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Notable that the US mainstream media don't, in their headlines, say WHO killed this American in the West Bank. But the Times of Israel does: the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Decided to Give Ubuntu Studio a try for Audio Production. So far, I am not disappointed. Been learning Reaper and Ardour for Audio production. I think I am liking Reaper more. Mostly because it's more cross platform. But Ardour is also pretty solid choice.

#linux #linuxproduction #linuxmusic #reaper #ardour

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

This is Gordock, child of Gillips and Jumo.
They are the product of 9 generations of breeding.
Gordock wonders if they're as good as their parents.

If this flame is beautiful, ⭐ or boost this post to improve its chances for future breedings.

Picked up some new-ish groovy delicacies and a vaporwave classic this #BandcampFriday.

Nikka Costa, Dirty Disco
Los Yesterdays, Frozen In Time
Macintosh Plus, Floral Shoppe 6
she, Spectral Touch
Space Afrika, Honest Labour

#Music #ElectronicMusic #SoulMusic #AmbientMusic #Vaporwave

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Althia Raj: Justin Trudeau draws in Mark Carney as Liberal MPs gather to consider the coming election #Canada #CanadaPolitics #Politics

The fact that I can store a video on a hard drive in my basement and watch it on any TV in the house is neat. The fact that I can just as easily watch it on a hotel TV in a different country is astounding. #jellyfin #homelab

I came across a posting of a #python coding lib for modeling data. I seem to recall it had a five letter name. I was looking at taking a series of numbers (account growth) and modeling ahead. But now I can't find where I saw it or what it was called. Anyone have any ideas?

Even mechanisms from the time before the oceans drowned Atlantis may be resurrected, although one must carefully consider the consequences. #Linux #OpenSource…

Turns out falling down in horror films may not be so ridiculous after all 😄…