Même l'Huma... (son serveur est aux States !!)
Au fait, je vois que même l'Huma est hébergé aux States...
Y a vraiment un travail de prise de conscience, mais urgent, à faire en France, sans déc !
#GAFAM #Impérialisme #France #Huma #Humanité #Politique #Trump
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The post Entgegen Söders Darstellung: Offenbar auch bayerische Behörden für Abschiebeversagen verantwortlich appeared first on
Entgegen Söders Darstellung: Offenbar auch bayerische Behörden für Abschiebeversagen verantwortlich - Apollo News
Entgegen der Darstellung von Ministerpräsident Söder und Innenminister Herrmann tragen nicht nur das BAMF, sondern wohl auch bayerische Behörden Verantwortung für das Abschiebeversagen im Fall des Mörders von Aschaffenburg Enamullah Omarzai.Jonas Aston (Apollo News)
Osaka is attracting new foreign residents by the thousands. What’s the appeal?
Osaka has taken the lead in Japan's social population growth for the second consecutive year, with foreign residents making up more than half of the city's newcomers.https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20250122/p2a/00m/0na/020000chttps://www.reddit.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#Presentación Escritora y poetisa, intento que sientas cosas en la lectura (risa, ansiedad, deseo, una sensación reconfortante o agridulce...).
Con ganas de habitar este momento en que las redes trans(n)accionales que regulan las relaciones sociales en línea están en crisis, a ver cuánto me dura.
Me podéis hablar de libros, humor, literatura, feminismos, pájaros, de que te dé el sol, de que no te dé el sol, de bibliotecas, ríos y tal.
Gracias por la atención 🫰
La haine anti Arabe et le suprémacisme blanc, engrais du sionisme
Les guerres incessantes au Proche-Orient, mais également les politiques mises en place en Europe et aux États-Unis, s’accompagnent ainsi d’un arabicide physique et culturel permanent sous prétexte de combattre le terrorisme, de protéger la démocratie et de défendre les « valeurs occidentales ». Israël se place dans le continuum logique de cette approche (...)
La haine anti Arabe et le suprémacisme blanc, engrais du sionisme
Les guerres incessantes au Proche-Orient, mais également les politiques mises en place en Europe et aux États-Unis, s’accompagnent ainsi d’un arabicide physique et culturel permanent sous prétexte de combattre le terrorisme, de protéger la démocratie…Paris-luttes.info
Prosecution Indicts Yoon on Insurrection Charges over Martial Law Imposition
Photo : YONHAP News The prosecution has indicted President Yoon Suk Yeol on charges of insurrection in connection with Yoon’s martial law imposition on December 3.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Baumol’s cost disease predicted, in the 1960s, that industries that aren’t getting more efficient over time (e.g. teaching, childcare, healthcare) will see costs rise faster than value simply from keeping up with rising worker pay expectations driven by more productive industries like tech or manufacturing.
It’s a basic economic rule like supply & demand. Fighting it is like fighting gravity, doable but in very limited ways.
Prosecutors indict Yoon over insurrection and power abuse charges
Prosecutors indict Yoon over insurrection and power abuse chargeshttps://m.koreaherald.com/article/10407623Posted by hye-hwaBYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
la fanteria d'arresto in Italia non serve più. Abbiamo almeno tre stati nazionali facenti parte della NATO che ci dividono via terra dal primo paese ostile.
Quello di cui abbiamo bisogno oggi è un sistema di copertura aerea e marittima, e questo ce l'abbiamo già.
Naturalmente possono sempre cambiare le condizioni geopolitiche, ma al momento non esiste una minaccia al territorio italiano.
15 jaar oud is deze animatie over 🎦 #SURFmedia.. een videoplatform voor het onderwijs in Nederland.
Alles er op en eraan, content, technologie, betaalbaar, in control.
Toen kwam het idee: de markt kan dit beter, goedkoper en innovatiever… SURFmedia stopte, de jaren gingen voorbij, de markt ontwikkelde zich, als ook de macht van big tech 🦾.
Ik hoop in 2025 een nieuwe animator te moeten zoeken voor een videoplatform voor het onderwijs (en onderzoek natuurlijk)‼️
I'm sure some systems are put in place to find some money to save, are even celebrated when in use, but are a big net loss.
Churches have a long history of being safe havens — for immigrants and others
For centuries, houses of worship have served as havens for people needing refuge — and, in recent decades, sanctuary from the U.S. government.
#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
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Alors que Netanyahu a invoqué de nouvelles conditions pour le retour des gazaoui.es dans la partie nord de l'enclave et que Trump soutient leur expulsion en Egypte ou au Liban, des dizaine de milliers de palestiniens attendent pour retourner chez eux
#Gaza #StopGenocide #CessezLeFeu
Reeves ‘happy’ to look at UK joining pan-European trade area
Rachel Reeves has said the UK is “absolutely happy” to look at joining a tariff-free trading scheme with Europe after the EU left the door open to British membership.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
The EU will not recognize the elections in Belarus
Representatives of the European Union point out that the Belarusian election campaign violated democratic standards by intimidating and repressing citizens.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Man muss diese wunderbaren Nerds des Miniaturwunderlandes in Hamburg einfach lieben.
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Trying again, without the misspelling this time: does #Friendica have functionality to replace Facebook Groups? How well does it do as a replacement?
Also, if anyone has experience adminning a friendica server, I'd also love to hear about that. It's a bit of an old stack, which makes me a little nervous.
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