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Donald Trump is spending political capital on Matt Gaetz, personally calling GOP senators to support his nomination as attorney general. He’s serious about putting Gaetz in the

Trump Personally Squeezes GOP ...

Worldwide, Wednesday, November 27 at 12:00 AM GMT+1
Nov 27
Global Escalation
Wed 12:00 AM - Fri 10:59 PM
Todon Events

The time for talk is over.

The time of protest with no results is over.

Add An Action / Join the Escalation

Call To Action
Our world has been given two choices – to accept this new level of brutality of western imperialism, or to resist it.

Unless the economic systems fuelling the ongoing genocide in Gaza, now spreading regionally, are disrupted, then everyone will be forced to accept it and the violent future that comes with it — a violence with no limits or regard for life.

The forces of global capital and institutions of western power have thrown their entire weight in the service of the Israeli war machine, getting away with levels of brutality that none of us have witnessed before. New precedents of colonial violence are being established, along with new ways of retaliating against anyone fighting the injustices that plague our world.

The few who hold power have done everything they can to destroy the spirit of internationalism and solidarity between all peoples that suffer from the same greedy and violent forces. There has never been a more important time to come together.

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Across the world, we are millions of people with the power to halt the economic flow that funds our oppressions. They may threaten and blackmail us with the loss of work and employment, intimidate participants, and harass alleged leaders.

But they need us more than we need them. Once they understand that they cannot have their “business as usual” while supporting war crimes and destroying our world, then they will have to change their ways.

From Wednesday 27th to Friday 29th November, the Global Escalation will bring together people and movements around the world to step up the collective resistance by going on strike, refusing to shop and by taking direct action. It will be the first of a series of blows that will force change.

By halting revenue over one of the most profitable times of the year, the people stand in solidarity with all communities harmed by the same colonial forces worldwide, rejecting the celebration of colonial legacies like “Thanksgiving Day” on the 28th.

The efforts will culminate on the 29th, coinciding with the Friday Day of Rage and the opening of the infamous “Black Friday” season. Most importantly, November 29th marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Gaza cannot afford to wait any longer. The world cannot wait around any longer. We have been given a choice, and we have chosen to escalate.


Add An Action / Join the Escalation

Find important resources for organising direct action on our resources page below.

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Posters for Businesses

Join the global strike by displaying these posters in your store window.

Available in: English, French, German, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic

All Languages: Open Folder

English: PDF, PNG

Global Escalation (source)

I'm curious what other #Python coders do to manage helper functions and classes to reuse across various scripts and projects to avoid copy/pasting. For the last few years I've maintained my own package on PyPi ( that I add as a project dependency. Are there other approaches?

Some stuff I #selfhost in my #homelab: * PiHole/DNSCrypt * LLDAP * step-ca * Vaultwarden * Plex * Photoprism * Calibre-Web * audiobookshelf * Podgrab * croc and hostyoself relays * boringproxy * Ladder * Uptime Kuma * Gitea * Serverless container registry proxy * OwnTracks * transmission-openvpn

 • #electronics • FPGA  • micro:bit #RasPi #Arduino • RC models (#Tamiya #WLToys)  • #retro computers consoles  • #RetroGaming • 𝑨𝑴𝑰𝑮𝑨 #Amiga • #Sega #MegaDrive • #emulation #MiSTer • #Linux and programming  • #Fedora #Debian • Containers  • #javascript #python • Golang #dotNet

Gerard Braad

I try and avoid prescriptivism but in this case I have a humble request for everyone It’s Bluesky, not BlueSky
in reply to Samuel 🦋

That's some serious nitpicky Mastodon energy right there. Love from the other side 🧡

Here's a few things you can expect when there's a Fediverse outage: - oh wait, there's no such thing, the Fediverse is actually federated - there are over 30k totally independent servers - if one of them goes down the rest of the Fediverse works just fine


Here’s a few things you can expect temporarily when there’s an outage: - “Invalid Handle” everywhere - Likes don’t seem to work (they’re just being slow) - Your post isn’t showing up (same, just being slow) - Random errors or blank screens, the usual app broken stuff

site is in read-only mode for a sec because something fell over, hold tight!

