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Ich habe derzeit 6 Brillen.

Meine alte, leicht angeschlagene #Brille, die ich als Fernbrille benutzt habe.
Eine sündhaft teure #Gleitsichtbrille, die ich einfach nicht benutzen kann, weil das scharfe Sichtfeld so klein ist, dass sie praktisch unbenutzbar ist.
3 Billiglesebrillen unterschiedlicher Stärken.

Und schlußendlich eine Billigbrille von Fielmann (18 €), deren Werte ich selbst bestimmt habe.
Diese Brille ist aktuell diejenige, die ich zu 90% trage, da sie praktisch alles abdeckt.

in reply to Thoralf Will 🇺🇦🇮🇱

Ich trauere ein wenig den fast 1000 € hinterher, die ich für die Gleitsichtbrille ausgegeben habe, und die praktisch nutzlos ist.

Andererseits werde ich in Zukunft nur noch zum Augenarzt gehen, dort meine Werte bestimmen lassen und mir auf dieser Basis die Brille selbst zusammenstellen. Das spart über die Zeit das verschwendete Geld wieder ein.

Die Lektion habe ich schmerzhaft gelernt.

in reply to Thoralf Will 🇺🇦🇮🇱

Ich trage seit Jahren Gleitsichtbrillen, die aber ein Bruchteil dessen kosten, was Du ausgegeben hast. Ich bin bei einem Optiker, der mit zusammenarbeitet. Und die Beratung war auch nicht dieses typische "Upselling", das ich von Fielmann und Co. kenne, wenn sie Dir eine Beschichtung, die in der Herstellung 5€ kostet für 100€ verkaufen.

'Is this still your story, Reader?'
#DeZinVanHetBoek #TheEssenceOfTheBook

#BoekPerWeek 7/52 ★★★☆☆

My review:…

#Boeken @boeken
#Bookstodon @bookstodon
#Lezen #Read
#Schrijven #Writing
#Literatuur #Literature

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in reply to Fifi Schwarz 🖤 🍉✊🏿🌈🌍

With a character, Inerio, who claims he's learnt *not to* read. Which would be even more of an enviable skill in our present world than it was in 1979.


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in reply to Jocelyn

Exactly! And who then makes art out of books, by glueing them together. So no one else can read those either! 🤷‍♀️

The photo on the cover certainly is fitting. Or, it would have been if it had been 10 books, or 11 really 😀
@boeken @bookstodon

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From: blenderdumbass . org

We all love some mayhem when it comes to playing games. And nothing makes car games more satisfying than damage models. RockStar Games understood it early on, and all GTA games have breakable cars. Today some of the most popular car games like holding on a realism of damage mod...…

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #Gamedev #UPBGE #blender3d #animation #GTAClone #programming #project #cars #damage #Gnu #Linux #Freesoftware #OpenSource

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

The Microsoft 365 Copilot launch was a total disaster #Technology

Every Sunday I share an Open Source Tool from the Cloud Native Ecosystem. Today: Helmsman.

Helmsman is a Helm Charts (k8s applications) as Code tool which allows you to automate the deployment/management of your Helm charts from version controlled code:

#kubernetes #openshift #helm #gitops #cloudnative #opensource #OpenSourceSunday

In 2025, we will open the year at SOOCon25, by having open conversations about the challenges we know the year will bring, building on what has happened in 2024, including license shifts, forking, US export control and many other changes. Read about this in @TheNewStack with Alex Williams… #opensource #fork #licensing #soocon25 #stateofopencon

Diamond prices have dropped a bunch since synthetic diamonds came to the market.

The price of natural diamond decreased 26% since 2022, while the price for synthetic diamonds dropped 74% since 2020.

The less natural diamonds are worth, the less demand there will be for mining them.


in reply to Dave Rahardja

de beers and anglo gold have been struggling for a while to try and buy all the patents for synthetic gems. but folk keep coming up with new ways to grow them. and it's lovely. countering the diamond industry PR is a much bigger issue though

reshared this

in reply to cuan_knaggs

There are so many stones with the hardness of diamond that are just as pretty. The notion that some artificially scarce rock is somehow essential to expressing our love for each other is utter shit.

Are diamonds lovely? Sure, and so what? So are a lot of others. They would be even more lovely if they didn't come at the cost of conflicts, smuggling, sanctions evasion and brainwashing PR campaigns. Frankly, all of the latter make them more ugly to me than a stone "worth" 1/10th the cost. It's a racket.

in reply to OvertonDoors

@OvertonDoors @mensrea I’m very lucky to have someone in my life who is not a sucker for the diamond marketing (or the jewelry industry in general). Cubic Zirconia and other pretty (and far less problematic) gems do just fine.
in reply to Dave Rahardja

Check out this Atlantic article from 1982 (!).…

The entire thing is worth reading, though this was especially eye opening:

I've finished: To Be Taught If Fortunate by Becky Chambers

This is not one of Becky Chambers hopeful stories.

