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¡Nos vemos este jueves 12 en nuestro evento especial de Navidad! 🎁 Cerramos el año a tres bandas entre PyData Madrid, Python Madrid, y PyLadies Madrid 🐍🐍🐍 #PyDataMadrid #python

🎁 PyData Madrid especial de Na...

Seeing people criticising trans people for pointing out the guardian's persistent and systematic transphobia during the strike means that's enough social media for the day. You can't demand solidarity from the people you subject to violence on a regular basis.

The hate propaganda against trans people is exactly (and I do mean *exactly*) the same as the hate propaganda against queer people in the ‘90s and early ‘00s and serves again as get-out-the vote and fundraising tools for right-wing pieces of shit.


My guess is that a lot of trans people will be feeling a ton of stress and worry over SCOTUS today. If you are a cis person, quote this and say why you support trans people and what you are willing to do to support us if the government comes for us.

online, sábado, 7 de diciembre, 16:00 GMT-3
Dec 7
Nuevo Curso de Gnu linux para Novatos
Sat 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
vagancio pirato

Este nuevo curso son 4 clases consecutivas, dede el sábado 7 de diciembres al 28 de diciembre.

Esta pensado principalmente para usuarios novatos.

Si bien es un curso pago, el valor es minimo.

Amazing to see, how the attention for scientific papers on is growing (as measured by the cumulative attention by day).


The Government has asked MoH to open public consultation on trans kids' right to access healthcare. They know full well the harm it will do. MoH have intentionally excluded both trans lived experience and the best expertise in the country from this work. This is political interference.

Gender-affirming care affects ...

in reply to Jennifer

> The Government has asked MoH to open public consultation on trans kids' right to access healthcare. They know full well the harm it will do

First tangata whenua, now trans people. They seem to be making a habit of it.

Somebody really needs to hold them down and punch them in the head, over and over, while screaming "consultation means talking to the people affected!". Seems there's no other way to get the message heard.


Ok last bit of energy making this very very quick trend analysis thing ( #python ) - so that someone else can code it much better than me or just do it in Tableau haha - then Im done for the day #coding ... !

📍 União Setubalense 📅 segunda-feira, 16 dezembro (18:30) Workshop prático e gratuito sobre privacidade e segurança digital. Vem aprender como impedir que os teus dispositivos tecnológicos te espiem, como tomar posse dos teus dados e detectar ameaças.
Dec 16
Como defender-me na internet?
Mon 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
📍 União Setubalense 📅 segunda-feira, 16 dezembro (18:30) Workshop prático e gratuito sobre privacidade e segurança digital. Vem aprender como impedir que os teus dispositivos tecnológicos te espiem, como tomar posse dos teus dados e detectar ameaças.

À ce stade, s'il souhaite supprimer l'AME pour les travailleurs et exilés sans-papiers, c'est pas pour empêcher le RN de le faire tomber. C'est parce qu'il aime ça, ce crypto-faf.


Le gouvernement Barnier va payer très cher sa stratégie de compromis avec l'extrême-droite. Ce n'est pas parce qu'ils portent des cravates et qu'ils parlent bien que ce sont des gens raisonnables avec qui on peut négocier.

DIRECT. Budget 2025 : le Rasse...

Nobody could have predicted this. "Healthcare workers masking makes a difference, study found..." Medsky

Want to Limit Respiratory Viru...

Circolo Anarchico Berneri, venerdì, 29 novembre (18:00)
Nov 29
Presentazione Terre di Hosidius - dalle 20.30 cena popolare
Fri 6:00 PM - 11:30 PM
In Molise, nel borgo medievale di Montorio nei Frentani (CB), i terreni della società agricola Fonte Santa Maria dei germani Antonio e Andrea Albino occupano territori di media collina (400-600 mt. s.l.m.), situati nella contrada denominata “Guarenza” (dal germanico wahren, custodire), così detta per l’antica presenza di aree boscose destinate a riserva di caccia e appartenente, alla fine XVII secolo, ai feudatari duchidi Sangro.
Dal 2023 nasce una stretta collaborazione con l’azienda Agricola CAR’SELL nello stesso areale frentano, che aggiunge alle risorse aziendali circa 10 ettari di terreni, inclusi 1.5 ettari di uliveto con varietà autoctone.
I seminativi di entrambe le aziende sono lavorati nel rispetto delle rotazioni previste per le aziende biologiche.
Le coltivazioni principali sono: grano duro, grano tenero, orzo, farro, mais, ceci, fagioli, cicerchie, insieme con altri
legumi e cereali “antichi”, miscugli evolutivi partecipativi (miscugli provenienti dall’ ICARDA di Aleppo, tramite il Prof. Salvatore Ceccarelli) e varietà autoctone.
L’azienda agricola,collabora con la rete degli “agricoltori custodi” dell’ARSIAM (Agenzia per l’Innovazione e lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura nel M olise), anche per la moltiplicazione di alcune “accessioni” di frumenti e leguminose da granella conservate nella Banca del Germoplasma (Farro dicocco Molise Colli, mais Agostinello, etc.). Ha selezionato negli anni una varietà di orzo nudo nero, coltivato nei campi sperimentali annuali, oltre che segale e miglio.
Nel corso della serata avremo occasione di dialogare con loro e cenare con i loro prodotti

The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers.#booksky💙📚 Day 18 h/t to for the awesom book!!!

The entry to the seemingly endless driveway at Owl’s Nest, -- Robert Mercer’s estate in Head of the Harbor on Nantucket Island -- is framed by two stone pillars, each with a bronze statue of an owl, wings extended, as if ready to swoop down on unwitting

Robert Mercer's House in Head ...

For some reason #Discord on #Linux seems to not be able to tell when I’m not touching the computer so it ends up muting the app on my phone…