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Has anyone observed connectivity issues when Proxmox is taking a backup of a VM?

My current theory is that the VM loses Tailscale connectivity (or all connectivity? not certain yet) right after Proxmox triggers an fsfreeze using qemu-guestagent.

#tailscale #proxmox #linux

Streak of 200 !! Woo Hoo !!!

#CellTower 854


Current streak: 200
Best streak: 200

in reply to Colin the Mathmo

Is Your Google Scholar Profile Looking A Bit Empty? Need To Bulk Up Your #Citations? Simple – Buy Some -…

Israel attacks displaced Palestinians at Gaza’s al-Aqsa Hospital

A tent camp near al-Aqsa Hospital was hit by a deadly Israeli air attack earlier today.

The aftermath is devastating, with dozens of tents completely wiped out and displaced people searching for what is left of their belongings.

People sheltering behind the hospital – the largest in central Gaza – say they received no warning ahead of the strike that killed at least four people, including women and children.


A surge in fires across Brazil’s São Paulo state has killed three people and injured dozens, leading experts to suspect an orchestrated arson campaign.

Satellite images from Aug. 23 showed an initial 25 fire hotspots jumping to 1,886 in the span of just 90 minutes. The three people who died were all trying to fight the flames.

By Shanna Hanbury…

#News #Conservation #Environment #Fires #ForestFires

High-Tech Weapons [70% OFF BUNDLE]

Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing This very special 70% off bundle contains several weapon-oriented RPG supplements, including our Gold-bestselling "Ray Guns & Ruins" and nine issues of the popular Wisdom from the Wastelands mini-supplement for modern,…

@mastohost howdy. Looks like our little instance is using 70% of our database. Is this a number that ever goes down? Or should I be planning to upgrade soon?
in reply to

I wanted to follow up to thank you for your support on this. I changed it to a year for now so that we can try and have more "even" usage of resources. I've also found your github post and am trying to get it some attention. Have an awesome weekend.

A True Shock? Economist Jeffrey Sachs Reveals Secret at Heart of U.S.-Russian Relations

#geopolitics #imperialism #war

The U.S. was advised toward a "Marshall Plan" to help rebuild post-Soviet Russia as a democracy, but a key witness says the Cold War never ended, because we didn't want it to…

New Episode: hpr4199 :: HPR New Years Eve Show 2023 - 24 ep 7

Hosted by Honkeymagoo on 2024-09-05 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

Tags: #NewYears, #linux, #community.…

FAIR4RS panel discussion - how fair is FAIR? And other knotty questions #BeFAIRandCARE #rsecon24

watching @volcan01010 do a karaoke voiceover of their own pre-recorded demo, also available to follow along at…

"SQLite for Everyone", aka "You're never more than six feet from a SQLite database"


Cloud native data and dynamic tiling with @zarr at #RSEcon24 in Newcastle #zarr