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U.S. to resume mandatory reporting of COVID hospitalizations

Hospitals in the United States will soon be required to report hospital admissions related to COVID-19, restoring a mandate which was lifted earlier this year, according to federal officials. The new rules are due to take effect on November 1.…

in reply to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Americans in this thread may find this feed useful or interesting.

Each Friday the total number of Americans killed by Covid 19 is updated.

Each Friday the number of Americans killed in the last week by Covid 19 is posted.…

#BreakingNews - Missouri resident who had no contact with animals tests positive for bird flu…

Belarus downing Russian drones over its airspace confirmed for first time, monitoring group reports #Ukraine #UkrainianConflict #UkrainianConflict


Pandemic Fears Escalate as 36 New Viruses, Including Dangerous Coronaviruses, Detected in China’s Fur Farms

Researchers found that dozens of viruses, including 36 previously unknown ones, are circulating among animals such as minks, rabbits, foxes and raccoon dogs.

The analysis identified 125 viruses, 36 of which were novel and 39 categorized as having a "high risk" of jumping between species, including humans.…

in reply to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Please support the wonderful people of "Save a fox". They rescue fur farm animals and even accomplished a close-down of a fur farm:

I wish this video included a mention of Buster Keaton and his movie "One Week". One week was the time Keaton's character was expecting to take in order to build a new kit home! Fascinating video, nonetheless!…

in reply to Muse

On this trip I probably won't have time to detour up towards Mt. Whitney (the Alabama Hills are at the base of Mt. Whitney.) And I'll only be in that are if it cools down enough for me to be willing to drive across Death Valley (otherwise I will go a bit further north (where it is higher and cooler) and cross the White Mountains of California near the Bristle Cone pine forest - world's oldest living trees.) I'll be heading up towards Mammoth Lakes and Tioga Pass (into Yosemite). I am planning a longer trip to the Sierra - near Lake Tahoe, at the beginning of October. (The eastern Sierra in October can be really great, with plenty of fall color in the canyons.)

The SBU detained another FSB agent who was preparing coordinates for a new series of missile and drone strikes on Odesa. Of particular interest to the Russians were the locations of checkpoints with armored vehicles and mobile anti-aircraft fire groups. Now she faces life imprisonment. #Ukraine #UkraineWarVideoReport #UkraineWarVideos #UkraineWarVideoReport

#PPOD: An image of Odd Radio Circle (ORC) J2103-6200 was taken by the MeerKAT telescope and superimposed on an optical image from the Dark Energy Survey (2022). These mysterious rings of radio light may result from radiation winds blowing the outer layers off of a massive star. Credit: SARAO / Dark Energy Survey / Jayanne English (U. Manitoba)

#space #science #scicomm

What? Don't Norwegians 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 that EVs don't work in the cold?! Facebook needs to send its best and brightest anti-EV trolls on a mission to educate that country immediately! 😂

MAGA is worried sick that their kid is going to go to school one day and come back a different gender.

We're worried sick they won't come back at all.

#VoteBlue2024 #harriswalz2024

Scientists are closing in on the true, horrifying scale of death and disease in Gaza | The Guardian…

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