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finger guns?

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Journal that published faulty black plastic study removed from science index - Ars Technica

However, the authors made a math error in their analysis that put their estimate of exposure to toxins from kitchen utensils off by an order of magnitude. Corrected, the article notes that the exposure potential from kitchen utensils is actually less than a tenth of the limit considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency. Further, the study found flame retardant contamination in less than 10 percent of the 203 household products it examined—and only about 8 percent of 109 kitchen utensils.

I did not know that the original paper was retracted
#kitchen #plastic #science…

in reply to Christoph S

I never heard of this until the retraction stories started popping up.
in reply to Christoph S

The story got Lots of attention on "social media".
And since SM drives MSM these days, it got lots more attention than was deserved. I'm all for avoiding the gatekeeping of journals, but the "pre press" unfiltered stuff pollutes as much as it democratizes science.

The words "show" and "for a month" were redundant here.

Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.

in reply to Deniz Opal

CEO's mostly get payed in stocks, not salary
they don't even sell their stocks, they just borrow money with their stock as collateral .. that way they pay no capital gain taxes
in reply to Deniz Opal

Agreed. And a month is no good. Most people who aren't completely useless can manage anything for a month. You can't understand what it's like to live on not enough money when you know it's going to stop in a month - or even whenever you get tired of it. Only people who live that way with no end in sight, in constant fear of getting a big bill - say for car repairs, for the shitty used car that's the only way they can get to work.

Even if you win a shit fight, you still wind up covered in shit.
in reply to JA Westenberg

Curiosity moved me to investigate further.

'What's the sense of wrestling with a pig? You both get all over muddy . . . and the pig likes it.'" (April 1948)

"Don’t wrestle with a chimney sweep or you will get covered with grime." (1776)

"He who wrestles with a hog must expect to be spattered with filth, whether he is vanquished or not." (1872)

More at…

"A federal district court judge has denied Republican Jefferson Griffin's request for a temporary restraining order in his bid to block the North Carolina State Board of Elections from certifying his electoral loss in a race for a seat on the state Supreme Court."…

A few hours ago, at 10:21 CET, Earth’s polar axis reached its maximum tilt away from the Sun as seen from the northern hemisphere 🌍

There will be a few more seconds of daylight here tomorrow 🌞

Rejoice 👼🏻

p.s. sorry, Australia 🙃

#WinterSolstice #DecemberSolstice

Image: Meteosat / Eumetsat

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I have a question that it's really hard to google, for obvious reasons. If you have a clay oven with a heating source that is always on, and you go away for a few centuries, what happens? It's underground and a stream runs nearby in a conduit in the bedrock/earth nearby.

#chemistry #ttrpg

Alex Daily! reshared this.

in reply to Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist

in reply to LexTenebris

@lextenebris Yeah. The end result as I am thinking it through is that I don't want to have the room be a kiln, so I need to limit the heat. (It is a fire elemental trapped in a rock, but I do not want to just handwave 'magic'.) The room should not be a super-heated deathtrap.

Oh golly. I just thought while explaining - there has been one other person down here and they might have messed with the cooling system. Oh boy thank you. (Ahahahahahahah!)

Unknown parent

@LeviKornelsen oh, that's interesting. I'd decided not to have this room painted because it's a kitchen, so I couldn't do the Pompeii yellow to red ochre change, but I can totally have that work for the clay.

Today my first-born is turning 18. Utterly incredible how time flies when you have kids. I remember each of these moments as if they were yesterday.

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[UNPOPULAR OPINION] Je n'ai rien dit pendant qu'il était en prison et risquait d'être extradié pour avoir défendu des animaux mais là je me permet un rappel.

1- Paul Watson est proche de Dave Foreman, du mouvement "éco"fasciste Earth First qui pense qu'il faut se battre contre « l’immigration et la surpopulation aux Etats-Unis », notamment « celle des personnes racisées », car elle serait « la cause de la crise écologique »...🤡
#ecologie #Environnment #ecofascisme

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so vaapi does not work without running an X instance? I cannot utilize gpu on headless alpine. #linux #gpu
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago) should be even a little bit faster now... #Python…

originally – and until a couple of years ago – was a #LISP thing,…

Découverte : FranceInfo fait de la réclame déguisée en contenu maintenant.

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Lambeau Landscapers #shorts - YouTube

I love this guys comedy!

in reply to diesch

@diesch Wer jetzt wissentlich eine Kleinstpartei wählt, hilft den Feinden der Demokratie.

Ja, wir brauchen mehr Parteien im Bundestag, und es wäre schön, wenn wir mehr sinnvolle Parteien im Bundestag haben. Aber keine der derzeitigen Kleinstparteien hat irgendeine Chance in den Bundestag zu kommen -> es ist schädlich, diese zu wählen.

Somit bleibt nur noch eine Wahl der Vernunft. Und diese ist eindeutig, bei der momentanen Auswahl die sich uns bietet.

Sind die Grünen gut? Nein, ganz sicher nicht. Aber sie sind besser als alles andere, was diesesmal eine Chance hat, in den Bundestag zu kommen. Und das ist, was hier zählt.

in reply to Joerg Jaspert :debian:

@Joerg Jaspert Kleinparteien haben genau dann eine Chance, wenn man sie wählt. Dass das funktionieren kann, zeigen ja gerade die Grünen, die vor wenigen Jahrzehnten als chancenlose Kleinpartei angefangen haben.

Sicher wird dann die nächste Regierung kacke, und vielleicht auch die danach. Aber wir haben dann die Chance, dass es auch mal wieder besser wird.

in reply to Karl Voit

#Universitäten #Österreich #Justiz #Bildung #Universität #Vertrauensindex #Wissenschaftsskepsis #Forschung


Und um noch was draufzulegen... Bundesheer bei 67%?

In welchem Bundesheer waren die Leute beim Grundwehrdienste? Alle die da Vertrauen in unser BH haben, müssen entweder vom Dienst befreit gewesen sein, beim Zivildienst, Untauglich, zuviel Vitamin B gehabt haben oder an Vergesslichkeit leiden und sich nur auf den Katastrophenschutz beziehen....

Different Season, still running across a bridge ... - YouTube

Hah! Love this take on #influencers