It is an exercise in ethical space exploration.

It has relationships, cool aliens, and an attempt to do the right thing in a harsh universe.

It is good, but don't come to it expecting her famous cozy tales.…

@bookstodon #bookstodon #ScienceFiction #AudioBooks

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in reply to Zivan - Childless Cat Guy

It might not be cozy, but it's a story you read with your heart, I feel. I really felt engaged with the characters and cried and felt their pain quite distinctly when they suffered.

I like it a lot.

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Law School Now Requires Students To Get Artificial Intelligence Certification #FutureStudies #FuturesStudies #Futurology

26 January 1915 | A Polish woman, Maria Sajkówna, was born in Cracow.

In #Auschwitz from 19 January 1943.
No. 29935
She perished in the camp on 1 March 1943.

Sooooo... what is everyone thinking about Flohmarkt ?…

The notion of a federated, decentralized flea market / classifieds / Craigslist type network seems quite appealing to me, but maybe I'm being naive?

(PS: "Flohmarkt" is the German word for flea market, of course.)

in reply to Dr. Christopher Kunz

wow! this is an amazing idea. and as most ads are mostly some text and lightweight images with relatively low traffic per item, it's way easier to host than for instance a mastodon instance. #selfhosted

in reply to MrBadger42

all Christians support her. every single follower of Christ agrees with her message.

there are terrorists who hate her and want her "deported" and worse. those are not Christians or athiests. their religion is hatred, and the word for them is terrorists. use it.

lil correction for the poster there.

in reply to millennial falcon

@falcennial well, they call themselves christian. I'd say the message is to look at the meaning of what people say, not what they call it.

I can imagine christians getting upset about this message, but that's a 'not all men' situation. A lot of people who call themselves christian, do act like this. Not all christians are safe for the people in fear of their lives. So someone's self-proclaimed faith does not reflect on their character. Which is something you cannot blame the victims for. Nor the atheists.

in reply to Mees

first principles stuff:

only fascists do fascism.
all fascists are terrorists.

either term works. but calling them "Christian" is a lie. you should be careful not to repeat -- and therefore promote -- their lies, unless you support them.


Jusqu'où iriez-vous pour protéger vos enfants ? Êtes-vous prêts à défier l'État ?

Il l'a fait. Il est allé en prison. Il est de retour, et il n'est pas content.

Lui, c'est la corneille Y001 !

En 2017, le service de sécurité d'un bâtiment du ministère de l'Économie et des Finances situé dans le 13e arrondissement contacte Frédéric, le bagueur de Corneilles Paris : une corneille attaque des fonctionnaires matin, midi et soir. Sur place, Frédéric comprend vite pourquoi : un nid se trouve dans un arbre en face de l'entrée de bureaux.

in reply to Jastrow

Frédéric décide alors de capturer la corneille, à l'aide d'un netgun. C'est une sorte de grosse lampe torche qui projette par air comprimé un filet lesté, utilisé pour capturer des petites animaux ou des drones. Appâtée à l'aide de morceaux de pain, puis d'un délicieux œuf cassé sur le trottoir, la corneille se fait avoir.

L'idée de Frédéric, c'est que ces oiseaux particulièrement agressifs ont été élevés par l'homme et ont perdu leur appréhension naturelle. Ici, cette corneille, un mâle, défend très agressivement son nid alors que sa femelle couve : les corneillons ne sont même pas encore nés. Qu'est-ce que ça va être quand ils déambuleront au sol ?

in reply to Jastrow

Frédéric bague donc cette corneille pour qu'on le reconnaisse par la suite : ce sera Y001, la seule corneille baguée en jaune de tout Paris. Il la place en garde à vue pendant 4 jours dans une cage au Jardin des plantes.

Libérée (délivrée), Y001 retourne immédiatement protéger son nid, mais il n'intimidera plus les humains. Pourtant, sa femelle continue de nicher dans la même rue, face au bâtiment de l'Économie et des Finances.

Démago anti-fisc ? Anarchiste ? Simple père modèle ? Qu'en pense Y001 ? « J'aimerais être joué par Liam Neeson, mais vite car il se fait vieux. »

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Hur exporterar jag alla DM med en person från the artist formerly known as Twitter? 😊 Och finns det ett enkelt sätt att göra detsamma med alla tweets mellan sig själv och en annan användare? Hittar bara gamla eller förvirrande svar.

Såg denna fascinerande film ikväll om hur det gick till när man hittade Richard III:s kvarlevor under en parkeringsplats i Leicester för några år sedan. Denna söndag är sista dagen den ligger uppe på SVT Play.…