Devastating floods impacting millions in #Bangladesh, wider issues of climate change & preparedness/response of citizens & government:
My interview on Al Jazeera International.
#Bangladesh #FloodsinBangladesh #BangladeshFloods #ClimateChange #disaster
Just looked through the pictures I took at #håckmas and those are the first couple I edited.
You saw some of them already in the closing.
More to come.
All pictures are CC-BY
The EUs #openscience policy developments really are evidence-based, forward-looking and technologically sound:…
When was the last time you could say that about politics? 🤣
Glyn Moody reshared this.
Kacey Musgraves says a past boyfriend helped her become more accepting
From the beginning of her career, Grammy-winning musician Kacey Musgraves has been doing what feels authentic to herself. She sings about familiar country themes like falling in love and heartbreak. But she also sings about smoking pot and queer relationships. Musgraves talks to Rachel about not being defined by anyone but herself, becoming more open-minded and living with the ghost of her grandma.
To listen sponsor-free, access bonus episodes and support the show, sign up for Wild Card+ at
#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Whuffo likes this.
#Gaza #Palestine
Noura Erakat joins Katie to discuss the recent charges placed by the U.S. on Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar.
She also talks about what the media is NOT mentioning when it comes to Palestine, the limits of International Law, and the double standards towards Palestinian and Israeli life.
Noura Erakat is a human rights attorney, Professor of Africana Studies and the Program of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University, New Brunswick.…
✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️
PythonCamp Rügen
Das zweitägige Barcamp richtet sich an alle, die sich für die Programmiersprache Python und deren Einsatz interessieren.PythonCamp Rügen
Lesser known parts of Python standard library – Trickster Dev
A Pi, 27-29 settembre, c'è il festival Storie in movimento.
Oltre a proiezioni cinematografiche e concerti, l'iniziativa si basa su un'esperienza particolare:
- si scelgono un paio di scarpe tra quelle esposte in un luogo, non importa se siano del numero giusto;
- le si indossa o le si porta con sé;
- si scansiona il QR code correlato e ci si immerge nella storia della persona proprietaria di quelle scarpe.
Un modo carino per stimolare l'empatia e la capacità di mettersi nei panni di persone con una vita diversa dalla propria (dovrebbe essere piuttosto normale, ma tant'è, non sembra).
L'evento è proposto da Decidere da Soli, un progetto selezionato da "Con i Bambini", nell'ambito del Fondo per il contrasto alla povertà educativa minorile.
Più info qui:…
Fediversum i Sverige - Svenssons Nyheter
FTC urged to make smart devices say how long they will be supported
Sudden subscription fees, lost features causing users "death by a thousand cuts."
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Our first official look at Huawei’s tri-fold.
The full reveal isn’t coming until September 10th — a date surely chosen to upstage Apple’s event that finishes just hours before — but here’s a teaser posted to Huawei’s Weibo account. It briefly shows the Mate XT Ultimate Design unfolded and folded, but mostly shows actor and singer Andy Lau being extremely cinematic.
Importantly, it doesn’t answer our biggest question: how thick is this boi?
Celles et ceux qui l'ont déjà vécu le savent : son agresseur, ce n'est pas un monstre caché sous le lit, un “migrant illégal sous OQTF” qui guette dans une ruelle sombre, un présumé détraqué sexuel qui vit en dehors de la société. Son agresseur c'est son frère, son beau-père, son meilleur ami. Ou dans le cas de Gisèle Pelicot, son mari depuis 50 ans.
Notre article à lire ici :…
Contre Attaque reshared this.
Bill Gates has a good feeling about AI
The Verge spoke with Bill Gates about AI, misinformation, and climate change.
Aqara’s smart home voice control system isn’t always listening
The Voice Mate H1 is triggered by being picked up and lets you command it with natural language. The company is also launching its first outdoor camera, with support for HomeKit Secure Video.
The FTC should stop tech companies from bricking their products, consumer groups say
The FTC has been asked to crack down on ‘software tethering,’ a practice that renders perfectly good products totally useless.
Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷
in reply to skry • • •skry
in reply to Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷 • • •