#inundation : a rising and spreading of water over grounds
- French: inondation
- German: die Überschwemmung/überschwemmung
- Italian: inondazione / alluvione
- Portuguese: inundação
- Spanish: inundación
Fill in missing translations @ wordofthehour.org/r/translatio…
Game: Pokémon Dream Radar (3DS) (gamerip) (2012)
Song: Forces Of Nature Captured
#music #videogames #gaming #gamemusic
Wenn ich von Menschen wieder mal bezüglich Datensicherheit befragt werde, dann sende ich ua den PRIVA SCORE Link und den zu @switchingsoftware – Keine Antwort auf die schnelle.
«PRIVA SCORE: Die Datenschutz-Ampel
für Digitales. Die Entscheidungshilfe für die Auswahl von datenschutzfreundlichen Apps und digitalen Diensten. Einfach, schnell, transparent, kostenlos und unabhängig»
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New from me: In their continuing effort to sanitize the murder of George Floyd, Coleman Hughes and Bari Weiss published a piece that (a) badly misstates how death investigations work, and (b) manages to mischaracterize yet another in-custody death. radleybalko.substack.com/p/the-retcon...
You’d think media moguls would understand that we don’t have secret courts in this country – even for rich people.
And you’d certainly think a sitting judge would get it. Apparently not.
Hmm, where have I heard "the enemy is both too strong and too weak" before?www.assignedmedia.org/breaking-new...
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