ESA launches NTN forum to advance Space for 5G & 6G
Connectivity is the invisible fabric that binds our increasingly digital world together. Most of us have experienced the disruptions caused by slow internet or its absence in remote areas. ESA acknowledges the importance of 5G and 6G technologies in ensuring reliable and comprehensive connectivity across Europe and beyond.
#telecommunications #space #science #esa #europeanspaceagency
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Dashboard Dragon likes this.
Goodbye Hera: asteroid mission departs ESA test centre
After a year of testing, ESA’s Hera asteroid mission for planetary defence is about to depart Europe and head towards its launch site in the USA. The Hera team looked on as the crated spacecraft – along with its twin miniature CubeSats and additional equipment – was driven away from ESA’s ESTEC Test Centre in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
#engineering #technology #space #science #esa #europeanspaceagency
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Dashboard Dragon likes this.
Beauty and Art: 1750-2000 by Elizabeth Prettejohn, 2005
What do we mean when we call a work of art "beautiful"? How have artists responded to changing notions of the beautiful? Which works of art have been called beautiful, and why? Fundamental and intriguing questions to artists and art lovers, but ones that are all too often ignored in discussions of art today.
bookstodon group reshared this.
j'avais vu passer un article sur l'éclatement de la bulle IA, vous savez ou je peux le trouver ?
EDIT: trouvé, merci @orange_lux
uste dut Odon oker dagoela sare zentralizatu bat proposatzean, nahiz eta hura publikoa izan; horrek ez luke ziurtatuko erabiltzaileen kontrolpean egotea. Hori baita demokratikoena, nire ustez.
Pena bat da blogean iruzkinak desgaituta izatea. Azpimarratuko nioke Europako Batzordeak sare deszentralizatuak ezagutzen dituela, eta gaur egun esperimentatzen ari dela Mastodoneko bere instantziarekin (…).
Bide hori lan ildo interesgarria izan liteke. 1/3
txerren 🇵🇸 reshared this.
txerren 🇵🇸 reshared this.
La Casa Bianca pubblica l'ultimo piano per proteggere una componente chiave di Internet: la sicurezza del routing Internet
I funzionari dell'amministrazione USA hanno lanciato l'allarme: una serie di regole tecniche per l'instradamento dei dati su Internet, note come Border Gateway Protocol, sono un bersaglio per gli hacker e gli Stati Uniti non sono ancora in grado di proteggerle.
Il processo di miglioramento segue le misure adottate dalla FCC e da altri.…
Informa Pirata reshared this.
#music #videogames #gaming #gamemusic
A symbol for the fediverse ⁂
A symbol for the fediverse ⁂
We propose the symbol ⁂ to represent the fediverse.
#activitypub, #fediverse, #icon, #logo
Hi there,
Do you have to use black magic to be able to play videos from a channel on automatic playback without it switching to another channel (going from super jazz to yes-yes, that hurts my ears a bit)?
for example, to play this channel… without it switching to another channel in automatic playback?
(and no, there's no playlist :/ )
thx for your help ;)
When Don Joyce of Negativland died, Internet Archive took the back catalog items and band materials to house for nearly a decade. The tape materials are now out to get archival quality captures, and the archivist Taylor posted a cut tape track from Escape From Noise, "Gun and the Bible", being digitized.
You can see the cuts!
Graham Sutherland / Polynomial
in reply to Glyn Moody • • •Glyn Moody
in reply to Graham Sutherland / Polynomial • • •Graham Sutherland / Polynomial
in reply to Glyn Moody • • •Glyn Moody
in reply to Graham Sutherland / Polynomial • • •