[UNPOPULAR OPINION] Je n'ai rien dit pendant qu'il était en prison et risquait d'être extradié pour avoir défendu des animaux mais là je me permet un rappel.
1- Paul Watson est proche de Dave Foreman, du mouvement "éco"fasciste Earth First qui pense qu'il faut se battre contre « l’immigration et la surpopulation aux Etats-Unis », notamment « celle des personnes racisées », car elle serait « la cause de la crise écologique »...🤡
#ecologie #Environnment #ecofascisme
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uptime.is should be even a little bit faster now... #Python
originally – and until a couple of years ago – uptime.is was a #LISP thing,
Découverte : FranceInfo fait de la réclame déguisée en contenu maintenant.
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@diesch Wer jetzt wissentlich eine Kleinstpartei wählt, hilft den Feinden der Demokratie.
Ja, wir brauchen mehr Parteien im Bundestag, und es wäre schön, wenn wir mehr sinnvolle Parteien im Bundestag haben. Aber keine der derzeitigen Kleinstparteien hat irgendeine Chance in den Bundestag zu kommen -> es ist schädlich, diese zu wählen.
Somit bleibt nur noch eine Wahl der Vernunft. Und diese ist eindeutig, bei der momentanen Auswahl die sich uns bietet.
Sind die Grünen gut? Nein, ganz sicher nicht. Aber sie sind besser als alles andere, was diesesmal eine Chance hat, in den Bundestag zu kommen. Und das ist, was hier zählt.
@Joerg Jaspert Kleinparteien haben genau dann eine Chance, wenn man sie wählt. Dass das funktionieren kann, zeigen ja gerade die Grünen, die vor wenigen Jahrzehnten als chancenlose Kleinpartei angefangen haben.
Sicher wird dann die nächste Regierung kacke, und vielleicht auch die danach. Aber wir haben dann die Chance, dass es auch mal wieder besser wird.
Vertrauen in die #Universitäten #Österreich bei unter 50 Punkte! 😯🤦
#Justiz bei 27 Punkte. 🫣
Korrektur: "Punkte" und nicht Prozentwerte. Quelle: ogm.at/2024/11/01/ogm-apa-vert…
#Bildung #Universität #Vertrauensindex #Wissenschaftsskepsis #Forschung
#Universitäten #Österreich #Justiz #Bildung #Universität #Vertrauensindex #Wissenschaftsskepsis #Forschung
Und um noch was draufzulegen... Bundesheer bei 67%?
In welchem Bundesheer waren die Leute beim Grundwehrdienste? Alle die da Vertrauen in unser BH haben, müssen entweder vom Dienst befreit gewesen sein, beim Zivildienst, Untauglich, zuviel Vitamin B gehabt haben oder an Vergesslichkeit leiden und sich nur auf den Katastrophenschutz beziehen....
Different Season, still running across a bridge ... - YouTube
Hah! Love this take on #influencers
like this
Interview: "Obey the Law”: Palestinians Sue State Dept over US Arms to Israel
"There is a mountain of evidence of Israel carrying out torture, extrajudicial killings, rape, enforced disappearances & other abuses.
"Despite all that, the State Department has never once held any Israeli unit ineligible for assistance under the Leahy Law."
~Fmr State Department official Charles Blaha
#LeahyLaw #IsraeliCrimesAgainstHumanity #USEnablement #USPol #BDS .
DrALJONES reshared this.
in reply to Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist • • •Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist
in reply to ersatzmaus • • •@ersatzmaus the cooling system has failed, but in this case (magical rock with a fire elemental in it) there is no problem until the PCs inevitably cool it down by messing with the inbuilt water system.
I am wondering if the clay would age or if made of adobe, crumble. It can be merely Very Hot, or actually gently glowing and I don't mind.
Would the room stay dry? Gather humidity up to dew point? It's underground and probably carved of bedrock, and likely closed well.
in reply to Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist • • •Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist
in reply to ersatzmaus • • •Levi Kornelsen
in reply to Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist • • •Non-expert with *some* of the relevant details:
If the clay is fired / vitrified, it's pretty stable chemically, but, being vitrified, *it's partly glass,* which may chip and crack if there's vibration or any other fluctuations in the conditions.
If we're talking very hot, and a very "glassy" ceramic, it could potentially "droop" in some way over time ("Clay Oven" suggests not, but the image is so cool).
If unfired... I got nothing!
Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist
in reply to Levi Kornelsen • • •Levi Kornelsen
in reply to Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist • • •- Oh! Also:
Depending on impurities, there's a decent likelihood of color change under lasting, sustained heat; it might very easily get quite pale or quite dark, and it wouldn't be out of the question for it to turn some strange shade if the right stuff is in there.
Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist
in reply to Levi Kornelsen • • •LexTenebris
in reply to Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist • • •I suppose that we will have to assume that the source of energy is geothermal, because very little otherwise is going to be stable over centuries.
So the real question comes down to how much energy is being dumped into the system versus how much can escape via heating of the air, which then heats the underground stream which runs nearby. That can take a fair whack of energy out of the system as described by the closed volume in which the clay oven is on.
Essentially, you have to work out what the equilibrium temperature from inputs and outputs is. Then, and only then, can you figure out what the reaction of the materials within the space are likely to be.
Whatever the walls of the oven volume are, they likely aren't perfectly energy tight either, so they apply some degree of insulation through which energy will spread through the rest of the material, just like the water, though not nearly as quickly.
Assuming that the heat source has been sufficient to act as a kiln itself for other clay and is steady state over centuries, the likely result is that very li
... show moreI suppose that we will have to assume that the source of energy is geothermal, because very little otherwise is going to be stable over centuries.
So the real question comes down to how much energy is being dumped into the system versus how much can escape via heating of the air, which then heats the underground stream which runs nearby. That can take a fair whack of energy out of the system as described by the closed volume in which the clay oven is on.
Essentially, you have to work out what the equilibrium temperature from inputs and outputs is. Then, and only then, can you figure out what the reaction of the materials within the space are likely to be.
Whatever the walls of the oven volume are, they likely aren't perfectly energy tight either, so they apply some degree of insulation through which energy will spread through the rest of the material, just like the water, though not nearly as quickly.
Assuming that the heat source has been sufficient to act as a kiln itself for other clay and is steady state over centuries, the likely result is that very little actually the oven vessel itself is probably going to be at least partly vitrified but if it hasn't been disturbed it may continue to be pretty effectively useful even after discovery.
Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist
in reply to LexTenebris • • •@lextenebris Yeah. The end result as I am thinking it through is that I don't want to have the room be a kiln, so I need to limit the heat. (It is a fire elemental trapped in a rock, but I do not want to just handwave 'magic'.) The room should not be a super-heated deathtrap.
Oh golly. I just thought while explaining - there has been one other person down here and they might have messed with the cooling system. Oh boy thank you. (Ahahahahahahah!)