, the Austin-based father of (at least) 12 children who creepily offered to impregnate Taylor Swift earlier this week, secretly funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars in an unsuccessful attempt to remove Travis County District Attorney José Garza from office, according to a blockbuster Wall Street Journal exclusive.…

#elonMusk #austin #texas #joseGarza #politics

in reply to txerren 🇵🇸

@txerren eta punttalakurlo jarrita, aupa diosal moduan erabiltzen da, ez bokatibo gisa... Portzierto, badirudi euskara Gipuzkoakoa dela berez, ondoren Bizkaia eta Arabakoa, eta azkenik Nafarroa eta Errioxakoa (bietan pareko): "este término en euskera no sólo lo sitúa en Gipuzkoa sino que lo extiende también a comunidades como Bizkaia y Álava, e incluso a Navarra y La Rioja".
in reply to txerren 🇵🇸

@txerren @protoeuskaldun etsimorragarria ere bai. Ze gero niri 'albiste' hori telefonoaren gomendioetan iritsi zait. Hau da: algoritmoentzat eduki bikaina da 'euskara' gaian interesa duen norbaitentzat.

Eta denok dakigunez, orain hedabideen lana ez ds informatzea, baizik eta -besteak beste- algoritmoa asebetetzea, bisita asko -> klik asko -> diru sarrerak izateko

Azkenean arrazoi: arazoa ez da (soilik) AA...


txerren 🇵🇸 reshared this.

in reply to Joxe Rojas 🥐

@protoeuskaldun ni jada obsesiboki desapuntatzen ari naiz gomendio automatiko sistema guztietatik. "Agian gustatuko zaiz..." unsuscribe, block, ez sartu berriro.

A juvenile Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) doing its best to mimic a coil of rope. Almost....
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