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Two hundred and seventy-five years ago, Jean-Jacques Rousseau was on his way from Paris to Vincennes when he experienced a powerful revelation. Responding to a literary journal he was reading along the way, he fell to the ground, began to weep, and came to the realization that human beings were essentially good—it was their secular and religious institutions that were wicked and corrupt.…

"There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt."
Torvald Helmer, Act I

#OTD in 1879.

The first production of Henrik Ibsen's controversial "modern drama" A Doll's House takes place at the Royal Danish Theatre in Copenhagen, after publication there on December 4.…

A Doll's House at PG:

#books #literature #theatre

#Lexember Day 21 – sǭgilastœuðins ‘solstice’…
Happy Solstice and Glad Yuletide to you and yours!

The FDA restricts a psychoactive mushroom used in some edibles

The Food and Drug Administration has told food manufacturers the psychoactive mushroom Amanita muscaria isn't authorized for food, including edibles, because it doesn't meet safety standards.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

This overwhelming solidarity (even from fellow prisoners who constantly shout “Free Luigi” from the windows) which has nothing to do with the US health system, as is constantly being claimed. This solidarity is worldwide. People are tired of this death, hatred, war, greed. These eternal pink lies. This year, 9 million people have died of hunger again. ) 9 million! Like every year. Not even counting the dead children in the occupied countries. Do you really think people care whether they are lied to by Trump or Biden? Enough is enough! #ENOUGH! #Luigi #starvation #war #hate #fuckthesystem

Solusi Praktis dan Terpercaya untuk Perjalanan Spiritual

'Christmas with the family? Be prepared for the heated debates.'

Yet another example of why we should put librarians in charge of everything. They understand real people and real life. They just go to work every day and try to make the world a better place.


Keno (#ct3003 ) hat sich den Router #OpenWrtOne angeguckt und ist begeistert :) Erstmals hat die #openwrt Community einen eigenen Router gebaut. Neben der Software ist auch die Hardware (natürlich) #opensource ❤️

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Der OpenWrt One verbindet Wi-Fi 6 mit Open-Source-Flexibilität und ist so vielseitig wie ein Schweizer Taschenmesser. Ob als VPN-Schaltzentrale, NAS oder Reiserouter – der 100-Euro-Router bietet Funktionen, die handelsübliche Geräte nicht liefern können. Allerdings sind Know-how und Geduld gefragt, denn die Einrichtung ist nichts für Einsteiger. c’t 3003 zeigt, warum der OpenWrt One trotzdem begeistert.

Caffeine can disrupt your sleep — even when consumed 12 hours before bed. While a 100 mg dose of caffeine (1 cup of coffee) can be consumed up to 4 hours before bedtime without significant effects on sleep, a 400 mg dose (4 cups of coffee) disrupts sleep when taken up to 12 hours before bedtime. #Science

#OTD in 1892.

Brandon Thomas' farce Charley's Aunt begins a record-breaking London run at the Royalty Theatre (following a pre-London opening at Bury St Edmunds on February 29).

The play was an immediate success, opening to enthusiastic audiences & excellent notices from the press. It ran for a record-breaking 1,466 performances across four years, closing on 19 December 1896.…

Charley's Aunt is available at LibriVox…

#books #literature #theatre

AppFlowy 0.7.8 update includes Simple Table 2.0, new UI/UX, AI Chat enhancements, and bug fixes. Features allow inserting various elements into tables and improved table manipulation, among other enhancements.…