It is ridiculous that this case even got to the point where had to file an answer to the complaint, but here we are.
"Trump first ran for President warning about rapists coming in from Mexico. I'm worried about keeping the rapist out fo the White House." – Linda Ronstadt 💜 🙏 💜 !
Solidaritet i ett Tystland. Jag besökte Berlin förra veckan och försökte förstå tyska vänsterns tystnad om folkmordet i Gaza. Där fann jag en livaktig rörelse av palestinier, queers o kulturarbetare som med ilska o humor fyllde det tomrum vänstern lä
Speaking directly from the "hellhole" of San Francisco, I just got on one of their brand new electric Caltrains, and this is the nicest train I think I've ever been on. I realize it's new and all, but it's amazing. (Also built in very fast free WiFi)
I wrote about Utah's "protect the kids online!" bill getting tossed out as unconstitutional. Special guest appearances by and
The number of times I've had to explain to people that San Francisco is not a crime ridden hell hole where it's dangerous to just walk around is getting ridiculous. I do live outside the city but am in the city all the time (twice last week, twice this week). The reporting on it is crazy.
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When I was 7, I cut my hair. There was a clear scissor mark where a chunk of my bangs was missing -- plus my hair in the trash. I told my parents I had no idea what happened. I insisted on this for days. I'd locked myself into a story, even though we all knew I was lying. But I was, you know, 7.