Symfony 7.2 was released 🎉 We might see it in Drupal quite soon... #Symfony #PHP #Drupal #OpenSource
Nobody could have predicted this. "Healthcare workers masking makes a difference, study found..." Medsky
Dal 2023 nasce una stretta collaborazione con l’azienda Agricola CAR’SELL nello stesso areale frentano, che aggiunge alle risorse aziendali circa 10 ettari di terreni, inclusi 1.5 ettari di uliveto con varietà autoctone.
I seminativi di entrambe le aziende sono lavorati nel rispetto delle rotazioni previste per le aziende biologiche.
Le coltivazioni principali sono: grano duro, grano tenero, orzo, farro, mais, ceci, fagioli, cicerchie, insieme con altri
legumi e cereali “antichi”, miscugli evolutivi partecipativi (miscugli provenienti dall’ ICARDA di Aleppo, tramite il Prof. Salvatore Ceccarelli) e varietà autoctone.
L’azienda agricola,collabora con la rete degli “agricoltori custodi” dell’ARSIAM (Agenzia per l’Innovazione e lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura nel M olise), anche per la moltiplicazione di alcune “accessioni” di frumenti e leguminose da granella conservate nella Banca del Germoplasma (Farro dicocco Molise Colli, mais Agostinello, etc.). Ha selezionato negli anni una varietà di orzo nudo nero, coltivato nei campi sperimentali annuali, oltre che segale e miglio.
Nel corso della serata avremo occasione di dialogare con loro e cenare con i loro prodotti
The entry to the seemingly endless driveway at Owl’s Nest, -- Robert Mercer’s estate in Head of the Harbor on Nantucket Island -- is framed by two stone pillars, each with a bronze statue of an owl, wings extended, as if ready to swoop down on unwitting
OpenScholar is an #OpenSource #AI tool to synthesize research: responses: * AI benefits for learning* Learning styles (trick question that only Claude seems to get right) #EdTech
PocketPal is a new #OpenSource app that lets you locally run open #LLM #AI models including those on alternatives: #EdTech
If you’re dedicated to fixing democracy, your ego is far too big. Narrow your focus. Pick a small problem. It’ll turn out to be a big problem in disguise. Find a problem that you can make a unique contribution to, based on your own life experiences. Become expert in it.
¡Estamos en directo en nuestra reunión de noviembre! 🏎️ IA Generativa para impulsar la calidad y crea un paquete con Python #pydata #python #genai
What's the main purpose of preparing for a disaster? It's to save lives. Are you taking action in preparation for a major earthquake? if you aren't sure what measures to take. -- Disaster Readiness Guide: was created to help you start preparing
--No cool commissions, can't offer anything, but if you've ever liked my posts/art/streams, please pass this along or donate if u can. I would like to afford groceries and pay bills for Dec. Sorry. teepublic:
Worth remembering as this barrage of stuff comes out: judging a candidate for office by their most extreme ideas is normal and sensible reporting. Bending over backwards to find the gentlest interpretation of the least offensive thing they believe is just being their unpaid spokesperson.
Priceless Planet
in reply to Liberty 🍉 🏳️⚧️ • • •