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I love these "celebrate the joy of reading threads" so I'm going to go with a twist of my own, and stick to the #AusCrime / #YeahNoir themes - my fav 20 of these style books in no particular order / no reasons. (8th of 20)



bookstodon group reshared this.

"False theories"? No, lies. "Seize on"? No, spread.
And ou don't need "voting rights advocates" to say this, NYTimes -- you can say it. #BrokenTimes
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

This is pretty tame compared to other recent NYT headlines. At least they included "False" in the headline.

The subheading is textbook both sides, though.

in reply to Jeff Jarvis

They're afraid they might hurt someone's feelings by telling the truth.

Photos: How older adults navigate their health care needs in rural America

Reporters for NPR traveled across North and South Dakota to see the challenges older adults in rural areas face when they need medical care — and to see what it's like for the people trying to help.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

in reply to MusiqueNow ✡️ 🇵🇸

Far from childish, it is in fact a torture, recognized as so, called "white torture".
Preventing people from sleeping by blasting heavy bass sounds or interference-like noises, 24/7.
Instilling fear as they do with the drones.

Their agenda is crystal clear, they want to push so far that one day, so is going to lose a plot and make a stupid suicide-bombing.
Thus, Israel govt be like "see, se these animals...we told you," and the world will again be in doubt on it's support to Palestine.

This is a gruesome plan, but we know what to expect from fascists and nazis-like methods.

in reply to MMR Nmd

Wow. using mental torture to drive people to desperate acts then the abusers can point fingers and use the desperate acts to their advantage.

I didn't know that.

So, it's not just dangerous, evil enormous overgrown toddlers just doing 'what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you' shit that's incredibly torturous 'just because'.


This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to MusiqueNow ✡️ 🇵🇸

Oh yeah, no doubt this is one of the main reasons they are doing everything they can ( the #IOF ) to drive people insane.

They know, it is going to happen some day, they hope it will be soon cause this "war" (slaughter) has already driven the international community to an almost unanimous support of Palestine.
Only a bloody and horrible attack on Israeli civilians could revert the bottom-down PR of Israel right now.

I wouldn't be surprise the Mossad would execute one eventually, like it has been proven they've done numerous times : attacking and killing Israeli citizens to justify an army intervention or passing of a harshe law.

I can tell you I have such a tremendous admiration for the Palestinians, enduring these daily attempts to break them nervously, but here they are.
Up, proud even though hurt in their flesh, and above all, keeping their temper not to prove their Torturers when calling them "scum of the earth" or "human animals".

in reply to MMR Nmd


Honestly, if the human race spent as much time making the world a better place as spent coming up with dangerous bonkers harmful bullshit, all of us 🌍 would be living well.

in reply to MusiqueNow ✡️ 🇵🇸

If only they'd spend (humans in a whole) just 1/100 of ingenuity and money they put into building arms and surveillance, the world would be a heaven.

You are SO right bro' :(

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Manitoba First Nation under 6-year boil water advisory taking feds to court over funding for treatment plant #Canada #CanadaPolitics #Politics