Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine advertisement (edited) - c. 1870-1900 - via Boston Public Library
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(: aNNa :) blume reshared this.
Bon allez, objectif du weekend, remplacer mon #windows par #linux (ce sera mint en version mate)
Souhaitez moi bonne chance :)
(Oui je sais que l'installation est simple, mais c'est le paramétrage derrière et retrouver peu ou prou les logiciels que j'utilisais sur windows qui pourra être compliqué, et il y a les jeux vidéo. ..)
🎉 Les inscriptions pour AlpOSS sont ouvertes, et le programme est disponible.
Vivement le 20 février !
#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Echirolles #Grenoble #GrenobleCestClasse
thanks to all the positive feedback and donations, we are not stopping with the #SR24 #MetaKids fundraiser. More curation is happening. I will post a bit about the use of @wikidata in the curation, and meanwhile even further shorten this curation task list: wikipathways.org/sr24-curation…
And thank you 22.1 for you donation just now! npo3fm.nl/kominactie/acties/wi…
Miñan antzezlana ikustetik gatoz, zer esan... txalo jo dugula besoak apurtu arte. 👏👏👏
Aukerarik baduzue, joan artedrama.com/agenda/
Riga Black Magic was one of the nicest stores I've ever set foot in. It was like stepping into the tavern of your favourite fantasy book.
Most impressive, as we sat there a bookcase near our table opened and people came out... Library with secret bookcase door, that's the dream 😂
@photography @fantasybookstodon
#Riga #BlackMagic
#Moving #Bookcase #Books
#Library #Libraries #Librarians
#Bookstodon #Bookworm #Bookwyrm #BookLove #BoostingIsSharing
"I’m Limpopo. What do you want to be called?”
The phrasing was particular to the walkaways, an explicit invitation to remake yourself. It was the height of walkaway sophistication to greet people with it, and Limpopo used it deliberately on these three because she could tell they were tightly wound" - Cory Doctorows Walkaway
Bayrou n'exclue pas de faire appel à... LFI et au RN pour trouver un accord en vue de former un gouvernement, face à au reste de la gauche qui refuse de se plier à ses lignes rouges. "L'idée, ce serait qu'ils s'engagent à ne pas le censurer", explique un soutien du Béarnais. "Il est désespéré en fait", s'amuse un ponte insoumis à cette idée. "Il croit qu'il va avoir un cadeau de Noël?"
#Off #Bayrou #LFI #RN #Gouvernement #DirectAN #MoDem #Macron #SOS #NFP
be still for a moment. breathe out. listen carefully, in the space between breaths. now breathe in. do you feel that? both darkness and light exerting nearly equal force. we will pause here in the deepest night and decide what to carry with us and what to leave behind. and then, so slowly, we’ll begin to make our way back into the light.
happy solstice, dears. thank the shadow for its wisdom and turn your face toward the distant sun. it is a long road, but the year is turning. fiat lux.
Egon Willighagen
in reply to Egon Willigh☮gen 🟥 • • •so, what role does @wikidata have in our @wikipathways curation?
I think I can break it down into two categories:
1. #Wikidata as hub, linking WikiPathways more tightly into the Linked Open Data network (see link.springer.com/article/10.1…)
2. Using @wdscholia to find new, relevant literature to improve the content
3. seed Wikidata with metabolites with little information available about them in public databases
(we have been doing this for years now) 1/
#SR24 #MetaKids