Those of us who studied Nazi accelerationist Telegram in its early days have been screaming from the rooftops for 7 years now that this is their end goal. They are actively, explicitly encouraging this sort of terrorist mass death plotting
I would modify this a bit to say that all but the very margins of the US left are engaged with labor in some way (by direct resourcing or by alliance), and Biden was REALLY good on labor, at least by the standards of US labor unions
Gentle but eternal reminder that the actively voting United States electorate is not representative of the United States populace
We have enough of a long view now to understand how much of the Silicon Valley "disruption" ethic was about destroying existing economic infrastructure, not about creating something new or better. I think about this ALL the time with Lyft and Uber and the dead cab industry.
This was the moment I knew for sure that our timeline was a divergent one
Worth remembering that there is a reason family separation is considered a genocidal practice, and that is because it is a practice that materially destroys the culture and relationships that give people their security and identity.
Part of the problem imo is that funding for real movement work-- even mutual aid work like community food pantries-- is utterly depleted. Institutions that tend to do that work have been trying to survive on GOTV funds that are (obviously) meant to pay for temporary jobs, work, institutions.
Gwen Snyder is uncivil
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Gwen Snyder is uncivil
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