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Many conservatives deny we're living through significant climate change, but there's one group that certainly doesn't doubt it: The insurance industry.

#SouthCarolina #SCPol #SCPolitics #ClimateChange #insurance #SevereWeatherEvents

You know Greenville has been in a cold spell, when the fountain at the Westin Poinsett hotel is frozen! 😄 #GreenvilleSC #SouthCarolina

NATO’s Defense Dilemma: Rising Costs, Reluctant Nations #DefenseSpending #Economics #Europe #EuropeanUnion #France #Germany #MilitaryBudgets #NATO #Politics #Russia #Ukraine #UnitedKingdom

Southern Toad Anaxyrus terrestris
Observer: nicolehanna
#PeeDeeRegionBiodiversity #SouthCarolina #Biodiversity…
Darlington-Mechanicsville-Whipple's Landing-Florence #iNaturalist Project.…

Ukraine’s defense chief meets with NATO Representation head #Europe #NATO

Greenland plunged into geopolitical storm #Geopolitics


It's 554AD. Decius has stabilized Baetica and reconquered Rome, all without having a favourite Beatles song. But now he is dying, and the succession is insecure...

Join me for CK3 and Tortie shenanigans!

Been thinking a lot about a couple I met last week. Really nice folks. Proud that their daughter was growing up to be a caring individual. Seems like she'll be a decent human when she grows up.

And yet I'm fairly certain this couple voted fascist this cycle. I'm sure there's a lot of well-meaning, generally decent folks just like them that did the same.

I just can't get my head around the disconnect here. Feel like the answer would be the key to solving some of our culture war issues.

in reply to Vee

@VeroniqueB99 sadly, I don't disagree. But while my inner cynic is rooting for the next big asteroid so the planet can start over, my public facing self keeps trying.

in reply to Jan Ainali

Min inspiration höll i sig, och idag tog jag äntligen tag i och fick klart en artikel om Sveriges klimatpolitik. Det mesta fanns utspritt redan i andra artiklar, så det var mest en sammanställning och disposition som behövdes. Nu behövs det städas lite i de andra och länka hit. Och alldeles säkert saknas det en massa också, men med en start är dessa luckor förhoppningsvis lätta att se. Vad tycker du att jag har missat?…
#Wikipedia #klimat #klimatpolitik

Langsam wird es auf meiner #GoToSocial Instanz gemütlich :neocat_comfy:.

Ich habe gerade eine Sammlung von #NeoCat :neocat: Emojis hochgeladen. Das war gar nicht so einfach, da GTS solch einen Sammel-Upload von #MissKey Emoji Archiven noch nicht unterstützt. Man kann Emojis nur einzeln per API Aufruf hochladen.

Da ich aber ein bisschen #Python kann, war das Problem relativ schnell behoben

**Ich habe zwei Scripte geschrieben:**

- Eines um mich per #OAuth zu authentifizieren um ein Bearer Token für die API Aufrufe zu erhalten.
- Ein weiteres, das die meta.json Datei von MissKey kompatiblem Emoji Archiven auswertet und dann alle Emojis im Archiv einzeln per API Aufruf hochlädt.

**Was habe ich gelernt:**

- Wie MissKey Emoji Archive aufgebaut sind.
- Wie man sich bei GTS per OAuth authentifiziert.
- Wie man Emojis aus MissKey Archiven per GTS API calls hochlädt.

#SelfHosting #GoToSocial #Python #OAuth #CustomEmojis

in reply to Jürgen ⁂

Falls jemand am Sourcecode der #Python Skripte interessiert ist. Ich habe diese gerade etwas aufgeräumt und dokumentiert auf #Codeberg abgelegt:…

Neugierig auf #Linux? Die LUG #Hannover trifft sich Mittwoch, 05.02.2025, 19h, im Seminarraum des LUIS (RRZN), Schlosswender Str. 5. (Eingang im Hinterhof). Ab 21h: Essen, Trinken, Fachsimpeln im Kaisers (Nordstadt).

I know it's normal and not all that exciting, but the simple pleasure of moving my #LXC containers from my old server to my new server and having them work with zero touch is just lovely.

It's also kinda neat contending with Alma #Linux — my first RHEL-like in about fifteen years — then having all my lovely Arch containers to hand.

Brief guide to phone security for protesters in North America, Europe, Israel, and democratic East Asia:

Keep your phone charged before the protest so that you can take plenty of pictures of protest signs (with consent of course).

That's it. Any protest anyone has any business going to is fully legal and you don't need to fear being extremely open that you went there. To the contrary, be proud. People who tell you to hide your face at protests are terrorists and anti-regime demoralizers.

in reply to wakest ⁂

@liaizon If you've been to hundreds of protests, then you're exactly the wrong person to take any advice from. The protests that actually do things other than make people who don't even vote feel good about their (fake) political activity don't draw professional protesters and don't get people arrested.
in reply to Alon

lol have fun in your distorted version of reality

North Korea fires strategic cruise missiles, vows tough stance on U.S. #America #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USNews #USA #USANews

How constitutional guardrails have always contained presidential ambitions

26.1.1892 Bessie Coleman born, American aviator and star of early Aviation exhibitions and air shows.

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#otd #history #womeninhistory #blackhistory @histodons @blackvoices

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Grâce aux progrès incroyables du jeu vidéo, vivez la vie exaltante d'un gardien de parking !…
in reply to sebsauvage

On attend avec impatience le DLC Gary Coleman, vivre la vie d’une star déchue de la télé, voilà qui doit être galvanisant.