When we read about the events at the Fediforum
or listen to the talks at the "Berliner #Fediverse Tag"
we hear a lot about what FEDI apps may be able to do for us tomorrow.
Doing so i wonder if it is known what #Hubzilla #^hubzilla.org can do for us TODAY.
The post Baerbocks Beute appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press
🌞 El mayor barrio solar de Europa está en Rivas Vaciamadrid: esto es lo que pagan por la luz.
512 vecinos de una urbanización han constituido #LaPabloRenovable, una comunidad energética única.
Pero denuncian que Total Energies, Repsol, Endesa y Naturgy actúan con mala fe.
Por el contrario, casi todas las personas que están con Som Energia ya tienen su contrato de autoproducción activado 💪
#Madrid #Energía #Solar #Autoconsumo #Comunidad #Renovables #RivasVaciamadrid
Britischer Abschaum: Die Agenten Ihrer Majestät in Moskau anonymousnews.org/internationa… anonymousnews.org – Nachrichten unzensiert
Britischer Abschaum: Die Agenten Ihrer Majestät in Moskau
In Russland wird der Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen zu Großbritannien diskutiert. Grund ist der jüngste hochbrisante Spionage-Skandal, in den sechs britische Diplomaten verwickelt sind. von Manfred Ulex Andrei Lugowoi,
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"Jumping from Google Search to Kagi gave me the opportunity to redefine how I interact with the web as a whole."
Read the full review from Make Tech Easier:
"Why I Use Kagi over Google For Searching the Web" 👇
#AdFree #Search #Privacy #Kagi
Dimanche 15 septembre 2024 - Rest in peace, @rusty. I love you for ever ❤️
#sundaygimp #gmic #sunday-photo-edit #bildbearbeitung #photomanipulation #bildmanipulation #dimanche-photo-edition #manipulation-de-photos #image-editing #retouche-d-image #myphotos #fotografie #mywork #montravail
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Roland Häder likes this.
"conspiracy belief" now has a nicely populated #wikidata @wdscholia page: scholia.toolforge.org/topic/Q1…
As if someone did this intentionally! ;)
"Nothing is given so profusely as advice."
Maxim 110.
French author François de La Rochefoucauld was born #OTD in 1613.
He was a French moralist of the era of French Classical literature and author of Maximes and Memoirs which portrays the callous nature of human conduct, with a cynical attitude towards putative virtue and avowals of affection, friendship, love, and loyalty.
Books by François de La Rochefoucauld at PG:
"We have Europe’s biggest zinc mine in Co. Meath, a gypsum mine in Co. Monaghan splitting Gaelic pitches in half, a gold mine riddled with health and safety woes at Cananacaw, Co. Tyrone... Aughinish Alumina on the banks of the Shannon, and we’re also host to the deluge of unregulated quarries that litter the island. Extraction is business as usual on the emerald aisle."
New blog in the series by Lynda Sullivan. Check it out and share it widely!
It's 1658 and Europe is looking... interesting. Meanwhile our Dutch trade empire grows in the Caribbean and Japan.
Join me for EU4 and history natter! twitch.tv/gariusthebrit #gaming #history
Unknown parent • • •@Tobias
you should know best what is going on - maybe you can give as a better picture of all - why is HZ ignored and do you really believe all this other apps which get developed and now promoted will be any better ?