CSO La Enredadera, sábado, 16 de noviembre, 18:00 CET
Nov 16
Sat 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

CINEFORUM : Hacker Wars , mitico documetal sobre anonymous y la guerra entre trools y moral faggots .

INSTALL PARTY : "Fuck systemd" , hablaremos sobre las alternativas a systemd , para empezar 4 distros , alpine linux , devuan , antix , mxlinux .

Given that this is all trending towards a train-wreck, kinda think Ds should try to step back a bit from the specifics and say clearly that "this is corrupt, it is negligent, and those who pillage the nation will see punitive correction in a future administration"

Can Masdeu, dissabte, 16 de novembre, a les 16:30 CET
Nov 16
Sat 4:30 PM
Convoca-la BCN

Savignyplatz, Nordseite, Montag, 18. November um 17:30 MEZ
Nov 18
Geschützten Radstreifen auf der Kantstrasse erhalten
Mon 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Fahrradtermine.Berlin (FTB)

Für sicheres Radfahren in Charlottenburg und ganz Berlin…

Die Entscheidung der Senatsverwaltung, Rad- und Parkstreifen auf der Kantstraße miteinander zu tauschen, gefährdet die Sicherheit von Radfahrer:innen. Wir sagen: der beliebte und viel genutzte geschützte Radstreifen auf der Kantstraße muss erhalten bleiben!

Dafür demonstrieren wir mit einer Fahrrademonstration am Montag, den 18.11.2024 Wann? 17:30 Uhr
Wo? Savignyplatz, Nordseite

Gemeinsam fahren wir die Kantstraße / Neue Kantstraße zweimal auf und ab.

Warum wir dem Tausch des Rad- und Parkstreifens widersprechen:…

Demo Nummer 1.

Warum widerspricht der ADFC Berlin der Entscheidung der Senatsverwaltung für Mobilität, Verkehr, Klimaschutz und Umwelt Parkstreifen und Radfahrstreifen auf der Kantstraße zu tauschen?

1. Die Kantstraße ist nach wie vor eine beliebte Raser- und Poserstrecke. Ein ungeschützter Radstreifen lädt Autoraser gerade dazu ein, diesen zusätzlich als Rennstrecke zu missbrauchen und damit Radfahrer:innen und Fußgänger:innen zu gefährden.

2. Zweite-Reihe-Parker werden den ungeschützten Radstreifen als schnelle Parkmöglichkeit missbrauchen. Radfahrer:innen müssen dann in den Kfz-Verkehr ausweichen, wodurch eine massive Gefährdung entsteht.

3. Außerdem wird es ein erneutes Dooring-Problem geben: Autofahrer:innen, die ihre Autotür aufreißen ohne auf Radfahrer:innen zu achten, das ist eine der häufigsten Hauptunfallursachen gegen Radfahrer:innen in Berlin.

4. Ein Tausch verstößt gegen das Mobilitätsgesetz: Paragraf 43 sieht an Hauptverkehrsstraßen geschützte Radverkehrsanlangen.

Die Entscheidung den beliebten und viel genutzten Radstreifen mit dem Parkstreifen zu tauschen, geht auf Kosten der Radfahrer:innen.

Stand: 10.11.2024 22:00

Not really to labor this, but (a) he doesn't actually mean recess appointments, because he is an idiot (b) what he does mean (I think fairly clearly) is that the senate should functionally abandon "advice and consent" powers, as the republic collapses towards a fully imperial executive branch


Congrats to Haley who sold her soul to save her career and ended up with neither


reshared this

QC:MXP version 1.4 is now released. Some minor GUI bug fixes, but the functionally of the QC-RSC engine has not changed from the previous version. Download & Tutorial here:

I like that "gen x" is so poison that there are now even MORE ways for people nominally in gen x to somehow brand themselves "millennial". Oh ya I'm a lazarus millenial, sorry, born in 1910, our thing is that the first computer game we played was WWI


Musk spent more on the election than *all* small-dollar donations to Trump combined. His wealth went up in a day about 200x more than that. Bezos' personal wealth also went up by about 14x the total value of the entire of WaPo in a day.


reshared this

The difference between 2016 and 2024 is that Trump previously at least pretended that he would govern according to law, and that he would divest from his businesses, and there was a plausible pretence that the law and the constitution might plausibly constrain him. Nobody expects that in 2025.