Haiku R1/Beta5 is out! The OS that had a soul, is back! If you're not failiar with BeOS or Haiku, watch a video here: youtube.com/watch?v=MqdIF97CfG… or go grab an ISO here: haiku-os.org/
it takes a few days to understand and a few hours to write the code!
FYI: yes, i've time to spare!
#pharmacoeconomics #decisiontree #python
Our major freesocks-control-plane overhaul is complete! 🌟
- Separated common functions into handlers and utilities, making the code more organized and easier to maintain 💼
- Added global variables (constants) 😎
- Completely reworked access key deletion script ❌
- New update script to track the state of access keys 👁️
- New list script to list access keys for admins 📜
- Dependency updates & cleanup 👊
It's frickin fibrin.
That's what makes #Covid different,
That's what's causing blood clotting issues and inflammation responsible for most of #longCovid
That's where developing treatments need lightning speed development.
La ricetta per cucinare una notizia irrilevante in un allarme mediatico
- notizia francese
- prodotto francese quasi omonimo di uno italiano
- un giornale di 💩
- clickbait
- sintesi a cura di una IA
Prendere una notizia francese senza dire che è francese, ma rendendola più cliccabile facendo intendere che è italiana, e metterla su un giornale francese.
Aggiungere descrizione IA del prodotto francese, che descriverà il prodotto italiano
Informa Pirata reshared this.
To my last boost. Please boost this for wide spread. This is an opportunity for #braille dice sets to enter the realm of #mainstream and mass manufacturing. I haven't been able to read of full set of #dice as a #TTRPG player in 20 years since I went #blind. It would be beautiful for something like this to be added to life and make me feel like I'm right up there with everyone else. Thank you!
Just going to add the link directly here as well.
I wish publisher would have a good mechanism to review their metadata, particularly that metadata that they pass to @crossref
So much wrong, here the journal title is wrong, even on their own website.
#moss #photography #green #macro #macrophotography #nature #naturephotography #omsystem #olympus
🔥 Live : nextcloud.com/livestream/
👋 @bigbluebutton @lelibreedu @dinum
#️⃣ #OpenSource #LogicielsLibres #BBB #BigBlueButton #NextcloudConf #NextcloudConf2024 #NextcloudConf24
This needs to be seen by as many Americans as possible! #jillstein and #butchware of the #greenparty interviewed, and obviously attacked by shills for the corporate parties, had the unique opportunity to spread their message on a large platform, #thebreakfastclub
*please boost far and wide
Don't miss the comments
A great breakdown of the #BreakfastClub interview by #SabbySabs explaining how it was nothing more than a premeditated hit job, sadly for them, they kept their cool and were able to get their message out
#sabbySabs #greenParty #BreakfastClub
#RBN #Activism #NoWarButClassWar
in reply to informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: • • •davidpit🍉
in reply to informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: • • •