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Die Kinder haben jetzt Medienzeit (Maus-App, Minecraft, Rollercoastertycoon). Da kann ich nun dieses Zeug hier zum Einsatz bringen und noch eine Folge aufnehmen.
in reply to Lambert @ Real Scientists DE

So sieht übrigens ein "äh" von mir aus. Ich kann diese Form mittlerweile bereits ziemlich sicher visuell erkennen und dann herausschneiden.
in reply to Lambert @ Real Scientists DE

Und die Folge ist online. Ihr findet sie in eurer Podcastapp. Wenn ihr übrigens Indie-Podcastern wie mir eine Freude machen wollt, nutzt unbedingt eine normale Podcastapp wie Overcast, AntennaPod, ... Hört ihr auf Spotify / YouTube / your big Tech here, steigt nur deren Macht als Mittelsmänner.

Hier ein paar Themen, über die ich diese Woche schreiben möchte: - KI und Mathe - Open Science - Vorlesungen / Lehre - Arbeitsbedingungen in der Mathe - Social Media / #Wisskomm - Podcasts Wenn ihr irgendwelche Fragen oder Themenwünsche habt, gerne hier drunter kommentieren 👇

Guten Morgen! Freue mich darauf, hier eine Woche etwas über Mathematik zu erzählen. Wisst ihr alle schon genau, was Mathe ist? Wikipedia: "Wissenschaft, die durch logische Definitionen selbstgeschaffene abstrakte Strukturen mittels der Logik auf ihre Eigenschaften und Muster untersucht" 😳 1/2
in reply to Lambert @ Real Scientists DE

Günter Ziegler sagte mal, dass Mathematik 4 Rollen hat: 1. Teil unserer Kultur 2. Werkzeugkasten für den Alltag 3. Zukunftswissen als Grundlage für High Tech 4. Neugier Na mal sehen, ob das alles hier rauskommt. Hier gleich mal ein Podcastlink

Modellansatz Podcast - Modell1...

I think about how Grace Lee Boggs always liked to ask her mentees what time it is on the clock of history, and every day it becomes more obvious why. Dems trusted our hopes to leaders profoundly incapable of reading that clock.


Meanwhile the preschooler refuses to nap and every time I do a hacking COVID cough she shouts, "excuse you, Chili"


They took two hours to call back for my appointment "in ten minutes" and then never called the Rx into my pharmacy, I am on the verge of lighting candles and performing a Luigi summoning ceremony

How many hoops can Teladoc possibly need to make me jump through. Just give me Paxlovid you ghouls
in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

Now the app says I am not authorized to log in. I am too wise to put the thoughts running through my head into writing

This is how I always feel when I am the one who remembered the diaper bag


“hole in the ozone layer” levels of erasure. my mom was a project manager who busted her ass for years to make sure IBM was ready for Y2K and completely succeeded, only for it to get turned into a late night joke. funny how the stories of mass collective action to avoid disaster rarely get told


There is no earthly way this dude was doing 100+ hour weeks of manual labor in the summer, lol


in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

Like not even because of who he is (though there's that), but because no one remotely familiar with what actual manual labor entails would make that claim
in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

If you know people who do punishing manual work you know 60 a week is backbreaking. Literally breaks bodies. And that's before you factor in heat

I mean, I think that's the end game, really. It creates lucrative contracts for a bunch of marketing pros to retool their comms into GOP-lite slop while allowing them to avoid any meaningful culpability for actual failings of morality and courage


in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

They know addressing the real issues would mean turning off the corporate campaign donations spigot. So they're very happy to "discover" that the miracle solution is to say the same old shit but with more obvious racial dogwhistles
in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

The thing to remember about the DNC is that it's basically a machine for laundering donations into the pockets of connected consultants and local party bosses, all of its chosen standardbearers ultimately are standardbearers at least in part because they actively work to protect that core function

in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

"He risked everything. Put it all on the table. Went all-in. Do or die. Lost. Used Daddy's money to buy more chips and did it over and over again until he won. A true visionary"
in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

They all use Daddy's money to place big bets (that are still chump change to them) and eventually a few of them accidentally invest in something useful and it pays off big time. And everyone heralds them as a genius